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Export Tuning Options and Settings from Fuzzy Logic Designer

Since R2024a

You can export tuning options and tunable parameter settings to the MATLAB® workspace. You can then use these options and settings when tuning a FIS using tunefis.

For more information on configuring:

In Fuzzy Logic Designer, on the Tuning tab, select Export > Export Tuning Options and Settings to Workspace.

App tuning toolstrip showing the Export Tuning Options and Settings to Workspace selection in the Export drop-down menu on the far right side of the toolstrip.

The Export Tuning Options and Settings to Workspace dialog box lists the current tuning options and tunable parameter settings in the app.

Export Tuning Options and Settings to Workspace dialog box containing a table with three columns, from left to right, Export, Options and Settings, and Export As.

The Options and Settings column indicates the following options and settings available for export.

  • tuningOptions — Tuning options, exported as a tunefisOptions object

  • inputSettings — Input variable tunable settings, exported as a vector of VariableSettings objects

  • outputSettings — Output variable tunable settings, exported as a vector of VariableSettings objects

  • ruleSettings — Rule tunable settings, exported as a vector of RuleSettings objects

In the Export column, select the options or settings that you want to export.

In the Export As column, specify the name of the workspace variables.

Click Export.

The app saves the options and settings as objects in the MATLAB workspace. You can use these objects when tuning a FIS using tunefis.

See Also


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