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Generate HDL Code from Frame-Based Model by Using Neighborhood Processing with States

Since R2024a

You can represent an algorithm that converts Bayer pattern encoding to a true-color, RGB image by using a frame-based model and neighborhood processing methods. In this example, you use the HDL Coder™ frame-to-sample conversion optimization to generate synthesizable pixel-based HDL code from a frame-based model.

This example uses neighborhood processing operations that are needed for the demosaic algorithm. The algorithm contains persistent variables, that model states in a MATLAB® design, to track whether a pixel location is odd or even. The model uses a MATLAB Function block with the neighborhood processing function hdl.npufun.

Examine MATLAB Function Block Algorithm

In the hdlFrame_Demosaic model, there is a MATLAB Function block inside the device under test (DUT) that contains the neighborhood processing operations needed for the demosaic algorithm. To generate synthesizable HDL code from the frame-based model, HDL Coder uses hdl.npufun to create a streaming sample-based neighborhood processing algorithm. You can use this function in a frame-based model to contain the entire image processing algorithm in a single MATLAB Function block.

Open the MATLAB Function block in the hdlFrame_Demosaic/DUT subsystem to see the demosaic algorithm.

open_system("hdlFrame_Demosaic/DUT/MATLAB Function");

Examine the Kernel Function for Neighborhood Processing

This code shows a section of kernel function that this model uses for neighborhood processing. This code shows how the function uses persistent variables inside the kernel function demosaic_bilinear to track the row and column location in the input image. The function uses the row and column values to decide the computations to get the R, G, and B output values.

function [R,G,B] = demosaic_bilinear(height, width, im)
persistent row col
if isempty(row)
    row = uint16(1);
    col = uint16(1);
isRowOdd = bitget(row, 1);
isColOdd = bitget(col, 1);

Run the Model

The input data hdlFrame_demosaic.tif is an image encoded by the Bayer pattern encoded with a size of size 500-by-500 pixels. Simulate the model to see the decoded RGB color data an as output color image.


Generate HDL Code

Generate synthesizable HDL code by using the frame-to-sample conversion. On the Inport block of the DUT, set the HDL block property ConvertToSamples to convert the input signals from frame-based to sample-based inputs.


If the input image source emits multiple pixels per clock cycle, use the SamplesPerCycle parameter to generate HDL code which matches the image source. For example, to handle 4 pixels per clock cycle, set the SamplesPerCycle parameter to 4.


For the MATLAB Function block that contains the optical flow algorithm, set the HDL block property Architecture to MATLAB Datapath. Enable the frame-to-sample conversion optimization and generate HDL code using the makehdl command. For more information on the frame-to-sample conversion optimization, see HDL Code Generation from Frame-Based Algorithms.

hdlset_param('hdlFrame_Demosaic/DUT/MATLAB Function','Architecture','MATLAB Datapath');

The frame-to-sample conversion separates the frame-based inputs into sample, valid, and ready signals for a sample-based hardware-targeted interface.

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