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Enable or disable faults on model elements

Since R2023b


Simulink.fault.enable(modelElements,status) enables or disables the model elements, modelElements, for fault injection based on the value of status.



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Open the fault_analyzer_intro model.


Add a fault to the Sine Wave block output port.

myFault = Simulink.fault.addFault(...
"fault_analyzer_intro/Sine Wave/Outport/1");

Assign noise behavior to the fault and store the behavior in a fault model named myBehaviorModel on the path.

FaultBehavior="mwfaultlib/Add Noise");

Enable fault injection on the Sine Wave block output port.

Simulink.fault.enable("fault_analyzer_intro/Sine Wave/Outport/1",true)

Input Arguments

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Paths or handles of model elements, specified as a string array, cell array of character vectors, or a vector of handles. If you specify only one model element, enter it as a scalar.

In Simulink® models, each entry in the array must be the path or handle of a block output or input port. In Simscape™ blocks, each entry in the array must be the path of a fault-capable model subelement. In System Composer™ models, each entry in the array must be the path to a component output or input port.

Example: "myModel/Sine Wave/Outport/1"

Example: ["myModel/Sine Wave/Outport/1" "myModel/Gain/Outport/1"]

Example: {'myModel/Sine Wave/Outport/1', 'myModel/Gain/Outport/1'}

Data Types: string | char | double

Enabled status of model elements, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). Enter 0 or false to disable fault injection on the model elements. Each model element must have at least one fault that has behavior.

Data Types: logical

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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