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Hokuyo Lidar Sensors

Connect to Hokuyo™ 2-D lidar sensors and stream lidar scans directly into MATLAB® for processing and visualization
Since R2024a

The Lidar Toolbox™ Support Package for Hokuyo Lidar Sensors enables you to connect to Hokuyo 2-D lidar sensors and stream live lidar scan data into MATLAB. You can then process and visualize the lidar scans, as well as save the data to disk.


hokuyolidar2dStream lidar scans from Hokuyo 2-D lidar sensor
readRead lidar scans from Hokuyo 2-D lidar sensor
previewPreview live lidar scan data from Hokuyo 2-D lidar sensor
getStatusGet status of Hokuyo 2-D lidar sensor parameter


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