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Quantize numeric data using quantizer object


y = quantize(q,x) uses the quantizer object q to quantize x.

  • When x is a numeric array, each element of x is quantized. The output y is returned as a built-in double.

  • When x is a cell array, each numeric element of the cell array is quantized. The fields of output y are returned as built-in doubles.

  • When x is a structure, each numeric field of x is quantized. The fields of output y are returned as built-in doubles.

quantize does not change nonnumeric elements or fields of x, nor does it issue warnings for nonnumeric values.

The quantizer object states max, min, noverflows, nunderflows, and noperations are updated during the call to quantize, and running totals are kept until a call to reset is made.


[y1,y2,…] = quantize(q,x1,x2,…) is equivalent to y1 = quantize(q,x1), y2 = quantize(q,x2), … and so forth.



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Use quantize to quantize data to a custom-precision floating-point type.

x = linspace(-15,15,1000);
q = quantizer('float','floor',[6 3]);
ans = 1×2

   -14    14

y = quantize(q,x);
Warning: 68 overflow(s) occurred in the fi quantize operation.
plot(x,y); title(tostring(q))

Use quantize to quantize data to a fixed-point type with a wordlength of 6 bits, a fraction length of 2 bits, round to floor, and wrap on overflow.

x = linspace(-15,15,1000);
q = quantizer('fixed','floor','wrap',[6 2])
q =

        DataMode = fixed
       RoundMode = floor
    OverflowMode = wrap
          Format = [6  2]
ans = 1×2

   -8.0000    7.7500

y = quantize(q,x);
Warning: 468 overflow(s) occurred in the fi quantize operation.
plot(x,y); title(tostring(q))

Use quantize to quantize data to a fixed-point type with a wordlength of 3 bits, a fraction length of 2 bits, convergent rounding, and wrap on overflow.

q = quantizer('fixed','convergent','wrap',[3 2]);
x = (-2:eps(q)/4:2)';
y = quantize(q,x);
Warning: 33 overflow(s) occurred in the fi quantize operation.
plot(x,[x,y],'.-'); title(tostring(q)); axis square 

Input Arguments

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Data type properties to use for quantization, specified as a quantizer object.

Example: q = quantizer('fixed','ceil','saturate',[5 4]);

Data to quantize, specified as a scalar, vector, matrix, multidimensional array, cell array, or structure.

  • When x is a numeric array, each element of x is quantized.

  • When x is a cell array, each numeric element of the cell array is quantized.

  • When x is a structure, each numeric field of x is quantized.

quantize does not change nonnumeric elements or fields of x, nor does it issue warnings for nonnumeric values.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | logical | struct | cell
Complex Number Support: Yes

Data to quantize (as separate elements), specified as a scalar, vector, matrix, multidimensional array, cell array, or structure.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | logical | struct | cell
Complex Number Support: Yes

Output Arguments

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Quantized data, returned as a scalar, vector, matrix, multidimensional array, cell array, or structure.

  • When x is a numeric array, the output y is returned as a built-in double.

  • When x is a cell array, the fields of output y are returned as built-in doubles.

  • When x is a structure, the fields of output y are returned as built-in doubles.

Quantized data (as separate elements), returned as a scalar, vector, matrix, multidimensional array, cell array, or structure.

Version History

Introduced in R2012b

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