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Display state vector information for insfilterMARG


stateinfo(FUSE) displays the meaning of each index of the State property and the associated units.


info = stateinfo(FUSE) returns a structure with fields containing descriptions of the elements of the state vector of the filter, FUSE.


collapse all

Create an insfilterMARG object.

filter = insfilterMARG;

Display the state information of the created filter.

States                            Units    Index
Orientation (quaternion parts)             1:4  
Position (NAV)                    m        5:7  
Velocity (NAV)                    m/s      8:10 
Delta Angle Bias (XYZ)            rad      11:13
Delta Velocity Bias (XYZ)         m/s      14:16
Geomagnetic Field Vector (NAV)    µT       17:19
Magnetometer Bias (XYZ)           µT       20:22

Output the state information of the filter as a structure.

info = stateinfo(filter)
info = struct with fields:
               Orientation: [1 2 3 4]
                  Position: [5 6 7]
                  Velocity: [8 9 10]
            DeltaAngleBias: [11 12 13]
         DeltaVelocityBias: [14 15 16]
    GeomagneticFieldVector: [17 18 19]
          MagnetometerBias: [20 21 22]

Input Arguments

collapse all

insfilterMARG, specified as an object.

State information, returned as a structure. The field names of the structure are names of the elements of the state vector in the filter. The values of each field are the corresponding indices of the state vector.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b