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Mapping Financial Instruments Toolbox Functions for Credit Derivative Instrument Objects

The following table lists the Financial Instruments Toolbox™ functions for credit derivative instruments mapped to the associated workflow using the object-based framework for instruments, models, and pricers.


The function-based workflows and the object-based workflows should not be mixed; they are parallel tracks for instrument pricing. The function-based and object-based workflows can return different instrument prices even if you use the same data. The difference is because the existing Financial Instruments Toolbox functions internally use datetime and the object-based framework use yearfrac for date handling. For more information, see Difference Between yearfrac and date2time.

Financial Instruments Toolbox FunctionObject-Based Workflow
cdspriceCreate the following objects:Compute the price of the CDS instrument using price.
cdsoptpriceCreate the following objects:
  1. CDSOption instrument

  2. CDSBlack model

  3. ratecurve

  4. CDSBlack pricer

Compute the price of the CDSOption instrument using price.

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