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Specify Bidirectional Ports

You can specify bidirectional ports for Subsystem blocks with black box implementation. In the generated code, the bidirectional ports have the Verilog®, SystemVerilog or VHDL® inout keyword.


  • The bidirectional port must be a black box subsystem port.

  • There must be no logic between the bidirectional port and the corresponding top-level DUT subsystem port. Otherwise, the generated code does not compile.

How To Specify a Bidirectional Port

To specify a bidirectional port using the UI:

  1. In the black box Subsystem, right-click the Inport or Outport block that represents the bidirectional port. Select HDL Code > HDL Block Properties.

  2. For BidirectionalPort, select on.

To specify a bidirectional port at the command line, set the BidirectionalPort property to 'on' using hdlset_param or makehdl.

For example, suppose you have a model, my_model, that contains a DUT subsystem, dut_subsys, and the DUT subsystem contains a black box subsystem, blackbox_subsys. If blackbox_subsys has an Inport, input_A, specify input_A as bidirectional by entering:



  • You cannot generate a Verilog or SystemVerilog test bench if there is a bidirectional port within your DUT subsystem.

  • HDL Coder™ does not support bidirectional ports for masked subsystems that use BlackBox as the HDL Architecture.

  • Simulink® does not support bidirectional ports, so you cannot simulate the bidirectional behavior in Simulink.

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