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OptimizationSolution Class

Optimized fixed-point implementation of system


An OptimizationSolution object is a fixed-point implementation of a system whose data types were optimized using the fxpopt function.


solution = explore(result) opens the Simulation Data Inspector. If the optimization found a solution, it returns the OptimizationSolution object with the lowest cost out of the vector of OptimizationSolution objects contained in the OptimizationResult object, result. If the optimization did not find a solution, it returns the OptimizationSolution object with the smallest MaxDifference.

You can also access a OptimizationSolution object by indexing the Solutions property of an OptimizationResult object. For example, to access the solution with the second lowest cost contained in the OptimizationResult object, result, enter

solution = result.Solutions(2)

Input Arguments

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The Solutions property of the OptimizationResult object is a vector of OptimizationSolution objects found during the optimization process. If the optimization found a feasible solution, the vector is sorted by cost, with the lowest cost (most optimal) solution as the first element of the vector. If the optimization did not find a feasible solution, the vector is sorted by MaxDifference, with the solution with the smallest MaxDifference as the first element.


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Sum of all word lengths used in the solution in the system under design. The most optimal solution is the solution with the smallest cost.

Data Types: double

Whether the solution meets the criteria specified by the associated fxpOptimizationOptions object, specified as a logical.

Data Types: logical

The maximum absolute difference between the baseline the solution.

Data Types: double

Unique numerical identification for the run used by the Simulation Data Inspector. For more information, see Inspect and Compare Data Programmatically.

Data Types: double

Name of the run in Simulation Data Inspector.

Data Types: char


showContents Get summary of changes made during data type optimization

Copy Semantics

Handle. To learn how handle classes affect copy operations, see Copying Objects.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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