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Optimize block operation order in generated code

Specify to reorder block operations for improved code execution speed

Model Configuration Pane: Code Generation / Optimization


The Optimize block operation order in generated code parameter specifies to reorder block operations in the generated code for improved code execution speed.


Improved Code Execution Speed (default) | off

Embedded Coder® does not reorder block operation order in the generated code to create additional instances of buffer reuse.

Improved Code Execution Speed

Embedded Coder changes the block operation order in the generated code so that more instances of buffer reuse can occur. Reusing buffers conserves RAM and ROM consumption and improves code execution speed.

Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo impact
TraceabilityNo impact
EfficiencyImproved Code Execution Speed
Safety precaution

No recommendation

Programmatic Use

Parameter: OptimizeBlockOrder
Type: character vector
Value: 'speed' | 'off'
Default: 'speed'

Version History

Introduced in R2017a

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