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Temporal Automation Algorithms

The Lidar Labeler app enables you to create and import a custom automation algorithm to automatically label your data. Automation algorithms can be time-independent or time-dependent.

  • Time-independent (nontemporal) algorithms can operate independently on each timestamp.

  • Time-dependent (temporal) algorithms have a dependence on the timestamp of execution. For example, a tracking algorithm, such as the temporal built-in Lidar Object Tracker, uses tracking from a previous time stamp to track objects in the current time stamp.

Create Temporal Automation Algorithm

To create a temporal automation algorithm to use with Lidar Labeler app, on the app toolstrip, select Select Algorithm > Add Algorithm > Create New Algorithm. A class template opens, enabling you to define your algorithm. By default, the class inherits from the lidar.labeler.AutomationAlgorithm and lidar.labeler.mixin.Temporal classes, as shown by the class definition of the template:

classdef MyCustomAlgorithm < lidar.labeler.AutomationAlgorithm && lidar.labeler.mixin.Temporal

Time-based algorithms must inherit from both of these classes. Inheriting from the temporal mixin class enables you to access properties such as StartTime, CurrentTime and EndTime to design time-based algorithms. For more details on enabling temporal properties, see the lidar.labeler.mixin.Temporal class reference page. For more details on defining custom automation algorithms in general, see the lidar.labeler.AutomationAlgorithm class reference page.

After creating your algorithm, follow the instructions in the class template on where to save the algorithm.

Run Temporal Automation Algorithm

To run your temporal algorithm from the labeling, first refresh the algorithm list. On the app toolstrip, select Select Algorithm > Refresh list. Then, reopen the Select Algorithm list, select your algorithm, and run it on your data as you would any of the built-in automation algorithms.

For temporal algorithms, you can additionally configure the direction of automation. Click Configure Automation. By default, automation algorithms apply labels from the start of the time interval to the end. To change the direction and start time of the algorithm, choose one of the options shown in this table.

Direction of automationRun automation fromExample

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