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4-Way 2-Position Directional Valve (2P)

4-Way 2-Position Directional Valve in the two-phase fluid domain

Since R2024b

Simscape / Fluids / Two-Phase Fluid / Valves & Orifices / Directional Control Valves


The 4-Way 2-Position Directional Valve (2P) models a valve with four openings — such as the valves between an actuator, pump, and tank — in a two-phase fluid network. A single spool controls the valve operation according to the signal at port S. You can set the baseline configuration of your valve by specifying the orifices that are open when the spool moves in the positive direction and negative directions in the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters, respectively. You can set the valve opening model in the Orifice parameterization parameter as a linear relationship or function of user-provided data, which you can apply to one or all flow paths in the valve.

This block is a composite component that comprises of multiple instances of the Orifice (2P) block. Refer to the Orifice (2P) block for more details about valve parameterizations and block calculations. In some configurations, this valve resembles a 3-way valve. To set additional flow paths when the spool is in the neutral position, see the 4-Way 3-Position Directional Valve (2P) block.

This image shows an example valve setup where the valve is connected to a tank, actuator, and pump and the Positive spool position open connections parameter is P-B, A-T:

This image shows the valve when the Negative spool position open connections parameter is P-A, B-T:

In this configuration, when the signal at port S moves the spool to a negative position, the paths between ports P and A and between ports B and T are open to flow. The paths between ports P and B and ports A and T are closed to flow.

This image shows the valve when the Positive spool position open connections parameter is P-B, A-T:

In this configuration, when the signal at port S moves the spool to a positive position, the paths between ports P and B and between ports A and T are open to flow and the paths between ports P and A and between ports B and T are closed.

The schematic that represents this configuration is:

The left-hand side corresponds to the positive position and the right-hand side corresponds to the negative position. The valve transitions through positions in the neutral mid-section.

Spool Displacement and Valve Configuration

The spool stroke is the amount of spool travel an orifice takes to fully open from a closed position. You can use the Orifice parameterization and Area characteristics parameters to specify the flow path characteristics:

Orifice ParameterizationIdentical for All Flow PathsDifferent for Each Flow Path
Linear - Area vs. spool travelThe Spool travel between closed and open orifice parameter defines the spool strokeThe Spool travel between closed and open orifice parameter defines the spool stroke for each orifice
Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travelThe difference between the first and last element of the Spool travel vector parameter defines the spool strokeThe difference between the first and last element of the Spool travel vector parameter for each orifice
Tabulated data - Volumetric flow rate vs. spool travel and pressure dropor Tabulated data - Mass flow rate vs. spool travel and pressure dropThe difference between the first and last element of the Spool travel vector, ds parameter defines the spool strokeThe difference between the first and last element of the Spool travel vector, ds parameter defines the spool stroke for each orifice

The direction of the spool movement depends on the spool stroke, orifice orientation, and signal at port S. This table shows the spool travel for an orifice depending on the selections for the Positive spool position open connection and Negative spool position open connection parameters:

Spool Position When Orifice Is OpenSpool Travel, ΔS
Orifice always closed: orifice not selected for the Positive spool position open connection or Negative spool position open connection parametersN/A
Orifice always open: orifice selected for both the Positive spool position open connection and Negative spool position open connection parametersN/A
Negative: orifice selected for only Negative spool position open connection parameterSorifice_max + spool stroke – S
Positive: orifice selected for only Positive spool position open connection parameterSorifice_max – spool stroke + S

Where Sorifice_max is the spool position at the maximum orifice area defined for each orifice. The orifice area saturates at the leakage area when ΔS is negative and saturates at the maximum orifice area when the orifice is fully open. When the orifice is fully open, ΔS is equal to the spool stroke, so ΔS greater than the spool stroke does not further increase the orifice area.

This table shows the possible configurations of the 4-Way 2-Position Directional Valve (TL):

ConfigurationParameter Values

All four paths are closed during transition.

  • Positive spool position open connections: P-A, B-T

  • Negative spool position open connections: P-B, A-T

  • Spool position at maximum P-A orifice area > P-A spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum P-B orifice area < –P-B spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum A-T orifice area < –A-T spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum B-T orifice area > B-T spool stroke

All four paths are open during transition.

  • Positive spool position open connections: P-A, B-T

  • Negative spool position open connections: P-B, A-T

  • Spool position at maximum P-A orifice area < P-A spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum P-B orifice area > –P-B spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum A-T orifice area > –A-T spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum B-T orifice area < B-T spool stroke

A-T and B-T are closed during transition.

  • Positive spool position open connections: P-A, B-T

  • Negative spool position open connections: P-B, A-T

  • Spool position at maximum P-A orifice area < P-A spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum P-B orifice area > –P-B spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum A-T orifice area < –A-T spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum B-T orifice area > B-T spool stroke

P-A and P-B are closed during transition.

  • Positive spool position open connections: P-A

  • Negative spool position open connections: P-B

  • Spool position at maximum P-A orifice area > P-A spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum P-B orifice area < –P-B spool stroke

P-B and B-T are closed during transition.

  • Positive spool position open connections: P-B, A-T

  • Negative spool position open connections: P-A, B-T

  • Spool position at maximum P-A orifice area < P-A spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum P-B orifice area > P-B spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum A-T orifice area > A-T spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum B-T orifice area < –B-T spool stroke

P-A and A-T are closed during transition.

  • Positive spool position open connections: P-B, A-T

  • Negative spool position open connections: P-A, B-T

  • Spool position at maximum P-A orifice area < –P-A spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum P-B orifice area < P-B spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum A-T orifice area > A-T spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum B-T orifice area > –B-T spool stroke

P-A, P-B, and B-T are open during transition.

  • Positive spool position open connections: P-A, P-B

  • Negative spool position open connections: P-A, B-T

  • Spool position at maximum P-A orifice area < P-A spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum P-B orifice area < P-B spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum A-T orifice area = any value

  • Spool position at maximum B-T orifice area > –B-T spool stroke

P-A, A-T, and B-T are open during transition.

  • Positive spool position open connections: P-B, A-T

  • Negative spool position open connections: P-A, P-B

  • Spool position at maximum P-A orifice area > –P-A spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum A-T orifice area < A-T spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum B-T orifice area = any value

P-A and P-B are closed during transition. A-T is always closed.

  • Positive spool position open connections: P-A, P-B

  • Negative spool position open connections: P-A, B-T

  • Spool position at maximum P-B orifice area > P-B spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum B-T orifice area < –B-T spool stroke

All paths are closed during transition.

  • Positive spool position open connections: P-B, A-T

  • Negative spool position open connections: P-A, P-B

  • Spool position at maximum P-A orifice area < –P-A spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum P-B orifice area > P-B spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum A-T orifice area > A-T spool stroke

A-T is open during transition. P-A is closed during transition.

  • Positive spool position open connections: P-A, P-B

  • Negative spool position open connections: P-A, B-T

  • Spool position at maximum P-A orifice area > P-A spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum P-B orifice area > P-B spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum A-T orifice area = any value

  • Spool position at maximum B-T orifice area > –B-T spool stroke

B-T is open during transition. P-B is closed during transition.

  • Positive spool position open connections: P-B, A-T

  • Negative spool position open connections: P-A, P-B

  • Spool position at maximum P-A orifice area < –P-A spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum P-B orifice area > P-B spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum A-T orifice area < A-T spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum B-T orifice area = any value

P-A is closed during transition.

  • Positive spool position open connections: P-A, B-T

  • Negative spool position open connections: P-A, P-B

  • Spool position at maximum P-A orifice area > P-A spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum P-B orifice area < –P-B spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum B-T orifice area > B-T spool stroke

P-B is closed during transition.

  • Positive spool position open connections: P-A, P-B

  • Negative spool position open connections: P-B, A-T

  • Spool position at maximum P-A orifice area > P-A spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum P-B orifice area > P-B spool stroke

  • Spool position at maximum A-T orifice area > –A-T spool stroke

Valve Orifice Parameterizations

The Modeling option parameter controls the parameterization options for a valve designed for modeling either vapor or liquid, but does not impact the fluid properties. The block calculates fluid properties inside the valve from inlet conditions.

The Orifice parameterization parameter specifies the model for the open area or flow rate through one or all of the valve orifices. If you set Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths, the block applies the same data for all flow paths. When you select Different for all flow paths, the block uses individual parameterizations for each flow path.

Liquid Valve Parameterization

When Modeling option is Liquid operating condition, the block parameterizations are designed for a valve controlling liquid flow.

When Orifice parameterization is Linear - Area vs. spool travel, the opening area is a linear function of the spool position received as a signal at port S



  • ΔS is the spool travel.

    Aorifice saturates at Aleak when ΔS is negative and saturates at Amax when the orifice is fully open. When the orifice is fully open, ΔS is equal to the spool stroke, so a value of ΔS that is greater than the spool stroke does not increase the orifice area.

  • ΔSmax is the value of the Spool travel between closed and open orifice parameter.

  • Amax is the value of the Maximum orifice area parameter.

  • Aleak is the value of the Leakage area parameter.

    When the valve is in a near-open or near-closed position in the linear parameterization, you can maintain numerical robustness in your simulation by adjusting the Smoothing factor parameter. If the Smoothing factor parameter is nonzero, the block smoothly saturates the opening area between Aleak and Amax. For more information, see Numerical Smoothing.

When Orifice parameterization is Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel, you can provide spool travel vectors for your system or for individual flow paths between ports P, A, B, and T. The block uses this data to calculate the relationship between the orifice area and spool displacement. The block uses interpolation to determine the opening area between given data points. Aleak and Amax are the first and last parameters of the opening area vector, respectively.

When Orifice parameterization is Tabulated data - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel, the block calculates the mass flow rate for each orifice from the nominal conditions you specify in the block parameters. The spool position signal from port S scales the orifice opening area, which can also scale mass flow rate.

Vapor Valve Parameterization

When Modeling option is Vapor operating condition, the block parameterizations are designed to model a valve that controls vapor flow.

The method the block uses to control each orifice depends on the Opening characteristic parameter:

  • Linear — The measure of flow capacity depends on the spool position at port S. As the spool displaces to open to orifice, the measure of flow capacity scales from the specified minimum to the specified maximum.

  • Tabulated — The block calculates the measure of flow capacity as a function of the spool position at port S. This function uses a one-dimensional lookup table.

The Orifice parameterization parameter determines how the block calculates the flow rate in each orifice:

  • Cv flow coefficient — The flow coefficient Cv scales the flow rate in each orifice. The flow coefficient measures the ease with which a fluid can flow when driven by a certain pressure differential.

  • Kv flow coefficient — The flow coefficient Kv, where Kv=0.865Cv, scales the flow rate in each orifice. The flow coefficient measures the ease with which a fluid can flow when driven by a certain pressure differential.

  • Orifice area — The size of the orifice area scales the flow rate in each orifice.

Visualize Orifice Openings

To visualize the spool offsets and maximum displacement, right-click the block and select Fluids > Plot Valve Characteristics. The plot shows the orifices specified by the parameters in Valve Configuration section. When you set the parameters in the Valve Configuration tab to the same orifice, the orifice opening is a constant.

Click Reload Data to update the data in the figure.

This image shows the default configuration for the block:

  • Positive spool position open connections is P-A, B-T

  • Negative spool position open connections is P-B, A-T

All other spool positions are at the default values.

Assumptions and Limitations

  • There is no heat exchange between the valve and the environment.

  • When Modeling option is Liquid operating condition, the results may not be accurate outside of the subcooled liquid region. When Modeling option is Vapor operating condition, the results may not be accurate outside of the superheated vapor region. To model a valve in a liquid-vapor mixture, set Modeling option to Liquid operating condition.



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Two-phase fluid conserving port associated with the entry or exit port to the valve.

Two-phase fluid conserving port associated with the entry or exit port to the valve.

Two-phase fluid conserving port associated with the entry or exit port to the valve.

Two-phase fluid conserving port associated with the entry or exit port to the valve.


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Physical signal associated with the spool displacement, in m.


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Modeling option for the fluid phase at the valve. Set this parameter to Liquid operating condition if the two-phase fluid at the block location is in a liquid state. Set this parameter to Vapor operating condition if the two-phase fluid at the block location is in a vapor state.

Valve Configuration

Flow paths open when the spool is in a positive position. This parameter sets the valve configuration and defines the direction of spool movement according to the signal received at port S.

Flow paths open when the spool moves in the negative direction. This parameter sets the valve configuration and defines the direction of spool movement according to the signal received at port S.

Model Parameterization

Whether to apply uniform or individual flow equations for the valve orifice area. When you set this parameter to Identical for all flow paths, the block uses the same orifice and spool geometries, flow rates, pressure, and area vectors for all valve orifices. When you set this parameter to Different for each flow path, you can specify these parameters individually for each orifice. For both settings, orifices A, B, P, and T have the same cross-sectional areas, discharge coefficients, and Reynolds numbers when you set Orifice parameterization to Linear - Area vs. spool travel or Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel.

Method the block uses to calculate the mass flow rate from the pressure difference across the orifice or the pressure difference from the mass flow rate.

When Modeling option is Liquid operating condition, the choices for this parameter are:

  • Linear - Area vs. spool travel

  • Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  • Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel

When Modeling option is Vapor operating condition, the choices for this parameter are:

  • Cv flow coefficient

  • Kv flow coefficient

  • Orifice area

Maximum distance of spool travel.


To enable this parameter, set Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths and either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parameterization to Linear - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition and Opening characteristic to Linear.

Largest open area of each orifice during the operation of the valve.


To enable this parameter, set Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths and either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parameterization to Linear - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Orifice parameterization to Orifice area, and Opening characteristic to Linear.

Typical, rated, or design mass flow rate at the orifice maximum opening position.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths, and Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel.

Typical, rated, or design pressure drop at the orifice maximum opening position.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths, and Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel.

Method of determining the inlet fluid state. The block determines the orifice nominal inlet specific volume from the tabulated fluid properties data based on the value of the Nominal inlet pressure and Nominal inlet condition specification parameters.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths, and Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel.

Inlet pressure in nominal conditions. The block determines the inlet specific volume from the tabulated fluid properties data based on the value of the Nominal inlet pressure and Nominal inlet condition specification parameters.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths, and Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel.

Inlet fluid temperature in nominal operating conditions.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths, Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel, and Nominal inlet condition specification to Temperature.

Inlet mixture vapor quality by mass fraction in nominal operating conditions. A value of 0 means that the inlet fluid is subcooled liquid. A value of 1 means that the inlet fluid is superheated vapor.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths, Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel, and Nominal inlet condition specification to Vapor quality.

Inlet mixture volume fraction in nominal operating conditions. A value of 0 means that the inlet fluid is subcooled liquid. A value of 1 means that the inlet fluid is superheated vapor.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths, Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel, and Nominal inlet condition specification to Vapor void fraction.

Inlet specific enthalpy in nominal operating conditions.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths, Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel, and Nominal inlet condition specification to Specific enthalpy.

Inlet specific internal energy in nominal operating conditions.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths, Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel, and Nominal inlet condition specification to Specific internal energy.

Method by which to convert the control signal specified at port S to the chosen measure of flow capacity.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Vapor operating condition.

Vector of spool travel distances when parameterizing the orifice according to the tabulated valve area data. The vector elements must correspond one-to-one with the elements in the Orifice area vector parameter. List the values in ascending order. The first element must be 0. The block uses linear interpolation between table data points.


To enable this parameter, set Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths and either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parameterization to Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.

Vector of opening areas when parameterizing the orifice according to the tabulated valve area data. The vector elements must correspond one-to-one with the elements in the Spool travel vector parameter. List the values in ascending order. The elements must be greater than 0.


To enable this parameter, set Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths and either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parameterization to Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Orifice parameterization to Orifice area, and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.

Value of the Cv flow coefficient when the orifice is fully open and the area available for flow is at a maximum. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths, Orifice parameterization to Cv flow coefficient, and Opening characteristic to Linear.

Vector of Cv flow coefficients. Each coefficient corresponds to a value in the Control member position vector parameter. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential. The size of the vector must be the same as the Control member position vector parameter.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths, Orifice parameterization to Cv flow coefficient, and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.

Value of the Kv flow coefficient when the orifice is fully open and the area available for flow is at a maximum. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths, Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient, and Opening characteristic to Linear.

Vector of Kv flow coefficients. Each coefficient corresponds to a value in the Control member position vector parameter. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential. The size of the vector must be the same as the Control member position vector parameter.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths, Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient, and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.

Ratio between the inlet pressure, pin, and the outlet pressure, pout, defined as (pinpout)/pin where choking first occurs.


To enable this parameter, Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Identical for all flow paths, and Orifice parameterization to Cv flow coefficient or Kv flow coefficient.

Correction factor that accounts for discharge losses in theoretical flows.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Vapor operating condition and Orifice parameterization to Orifice area or set Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parameterization to either:

  • Linear - Area vs. spool travel

  • Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel

Ratio of the flow rate of the orifice when it is closed to when it is open.


To enable this parameter, set either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parameterization to Linear - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition and Opening characteristic to Linear.

Continuous smoothing factor that introduces a layer of gradual change based on the flow response when the valve is in the near-open and near-closed positions. To increase the stability of your simulation in these regimes, set this parameter to a nonzero value less than one.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parametrization to Linear - area vs. spool travel or set Modeling option to Vapor operating condition and Opening characteristic to Linear.

Whether to account for pressure increase when fluid flows from a region of smaller cross-sectional area to a region of larger cross-sectional area.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parameterization to either:

  • Linear - area vs. spool travel

  • Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel

Ratio of the orifice outlet pressure to orifice inlet pressure at which the fluid transitions between the laminar and turbulent regimes. The pressure loss corresponds to the mass flow rate linearly in laminar flows and quadratically in turbulent flows.

Time lag for liquid-vapor mixtures when computing the fluid specific volume. This parameter does not influence the specific volume when the inlet fluid is a fully supercooled liquid or fully superheated vapor.


To enable this parameter, set Modeling option to Liquid operating condition.

Maximum cross-sectional areas at the entry and exit ports P, T, A, and B, which the block uses in the pressure-flow rate equation that determines the mass flow rate through the valve.

P-A Orifice

Spool offset from the neutral position for a fully open P-A orifice.


To enable this parameter, set one of these parameters.

Set Positive spool position open connections to:

  • P-A, B-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-A

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

or set Negative spool position open connections to:

  • P-A, B-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-A

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T


This parameter is enabled only when the P-A orifice settings do not appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Maximum distance of spool travel. This value provides an upper limit to calculations so that simulations do not return unphysical values.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

Positive spool position open connections to:

  • P-A, B-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-A

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Negative spool position open connections to:

  • P-A, B-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-A

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

And either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Orifice parameterization to Linear - Area vs. spool travel or Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Opening characteristic to Linear.

Typical, rated, or design mass flow rate through a maximally open P-A orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Typical, rated, or design pressure drop through a maximally open P-A orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Method of determining the inlet fluid state for P-A orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Inlet pressure for the P-A orifice at nominal conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Inlet fluid temperature for the P-A orifice in nominal operating conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Temperature

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Inlet mixture vapor quality by mass fraction for the P-A orifice in nominal operating conditions. A value of 0 means that the inlet fluid is subcooled liquid. A value of 1 means that the inlet fluid is superheated vapor.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Vapor quality

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Inlet mixture vapor void fraction for the P-A orifice in nominal operating conditions. A value of 0 means that the inlet fluid is subcooled liquid. A value of 1 means that the inlet fluid is superheated vapor.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Vapor void fraction

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Inlet specific enthalpy for the P-A orifice in nominal operating conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Specific enthalpy

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Inlet specific internal energy for the P-A orifice in nominal operating conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Specific internal energy

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Typical, rated, or design mass flow rate through a constant P-A orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T


This parameter is enabled only when the P-A orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Typical, rated, or design pressure drop through a constant P-A orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T


This parameter is enabled only when the P-A orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Value of the constant Cv flow coefficient for the P-A orifice. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Cv flow coefficient

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T


This parameter is enabled only when the P-A orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Value of the Cv flow coefficient when the P-A orifice is fully open and the area available for flow is at a maximum. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Cv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Linear

  5. One of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Vector of Cv flow coefficients. Each coefficient corresponds to a value in the P-A orifice spool travel vector parameter. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential. The size of the vector must be the same as the P-A orifice spool travel vector parameter.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Cv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Tabulated

  5. One of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Value of the constant Kv flow coefficient for the P-A orifice. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T


This parameter is enabled only when the P-A orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Value of the Kv flow coefficient when the P-A orifice is fully open and the area available for flow is at a maximum. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Linear

  5. One of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Vector of Kv flow coefficients. Each coefficient corresponds to a value in the P-A orifice spool travel vector parameter. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential. The size of the vector must be the same as the P-A orifice spool travel vector parameter.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Tabulated

  5. One of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Vector of spool travel distances for the tabular parameterization of the valve area. List the values in ascending order. The first element must be 0. The block uses linear interpolation between table data points.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

Positive spool position open connections to:

  • P-A, B-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-A

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Negative spool position open connections to:

  • P-A, B-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-A

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

And either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Orifice parameterization to Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.

Largest open area of the P-A orifice during the operation of the valve.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

Positive spool position open connections to:

  • P-A, B-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-A

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Negative spool position open connections to:

  • P-A, B-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-A

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Also set Area characteristics to Different for each flow path and either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parameterization to Linear - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Orifice parameterization to Orifice area, and Opening characteristic to Linear.

Vector of opening areas for the tabular parameterization of the valve area. The vector elements must correspond one-to-one with the elements in the P-A orifice spool travel vector parameter. The elements must be greater than 0 and listed in ascending order.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

Positive spool position open connections to:

  • P-A, B-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-A

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Negative spool position open connections to:

  • P-A, B-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-A

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Also set Area characteristics to Different for each flow path and either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parameterization to Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Orifice parameterization to Orifice area, and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.

Orifice area when the positive and negative spool positions include the same orifice.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following settings in each parameter:

Positive spool position open connections to:

  • P-A, B-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-A

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Negative spool position open connections to:

  • P-A, B-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-A

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

And either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Orifice parameterization to Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel or Linear - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.


This parameter is enabled only when the P-A orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Ratio between the inlet pressure, pin, and the outlet pressure, pout, defined as (pinpout)/pin where choking first occurs for the P-A orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient or Cv flow coefficient

  4. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-A, B-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-A

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

P-B Orifice

Spool offset from the neutral position for a fully open P-B orifice.


To enable this parameter, set one of these parameters:

Positive spool position open connections to:

  • P-B, A-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-B

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

or set Negative spool position open connections to:

  • P-B, A-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-B

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T


This parameter is enabled only when the P-B orifice settings do not appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Maximum distance of spool travel. This value provides an upper limit to calculations so that simulations do not return unphysical values.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

Positive spool position open connections to:

  • P-B, A-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-B

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Negative spool position open connections to:

  • P-B, A-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-B

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

And either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Orifice parameterization to Linear - Area vs. spool travel or Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Opening characteristic to Linear.

Typical, rated, or design mass flow rate through a maximally open P-B orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Typical, rated, or design pressure drop through a maximally open P-B orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Method of determining the inlet fluid state for P-B orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Inlet pressure for the P-B orifice at nominal conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Inlet fluid temperature for the P-B orifice in nominal operating conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Temperature

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Inlet mixture vapor quality by mass fraction for the P-B orifice in nominal operating conditions. A value of 0 means that the inlet fluid is subcooled liquid. A value of 1 means that the inlet fluid is superheated vapor.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Vapor quality

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Inlet mixture vapor void fraction for the P-B orifice in nominal operating conditions. A value of 0 means that the inlet fluid is subcooled liquid. A value of 1 means that the inlet fluid is superheated vapor.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Vapor void fraction

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Inlet specific enthalpy for the P-B orifice in nominal operating conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Specific enthalpy

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Inlet specific internal energy for the P-B orifice in nominal operating conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Specific internal energy

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Typical, rated, or design mass flow rate through a constant P-B orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T


This parameter is enabled only when the P-B orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Typical, rated, or design pressure drop through a constant P-B orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T


This parameter is enabled only when the P-B orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Value of the constant Cv flow coefficient for the P-B orifice. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Cv flow coefficient

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T


This parameter is enabled only when the P-B orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Value of the Cv flow coefficient when the P-B orifice is fully open and the area available for flow is at a maximum. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Cv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Linear

  5. One of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Vector of Cv flow coefficients. Each coefficient corresponds to a value in the P-B orifice spool travel vector parameter. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential. The size of the vector must be the same as the P-B orifice spool travel vector parameter.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Cv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Tabulated

  5. One of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Value of the constant Kv flow coefficient for the P-B orifice. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T


This parameter is enabled only when the P-B orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Value of the Kv flow coefficient when the P-B orifice is fully open and the area available for flow is at a maximum. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Linear

  5. One of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Vector of Kv flow coefficients. Each coefficient corresponds to a value in the P-B orifice spool travel vector parameter. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential. The size of the vector must be the same as the P-B orifice spool travel vector parameter.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Tabulated

  5. One of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Vector of spool travel distances for the tabular parameterization of the valve area. List the values in ascending order. The first element must be 0. The block uses linear interpolation between table data points.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

Positive spool position open connections to:

  • P-B, A-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-B

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Negative spool position open connections to:

  • P-B, A-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-B

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

And either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Orifice parameterization to Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.

Largest open area of the P-B orifice during the operation of the valve.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

Positive spool position open connections to:

  • P-B, A-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-B

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Negative spool position open connections to:

  • P-B, A-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-B

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Also set Area characteristics to Different for each flow path and either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parameterization to Linear - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Orifice parameterization to Orifice area, and Opening characteristic to Linear.

Vector of opening areas for the tabular parameterization of the valve area. The vector elements must correspond one-to-one with the elements in the P-B orifice spool travel vector parameter. The elements must be greater than 0 and listed in ascending order.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

Positive spool position open connections to:

  • P-B, A-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-B

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Negative spool position open connections to:

  • P-B, A-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-B

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Also set Area characteristics to Different for each flow path and either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parameterization to Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Orifice parameterization to Orifice area, and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.

Orifice area when the positive and negative spool positions include the same orifice.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following settings in each parameter:

Positive spool position open connections to:

  • P-B, A-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-B

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

Negative spool position open connections to:

  • P-B, A-T

  • P-A, P-B

  • P-B

  • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

And either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Orifice parameterization to Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel or Linear - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.


This parameter is enabled only when the P-B orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Ratio between the inlet pressure, pin, and the outlet pressure, pout, defined as (pinpout)/pin where choking first occurs for the P-B orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient or Cv flow coefficient

  4. At least one of the following parameters:

    Positive spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

    Negative spool position open connections to:

    • P-B, A-T

    • P-A, P-B

    • P-B

    • P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T

A-T Orifice

Spool offset from the neutral position for a fully open A-T orifice.


To enable this parameter, set one of these parameters.

  • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

  • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.


This parameter is enabled only when the A-T orifice settings do not appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Maximum distance of spool travel. This value provides an upper limit to calculations so that simulations do not return unphysical values.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

  • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

  • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

And either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Orifice parameterization to Linear - Area vs. spool travel or Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Opening characteristic to Linear.

Typical, rated, or design mass flow rate through a maximally open A-T orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Typical, rated, or design pressure drop through a maximally open A-T orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Method of determining the inlet fluid state for A-T orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Inlet pressure for the A-T orifice at nominal conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Inlet fluid temperature for the A-T orifice in nominal operating conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Temperature

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Inlet mixture vapor quality by mass fraction for the A-T orifice in nominal operating conditions. A value of 0 means that the inlet fluid is subcooled liquid. A value of 1 means that the inlet fluid is superheated vapor.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Vapor quality

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Inlet mixture vapor void fraction for the A-T orifice in nominal operating conditions. A value of 0 means that the inlet fluid is subcooled liquid. A value of 1 means that the inlet fluid is superheated vapor.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Vapor void fraction

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Inlet specific enthalpy for the A-T orifice in nominal operating conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Specific enthalpy

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Inlet specific internal energy for the A-T orifice in nominal operating conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Specific internal energy

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Typical, rated, or design mass flow rate through a constant A-T orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.


This parameter is enabled only when the A-T orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Typical, rated, or design pressure drop through a constant A-T orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.


This parameter is enabled only when the A-T orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Value of the constant Cv flow coefficient for the A-T orifice. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Cv flow coefficient

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.


This parameter is enabled only when the A-T orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Value of the Cv flow coefficient when the A-T orifice is fully open and the area available for flow is at a maximum. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Cv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Linear

  5. One of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Vector of Cv flow coefficients. Each coefficient corresponds to a value in the A-T orifice spool travel vector parameter. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential. The size of the vector must be the same as the A-T orifice spool travel vector parameter.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Cv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Tabulated

  5. One of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Value of the constant Kv flow coefficient for the A-T orifice. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.


This parameter is enabled only when the A-T orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Value of the Kv flow coefficient when the A-T orifice is fully open and the area available for flow is at a maximum. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Linear

  5. One of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Vector of Kv flow coefficients. Each coefficient corresponds to a value in the A-T orifice spool travel vector parameter. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential. The size of the vector must be the same as the A-T orifice spool travel vector parameter.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Tabulated

  5. One of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Vector of spool travel distances for the tabular parameterization of the valve area. List the values in ascending order. The first element must be 0. The block uses linear interpolation between table data points.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

  • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

  • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

And either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Orifice parameterization to Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.

Largest open area of the A-T orifice during the operation of the valve.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

  • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

  • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Also set Area characteristics to Different for each flow path and either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parameterization to Linear - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Orifice parameterization to Orifice area, and Opening characteristic to Linear.

Vector of opening areas for the tabular parameterization of the valve area. The vector elements must correspond one-to-one with the elements in the A-T orifice spool travel vector parameter. The elements must be greater than 0 and listed in ascending order.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

  • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

  • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Also set Area characteristics to Different for each flow path and either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parameterization to Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Orifice parameterization to Orifice area, and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.

Orifice area when the positive and negative spool positions include the same orifice.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following settings in each parameter:

  • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

  • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

And either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Orifice parameterization to Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel or Linear - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.


This parameter is enabled only when the A-T orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Ratio between the inlet pressure, pin, and the outlet pressure, pout, defined as (pinpout)/pin where choking first occurs for the A-T orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient or Cv flow coefficient

  4. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-B, A-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

B-T Orifice

Spool offset from the neutral position for a fully open B-T orifice.


To enable this parameter, set one of these parameters.

  • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

  • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.


This parameter is enabled only when the B-T orifice settings do not appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Maximum distance of spool travel. This value provides an upper limit to calculations so that simulations do not return unphysical values.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

  • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

  • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

And either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Orifice parameterization to Linear - Area vs. spool travel or Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Opening characteristic to Linear.

Typical, rated, or design mass flow rate through a maximally open B-T orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Typical, rated, or design pressure drop through a maximally open B-T orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Method of determining the inlet fluid state for B-T orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Inlet pressure for the B-T orifice at nominal conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Inlet fluid temperature for the B-T orifice in nominal operating conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Temperature

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Inlet mixture vapor quality by mass fraction for the B-T orifice in nominal operating conditions. A value of 0 means that the inlet fluid is subcooled liquid. A value of 1 means that the inlet fluid is superheated vapor.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Vapor quality

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Inlet mixture vapor void fraction for the B-T orifice in nominal operating conditions. A value of 0 means that the inlet fluid is subcooled liquid. A value of 1 means that the inlet fluid is superheated vapor.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Vapor void fraction

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Inlet specific enthalpy for the B-T orifice in nominal operating conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Specific enthalpy

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Inlet specific internal energy for the B-T orifice in nominal operating conditions.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. Nominal inlet condition specification to Specific internal energy

  5. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Typical, rated, or design mass flow rate through a constant B-T orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.


This parameter is enabled only when the B-T orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Typical, rated, or design pressure drop through a constant B-T orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Liquid operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Linear - Nominal mass flow rate vs. spool travel

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.


This parameter is enabled only when the B-T orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Value of the constant Cv flow coefficient for the B-T orifice. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Cv flow coefficient

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.


This parameter is enabled only when the B-T orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Value of the Cv flow coefficient when the B-T orifice is fully open and the area available for flow is at a maximum. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Cv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Linear

  5. One of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Vector of Cv flow coefficients. Each coefficient corresponds to a value in the B-T orifice spool travel vector parameter. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential. The size of the vector must be the same as the B-T orifice spool travel vector parameter.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Cv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Tabulated

  5. One of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Value of the constant Kv flow coefficient for the B-T orifice. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient

  4. One of the following settings in each parameter:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.


This parameter is enabled only when the B-T orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Value of the Kv flow coefficient when the B-T orifice is fully open and the area available for flow is at a maximum. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Linear

  5. One of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Vector of Kv flow coefficients. Each coefficient corresponds to a value in the B-T orifice spool travel vector parameter. This parameter measures the ease with which the vapor traverses the resistive element when driven by a pressure differential. The size of the vector must be the same as the B-T orifice spool travel vector parameter.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient

  4. Opening characteristic to Tabulated

  5. One of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Vector of spool travel distances for the tabular parameterization of the valve area. List the values in ascending order. The first element must be 0. The block uses linear interpolation between table data points.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

  • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

  • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

And either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Orifice parameterization to Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.

Largest open area of the B-T orifice during the operation of the valve.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

  • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

  • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Also set Area characteristics to Different for each flow path and either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parameterization to Linear - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Orifice parameterization to Orifice area, and Opening characteristic to Linear.

Vector of opening areas for the tabular parameterization of the valve area. The vector elements must correspond one-to-one with the elements in the B-T orifice spool travel vector parameter. The elements must be greater than 0 and listed in ascending order.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following parameters:

  • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

  • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Also set Area characteristics to Different for each flow path and either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition and Orifice parameterization to Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Orifice parameterization to Orifice area, and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.

Orifice area when the positive and negative spool positions include the same orifice.


To enable this parameter, set one of the following settings in each parameter:

  • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

  • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

And either:

  • Modeling option to Liquid operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Orifice parameterization to Tabulated data - Area vs. spool travel or Linear - Area vs. spool travel.

  • Modeling option to Vapor operating condition, Area characteristics to Different for each flow path, and Opening characteristic to Tabulated.


This parameter is enabled only when the B-T orifice settings appear in both the Positive spool position open connections and Negative spool position open connections parameters.

Ratio between the inlet pressure, pin, and the outlet pressure, pout, defined as (pinpout)/pin where choking first occurs for the B-T orifice.


To enable this parameter, set:

  1. Modeling option to Vapor operating condition

  2. Area characteristics to Different for each flow path

  3. Orifice parameterization to Kv flow coefficient or Cv flow coefficient

  4. At least one of the following parameters:

    • Positive spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

    • Negative spool position open connections to P-A, B-T or P-A, P-B, A-T, B-T.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2024b

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