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Save fuzzy inference system to file


writeFIS(fis,fileName) saves the fuzzy inference system fis to the current working folder using file name fileName. You can save files to either a FIS file (*.fis) or a MAT file (*.mat).


writeFIS(fis) opens a dialog box for saving a FIS. In this dialog box, specify the name and location of a FIS or MAT file.

writeFIS(fis,fileName,"dialog") opens a dialog box for saving a FIS, setting the name of the FIS or MAT file in the dialog box to fileName. In the dialog box, specify the location for the file.


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Create a fuzzy inference system and add an input variable with membership functions.

fis = mamfis("Name","tipper");
fis = addInput(fis,[0 10],"Name","service");
fis = addMF(fis,"service","gaussmf",[1.5 0],"Name","poor");
fis = addMF(fis,"service","gaussmf",[1.5 5],"Name","good");
fis = addMF(fis,"service","gaussmf",[1.5 10],"Name","excellent");

Save the fuzzy system in the current working folder.


Input Arguments

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Fuzzy inference system, specified as one of the following:

  • mamfis object — Mamdani fuzzy inference system

  • sugfis object — Sugeno fuzzy inference system

  • mamfistype2 object — Type-2 Mamdani fuzzy inference system

  • sugfistype2 object — Type-2 Sugeno fuzzy inference system

  • fistree object — FIS tree (since R2024b)

File name, specified as a string or character vector. You can save your fuzzy system using one of the following file types.

  • FIS file (*.fis) — Save a mamfis, sugfis, mamfistype2, or sugfistype2 object.

  • MAT file (*.mat) — Save a mamfis, sugfis, mamfistype2, sugfistype2, or fistree object. (since R2024b)

If you do not specify a file extension, writeFIS adds the .mat extension when fis is a fistree object or the .fis extension for all other FIS objects.


writeFIS changes the name of the saved FIS to match the specified file name.


  • Do not manually edit the contents of a FIS file. Doing so can produce unexpected results when loading the file using a function, such as readfis and getCodeGenerationData, or an app, such as Fuzzy Logic Designer.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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