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Secondary synchronization signal


sss = lteSSS(enb) returns a complex column vector containing the secondary synchronization signal (SSS) values for cell-wide settings in structure enb.

This signal is only defined for subframes 0 and 5; therefore, an empty vector is returned for other values of NSubframe. This allows this function and the corresponding indices function lteSSSIndices to be used to index the resource grid, as described in Resource Grid Indexing, for any subframe number, but the resource grid is only modified in subframes 0 and 5.



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Generate secondary synchronization signal (SSS) values for a physical layer cell identity of 1.

sss = lteSSS(struct('NCellID',1,'NSubframe',0));
ans = 4×1


Input Arguments

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Cell-wide settings, specified as a structure. This structure can contain the following fields.

Physical layer cell identity, specified as an integer.

Data Types: double

Subframe number, specified as an integer.

Data Types: double

Data Types: struct

Output Arguments

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Secondary synchronization signal (SSS), returned as a complex column vector. The vector contains the SSS values for cell-wide settings in the enb structure.

Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes

Version History

Introduced in R2014a

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