Price European or American basket options using Monte Carlo simulations
prices basket options using the Longstaff-Schwartz model.Price
] = basketbyls(RateSpec
For American options, the Longstaff-Schwartz least squares method is used to calculate the early exercise premium.
Prices Basket Options Using the Longstaff-Schwartz Model
Find an American call basket option of three stocks. The stocks are currently trading at $35, $40 and $45 with annual volatilities of 12%, 15% and 18%, respectively. The basket contains 33.33% of each stock. Assume the correlation between all pair of assets is 50%. On May 1, 2009, an investor wants to buy a three-year call option with a strike price of $42. The current annualized continuously compounded interest rate is 5%. Use this data to compute the price of the call basket option using the Longstaff-Schwartz model.
Settle = datetime(2009,5,1); Maturity = datetime(2012,5,1); % Define RateSpec Rate = 0.05; Compounding = -1; RateSpec = intenvset('ValuationDate', Settle, 'StartDates',... Settle, 'EndDates', Maturity, 'Rates', Rate, 'Compounding', Compounding); % Define the Correlation matrix. Correlation matrices are symmetric, % and have ones along the main diagonal. Corr = [1 0.50 0.50; 0.50 1 0.50;0.50 0.50 1]; % Define BasketStockSpec AssetPrice = [35;40;45]; Volatility = [0.12;0.15;0.18]; Quantity = [0.333;0.333;0.333]; BasketStockSpec = basketstockspec(Volatility, AssetPrice, Quantity, Corr); % Compute the price of the call basket option OptSpec = {'call'}; Strike = 42; AmericanOpt = 1; % American option Price = basketbyls(RateSpec, BasketStockSpec, OptSpec, Strike, Settle, Maturity,... 'AmericanOpt',AmericanOpt)
Price = 5.4687
Increase the number of simulation trials to 2000 to give the following results:
NumTrial = 2000; Price = basketbyls(RateSpec, BasketStockSpec, OptSpec, Strike, Settle, Maturity,... 'AmericanOpt',AmericanOpt,'NumTrials',NumTrial)
Price = 5.5501
Input Arguments
— BasketStock
specification, specified using basketstockspec
Data Types: struct
— Definition of option
character vector with values 'call'
or 'put'
| cell array of character vectors with values 'call'
or 'put'
Definition of the option as 'call'
or 'put'
specified as a character vector or a 2
array of character vectors.
Data Types: char
| cell
— Option strike price value
scalar numeric | vector
Option strike price value, specified as one of the following:
For a European or Bermuda option,
is a scalar (European) or1
(Bermuda) vector of strike prices.For an American option,
is a scalar vector of the strike price.
Data Types: double
— Settlement or trade date
datetime scalar | string scalar | date character vector
Settlement or trade date for the basket option, specified as a scalar datetime, string, or date character vector.
To support existing code, basketbyls
accepts serial date numbers as inputs, but they are not recommended.
— Option exercise dates
datetime array | string array | date character vector
Option exercise dates, specified as a datetime array, string array, or date character vectors:
For a European or Bermuda option,
is a1
(European) or1
(Bermuda) vector of exercise dates. For a European option, there is only oneExerciseDate
on the option expiry date.For an American option,
is a1
vector of exercise date boundaries. The option exercises on any date between, or including, the pair of dates on that row. If there is only one non-NaN
date, or ifExerciseDates
, the option exercises between theSettle
date and the single listedExerciseDate
To support existing code, basketbyls
accepts serial date numbers as inputs, but they are not recommended.
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: Price = basketbyls(RateSpec,BasketStockSpec,OptSpec,
— Option type
(European/Bermuda) (default) | values [0,1]
Option type, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a
positive integer scalar flags with
— European/Bermuda1
— American
For American options, the Longstaff-Schwartz least squares method is used to calculate the early exercise premium. For more information on the least squares method, see
Data Types: double
— Number of simulation periods per trial
(default) | nonnegative integer
Number of simulation periods per trial, specified as the comma-separated pair
consisting of 'NumPeriods'
and a scalar nonnegative integer.
is considered only when pricing European basket
options. For American and Bermuda basket options, NumPeriod
equals the number of exercise days during the life of the option.
Data Types: double
— Number of independent sample paths (simulation trials)
(default) | nonnegative integer
Number of independent sample paths (simulation trials), specified as the
comma-separated pair consisting of 'NumTrials'
and a scalar
nonnegative integer.
Data Types: double
— Time series array of dependent random variates
Time series array of dependent random variates, specified as the comma-separated
pair consisting of 'Z'
and a
3-D time series array. The Z
value generates the Brownian motion
vector (that is, Wiener processes) that drives the simulation.
Data Types: double
— Indicator for antithetic sampling
(default) | scalar logical flag with value of true
or false
Indicator for antithetic sampling, specified as the comma-separated pair
consisting of 'Antithetic'
and a value of true
or false
Data Types: logical
Output Arguments
— Expected prices for basket option
Expected prices for basket option, returned as a
— Simulated paths of correlated state variables
Simulated paths of correlated state variables, returned as a NumPeriods +
3-D time series
array of simulated paths of correlated state variables. Each row of
is the transpose of the state vector
X(t) at time t for a given
— Observation times associated with simulated paths
Observation times associated with simulated paths, returned as a NumPeriods
+ 1
column vector of observation times associated
with the simulated paths. Each element of Times
is associated with
the corresponding row of Paths
— Time series array of dependent random variates
Time series array of dependent random variates, returned as a
3-D array when Z
is specified as an input argument. If the
input argument is not specified, then the Z
output argument contains the random variates generated internally.
More About
Basket Option
A basket option is an option on a portfolio of several underlying equity assets.
Payout for a basket option depends on the cumulative performance of the collection of the individual assets. A basket option tends to be cheaper than the corresponding portfolio of plain vanilla options for these reasons:
If the basket components correlate negatively, movements in the value of one component neutralize opposite movements of another component. Unless all the components correlate perfectly, the basket option is cheaper than a series of individual options on each of the assets in the basket.
A basket option minimizes transaction costs because an investor has to purchase only one option instead of several individual options.
For more information, see Basket Option.
[1] Longstaff, F.A., and E.S. Schwartz. “Valuing American Options by Simulation: A Simple Least-Squares Approach.” The Review of Financial Studies. Vol. 14, No. 1, Spring 2001, pp. 113–147.
Version History
Introduced in R2009bR2022b: Serial date numbers not recommended
Although basketbyls
supports serial date numbers,
values are recommended instead. The
data type provides flexible date and time
formats, storage out to nanosecond precision, and properties to account for time
zones and daylight saving time.
To convert serial date numbers or text to datetime
values, use the datetime
function. For example:
t = datetime(738427.656845093,"ConvertFrom","datenum"); y = year(t)
y = 2021
There are no plans to remove support for serial date number inputs.
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