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Multirate Modeling in Single-Tasking Mode (Bare Board, No OS)

This model shows the code generated for a multirate discrete-time model configured for single-tasking on a bare-board target (one with no operating system).

Open Example Model

Open the example model MultirateSingleTaskingBareBoard.


The model contains two sample times. Inport block 1 and Inport block 2 specify 1-second and 2-second sample times, respectively, which are enforced by the setting of model configuration parameter Periodic sample time constraint. The solver is set for single-tasking operation. Rate transition blocks are, therefore, not included between blocks executing at different sample times because preemption will not occur.

The model is configured to display color-coded sample times with annotations. To see them, after opening the model, update the diagram by pressing Ctrl+D. To display the legend, press Ctrl+J. Red represents the fastest discrete sample time in the model, green represents the second fastest, and yellow represents mixed sample times.

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