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Supported MATLAB Data Types, Operators, and Control Flow Statements

When you generate HDL and HLS code from your MATLAB® algorithm, use the data types, operators, and control flow statements that HDL Coder™ supports.

Supported Data Types

HDL Coder does not support cell arrays and Inf data types. This table shows the supported subset of MATLAB data types.

TypesSupported Data TypesRestrictions
  • uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64

  • int8, int16, int32, int64

In Simulink®, MATLAB Function block ports must use numeric types sfix64 or ufix64 for 64-bit data.
  • double

  • single

HDL code generated with double or single data types in your MATLAB code can be used for simulation, but is not synthesizable. You can generate synthesizable code when you use these data types in your Simulink model. For more information, see:



Fixed point
  • Scaled (binary point only) fixed-point numbers

  • Custom integers (zero binary point)

Fixed-point numbers with slope (not equal to 1.0) and bias (not equal to 0.0) are not supported.

Maximum word size for fixed-point numbers is 65535 bits.

  • unordered {N}

  • row {1, N}

  • column {N, 1}

The maximum number of vector elements allowed is 2^32.

Before a variable is subscripted, it must be fully defined.


{N, M}

Matrices are supported in the body of the design algorithm and as inputs to the top-level design function.

Matrices are not supported with the following HDL workflows:

  • Cosimulation model generation

  • FPGA-in-the-Loop

  • IP Core Generation


Arrays of structures are not supported as input or output for HDL code generation.

HLS code generation supports arrays of structures as local variables in the MATLAB functions.

For the IP Core Generation workflow, structures are supported in the body of the design algorithm, but are not supported as inputs to the top-level design function.


If your target language is Verilog®, all enumeration member names must be unique within the design.

Enumerations at the top-level DUT ports are not supported with the following workflows or verification methods:

  • IP Core Generation workflow

  • FPGA-in-the-Loop

  • HDL Cosimulation

  • HLS Code Generation Workflow

Enumerations are not supported as inputs and outputs at the top-level DUT ports for HLS code generation.

Global variables are not supported for HDL and HLS code generation.

Supported Operators


HDL and HLS code generated for large vector and matrix inputs to arithmetic operations can result in inefficient code. The code for these operators is not automatically pipelined.

Arithmetic Operators

OperationOperator SyntaxEquivalent FunctionRestrictions
Binary addition A+B plus(A,B) Neither A nor B can be data type logical.
Matrix multiplication A*B mtimes(A,B)

HDL code generated for matrix arithmetic operations is not pipelined, and can result in inefficient code.

Arraywise multiplication A.*B times(A,B) Neither A nor B can be data type logical.
Matrix power A^B mpower(A,B)

A and B must be scalar, and B must be an integer.

HDL code generated for matrix arithmetic operations is not pipelined, and can result in inefficient code.

Arraywise power A.^B power(A,B) A and B must be scalar, and B must be an integer.
Complex transpose A' ctranspose(A)
Matrix transpose A.' transpose(A)  
Matrix concat [A B] None
Matrix indexA(r c) NoneBefore you use a variable, you must fully define it.

Logical Operators

OperationOperator SyntaxM Function EquivalentNotes
Logical And A&Band(A,B)
Logical Or A|Bor(A,B)
Logical Xor A xor Bxor(A,B)
Logical And (short circuiting) A&&B


Use short circuiting logical operators within conditionals.
Logical Or (short circuiting) A||B


Use short circuiting logical operators within conditionals.
Element complement ~Anot(A)

Relational Operators

RelationOperator SyntaxEquivalent Function
Less than A<B lt(A,B)
Less than or equal to A<=B le(A,B)
Greater than or equal to A>=B ge(A,B)
Greater than A>B gt(A,B)
Equal A==B eq(A,B)
Not equal A~=B ne(A,B)

Control Flow Statements

HDL Coder supports the following control flow statements and constructs with restrictions.

Control Flow Statement Restrictions


Do not use for loops without static bounds. A for loop must run for a constant number of iterations, which means it cannot have control flow statements based on conditional information that changes the number of iterations for the for loop, such as break or return.

Do not use the & and | operators within conditions of a for statement. Instead, use the && and || operators.

HDL Coder does not support nonscalar expressions in the conditions of for statements. Instead, use the all or any functions to collapse logical vectors into scalars.


Do not use the & and | operators within conditions of an if statement. Instead, use the && and || operators.

HDL Coder does not support nonscalar expressions in the conditions of if statements. Instead, use the all or any functions to collapse logical vectors into scalars.


The conditional expression in a switch or case statement must use only:

  • uint8, uint16, uint32, int8, int16, or int32 data types

  • Scalar data

If multiple case statements make assignments to the same variable, the numeric type and fimath specification for that variable must be the same in every case statement.

The following control flow statements are not supported:

  • while

  • break

  • continue

  • return

  • parfor

Avoid using the following vector functions, as they may generate loops containing break statements:

  • isequal

  • bitrevorder

See Also


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