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Generate Structured Text for Fuzzy System Using Simulink PLC Coder

You can generate Structured Text for a Fuzzy Logic Controller block using Simulink® PLC Coder™. For more information on generating Structured Text, see Code Generation (Simulink PLC Coder).

While this example generates Structured Text for a type-1 Sugeno fuzzy inference system, the workflow also applies to Mamdani and type-2 fuzzy systems.

By default, the Fuzzy Logic Controller block uses double-precision data for simulation and code generation. The fuzzyPID model is configured to use double-precision data. You can also use either single-precision or fixed-point data. For more information on configuring your fuzzy inference system for code generation, see Fuzzy Logic Controller.

mdl = 'fuzzyPID';


It is good practice to validate the performance of the system in Simulink before generating code. Run the simulation.

open_system([mdl '/Output'])

Close output plot.

close_system([mdl '/Output'])

To generate Structured Text for the model, use the plcgeneratecode (Simulink PLC Coder) function, which generates code for an atomic subsystem in a model. To generate code for the Fuzzy PID controller, configure the subsystem as an atomic subsystem by selecting the Treat as atomic unit parameter for the subsystem.

subsys = [mdl '/Fuzzy PID'];

When generating code for just a Fuzzy Logic Controller block, place the block inside a subsystem, and set the Treat as atomic unit parameter of that subsystem.

To generate Structured Text for the Fuzzy PID subsystem, uncomment this line.

### Generating PLC code for 'fuzzyPID/Fuzzy PID'.
### Using model settings from 'fuzzyPID' for PLC code generation parameters.
### Begin code generation for IDE codesys23.
### Emit PLC code to file.
### Creating PLC code generation report fuzzyPID_codegen_rpt.html.
### PLC code generation successful for 'fuzzyPID/Fuzzy PID'.
### Generated files:

By default, the software saves the generated code in the following location.


See Also

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