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Get options for idplot and spectrumplot


opts = getoptions(h) returns the options for the plot associated with plot handle h.

  • You can use opts when creating new plots of the same type as h.

  • To customize an existing plot, you can modify opts and then use the resulting options object with setoptions.


optValue = getoptions(h,option) returns the specified option, option, for the plot associated with plot handle h.


collapse all

Obtain the identified model.

Obtain the identified model.

load iddata9 z9
sys = ar(z9,4);

Get the plot handle for the model spectrum plot.

h = spectrumplot(sys);

Get the plot options, using the plot handle.

opt = getoptions(h);

Input Arguments

collapse all

Plot handle, specified as a handle object for one of the following plots.

Option name, specified as a string or character vector. To see the supported options for a specific plot type, see the corresponding option object page indicated in opts.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Plot options, returned as one of the following plot option objects depending on the plot handle specified in h.

Option value, returned as a scalar, vector, character vector, logical value, structure, or cell array depending on the option specified in option.

Version History

Introduced in R2012a

See Also

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