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Class: FunctionApproximation.LUTSolution
Namespace: FunctionApproximation

Generate a Lookup Table block or lookup table as a MATLAB function from a FunctionApproximation.LUTSolution


approximate(solution) generates either a Simulink® model containing a subsystem made up of the Lookup Table block, or a lookup table as a MATLAB® function, depending on the ApproximateSolutionType property of the FunctionApproximation.Options object. Data and breakpoints of the generated lookup table are specified by the FunctionApproximation.LUTSolution object, solution. The generated Lookup Table block is surrounded with Data Type Conversion blocks.


approximate(solution,'Name',fileName) generates a lookup table as a MATLAB function with the name of the generated .m script specified by fileName. This option is only available when the ApproximateSolutionType property of FunctionApproximation.Options is set to MATLAB.

approximate(solution,'Name',fileName,'Path',filePath) generates a lookup table as a MATLAB function with the file path for the generated .m script specified by filePath. This option is only available when the ApproximateSolutionType property of FunctionApproximation.Options is set to MATLAB.

Input Arguments

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The solution to generate a lookup table from, specified as a FunctionApproximation.LUTSolution object.

File name for generated MATLAB function, specified as a character array. If no custom file name is specified, a time stamp is used to generate a unique file name. For example, approximateFunction_20210617T111033122.m.

Example: approximate(solution,'Name','myLUT')

Data Types: char

File path for generated MATLAB function, specified as a character array. If no custom file path name is specified, the current working directory is used.

Example: approximate(solution,'Name','myLUT','Path','C:\Users\myPath')

Data Types: char


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Create a FunctionApproximation.Problem object defining the function you want to approximate.

problem = FunctionApproximation.Problem('tanh')
problem = 

  1x1 FunctionApproximation.Problem with properties:

    FunctionToApproximate: @(x)tanh(x)
           NumberOfInputs: 1
               InputTypes: "numerictype(1,16,12)"
         InputLowerBounds: -8
         InputUpperBounds: 8
               OutputType: "numerictype(1,16,15)"
                  Options: [1x1 FunctionApproximation.Options]

Use default values for all other options. Approximate the tanh function using the solve method.

solution = solve(problem)
Searching for fixed-point solutions.

|  ID |  Memory (bits) | Feasible | Table Size | Breakpoints WLs | TableData WL | BreakpointSpecification |             Error(Max,Current) | 
|   0 |             64 |        0 |          2 |              16 |           16 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 7.229091e-01 |
|   1 |           1248 |        1 |         76 |              16 |           16 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 4.368265e-03 |
|   2 |           1232 |        1 |         75 |              16 |           16 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 4.439035e-03 |
|   3 |            944 |        1 |         57 |              16 |           16 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 7.780470e-03 |
|   4 |            928 |        1 |         56 |              16 |           16 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 5.383741e-03 |
|   5 |            656 |        0 |         39 |              16 |           16 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 1.678519e-02 |
|   6 |            640 |        0 |         38 |              16 |           16 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 1.660649e-02 |
|   7 |            784 |        1 |         47 |              16 |           16 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 7.743777e-03 |
|   8 |            704 |        1 |         42 |              16 |           16 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 7.805676e-03 |
|   9 |            672 |        1 |         40 |              16 |           16 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 7.809550e-03 |
|  10 |            368 |        0 |         21 |              16 |           16 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 4.855583e-02 |
|  11 |            512 |        0 |         30 |              16 |           16 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 2.773526e-02 |
|  12 |            592 |        0 |         35 |              16 |           16 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 2.088471e-02 |
|  13 |            624 |        0 |         37 |              16 |           16 |             EvenSpacing |     7.812500e-03, 1.870074e-02 |
|  14 |            384 |        1 |         12 |              16 |           16 |          ExplicitValues |     7.812500e-03, 7.812317e-03 |
|  15 |            384 |        0 |         12 |              16 |           16 |          ExplicitValues |     7.812500e-03, 1.196141e-02 |
|  16 |            384 |        1 |         12 |              16 |           16 |          ExplicitValues |     7.812500e-03, 7.812317e-03 |

Best Solution
|  ID |  Memory (bits) | Feasible | Table Size | Breakpoints WLs | TableData WL | BreakpointSpecification |             Error(Max,Current) |
|  14 |            384 |        1 |         12 |              16 |           16 |          ExplicitValues |     7.812500e-03, 7.812317e-03 |

solution = 

  1x1 FunctionApproximation.LUTSolution with properties:

          ID: 14
    Feasible: "true"

Generate a Simulink® subsystem containing a Lookup Table block approximating the tanh function.


Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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