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Acquire single image frame from GigE Vision camera


img = snapshot(g); acquires the current frame as a single image from the GigE Vision® camera g and assigns it to the variable img. If you call snapshot in a loop, then it returns a new frame each time. The returned image is based on the Pixel Format of your camera. snapshot uses the camera’s default resolution or another resolution that you specify using the Height and Width properties, if available.


The snapshot function is for use only with the gigecam object. To acquire images using the videoinput object, use the getsnapshot or getdata functions.


[img, ts] = snapshot(g); acquires the current frame as a single image from the GigE Vision camera g and assigns it to the variable img, and assigns the timestamp to the variable ts.


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Use the snapshot function to acquire one image frame from a GigE Vision camera. You then show it using a display function such as imshow or image.

Use the gigecamlist function to ensure that MATLAB® is discovering your camera.

ans = 

	Model              Manufacturer           IPAddress       SerialNumber
  ____________________   ___________________   _______________    ______________

  'MV1-D1312-80-G2-12'   'Photonofocus AG'     ''  '022600017445'

Use the gigecam function to create the object and connect it to the camera.

g = gigecam

Preview the image from the camera.


The preview window displays live video stream from your camera. If you change a property while previewing, then the preview dynamically updates, and the image reflects the property change.

Close the preview.


Acquire a single image from the camera using the snapshot function, and assign it to the variable img.

img = snapshot(g);

Display the acquired image.


Clean up by clearing the object.

clear g

Version History

Introduced in R2014b

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