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Exporting Vector Data to KML

This example shows how to structure geographic point, line, and polygon vector data and export it to a Keyhole Markup Language (KML) file. KML is an XML-based markup language designed for visualizing geographic data on Web-based maps or "Earth browsers", such as Google Earth™, Google Maps™, NASA WorldWind, and the Esri® ArcGIS™ Explorer.

The following functions write geographic data to a KML file:

Define an Output Folder for the KML Files

This example creates several KML files and uses the variable kmlFolder to denote their location. The value used here is determined by the output of the tempdir command, but you could easily customize this.

kmlFolder = tempdir;

Create a cell array of the KML file names used in this example in order to optionally remove them from your KML output folder when the example ends.

kmlFilenames = {};

Create a Function Handle to Open an Earth Browser

A KML file can be opened in a variety of "Earth browsers", Web maps, or an editor. You can customize the following anonymous function handle to open a KML file. Executing this function handle launches the Google Earth browser, which must be installed on your computer. You can use the application by assigning the variable useApplication to true in your workspace or assign it to true here.

useApplication = exist('useApplication','var') && useApplication;
if useApplication
    if ispc
        % On Windows(R) platforms display the KML file with:
        openKML = @(filename) winopen(filename);
    elseif ismac
        % On Mac platforms display the KML file with:
        cmd = 'open -a Google\ Earth ';
        openKML = @(filename) system([cmd filename]);
        % On Linux platforms display the KML file with:
        cmd = 'googleearth ';
        openKML = @(filename) system([cmd filename]);
    % No "Earth browser" is installed on the system.
    openKML = @(filename) disp('');

Example 1: Write Single Point to KML File

This example writes a single point to a KML file.

Assign latitude and longitude values for Paderborn, Germany.

lat = 51.715254;
lon = 8.75213;

Use kmlwritepoint to write the point to a KML file.

filename = fullfile(kmlFolder,'Paderborn.kml');

Open the KML file.


Add filename to kmlFilenames.

kmlFilenames{end+1} = filename;

Example 2: Write Single Point to KML File with Icon and Description

This example writes a single point to a KML file. The placemark includes an icon and a description with HTML markup.

Assign latitude and longitude coordinates for a point that locates the headquarters of MathWorks® in Natick, Massachusetts.

lat = 42.299827;
lon = -71.350273;

Create a description for the placemark. Include HTML tags in the description to add new lines for the address.

description = sprintf('%s<br>%s</br><br>%s</br>', ...
   '3 Apple Hill Drive', 'Natick, MA. 01760', ...

Assign iconFilename to a GIF file on the local system's network.

iconDir = fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','matlab','icons');
iconFilename = fullfile(iconDir,'matlabicon.gif');

Assign the name for the placemark.

name = 'The MathWorks, Inc.';

Use kmlwritepoint to write the point and associated data to the KML file.

filename = fullfile(kmlFolder,'MathWorks.kml');
kmlwritepoint(filename,lat,lon,'Description',description,'Name',name, ...

Open the KML file.


Add filename to kmlFilenames.

kmlFilenames{end+1} = filename;

Example 3: Write Multiple Points to KML File

This example writes the locations of cities in France to a KML file, including the names of the cities, and removes the default description table.

Read world cities data from the shapefile called worldcities.shp into a geospatial table. Create a subtable containing the data for cities in France.

worldcities = readgeotable("worldcities.shp");
n = ["Paris" "Lyon" "Nantes" "Bordeaux" "Marseille"];
rows = ismember(worldcities.Name,n);
cities = worldcities(rows,:);

Write the data in the subtable to a KML file by using kmlwrite. Assign the name of the placemark to the name of the city. Remove the default description since the data has only one attribute.

filename = fullfile(kmlFolder,'French_Cities.kml');

Open the KML file.


Add filename to kmlFilenames.

kmlFilenames{end+1} = filename;

Example 4: Write Multiple Points to KML File with Modified Attribute Table

This example writes placemarks at the locations of tsunami events, reported over several decades and tagged geographically by source location, to a KML file.

Read the data from the shapefile called tsunamis.shp as a geospatial table.

tsunamis = readgeotable('tsunamis.shp','CoordinateSystemType','geographic');

Create an attribute specification.

attribspec = makeattribspec(tsunamis);

Remove all attributes from the specification, except for the attributes describing the maximum height, cause, year, location, and country.

desiredAttributes = {'Max_Height','Cause','Year','Location','Country'};
allAttributes = fieldnames(attribspec);
attributes = setdiff(allAttributes,desiredAttributes);
attribspec = rmfield(attribspec,attributes)
attribspec = struct with fields:
          Year: [1x1 struct]
         Cause: [1x1 struct]
       Country: [1x1 struct]
      Location: [1x1 struct]
    Max_Height: [1x1 struct]

Rename the Max_Height attribute to Maximum Height and highlight each attribute label in bold font.

attribspec.Max_Height.AttributeLabel = "<b>Maximum Height</b>";
attribspec.Cause.AttributeLabel = "<b>Cause</b>";
attribspec.Year.AttributeLabel = "<b>Year</b>";
attribspec.Location.AttributeLabel = "<b>Location</b>";
attribspec.Country.AttributeLabel = "<b>Country</b>";

Add Meters to the format of the maximum height attribute. Set the format of the year attribute to include no decimal places.

attribspec.Max_Height.Format = "%.1f Meters";
attribspec.Year.Format = "%.0f";

Export the selected attributes and tsunami source locations to a KML file by using the kmlwrite function.

filename = fullfile(kmlFolder,'Tsunami_Events.kml');
name = tsunamis.Location;

Open the KML file.


Add filename to kmlFilenames.

kmlFilenames{end+1} = filename;

Example 5: Write Single Point with a LookAt Virtual Camera to KML File

This example writes a single point with a LookAt virtual camera near Machu Picchu, Peru

Use a geopoint vector to define a LookAt virtual camera.

lat = -13.163111;
lon = -72.544945;
lookAt = geopoint(lat,lon);
lookAt.Range = 1500;
lookAt.Heading = 260;
lookAt.Tilt = 67;

Use kmlwritepoint to write the point location and LookAt information.

filename = fullfile(kmlFolder, 'Machu_Picchu.kml');
alt = 2430;
name = 'Machu Picchu';

Open the KML file.


Add filename to kmlFilenames.

kmlFilenames{end+1} = filename;

Example 6: Write Single Point with a Camera to KML File

This example writes a single point with a camera view of the Washington Monument in Washington D.C to a KML file. The marker is placed at the ground location of the camera.

Construct the camera.

camlat = 38.889301;
camlon = -77.039731;
camera = geopoint(camlat,camlon);
camera.Altitude = 500;
camera.Heading = 90;
camera.Tilt = 45;
camera.Roll = 0;

Use kmlwritepoint to write the point location and Camera information.

name = 'Camera ground location';
lat = camera.Latitude;
lon = camera.Longitude;
filename = fullfile(kmlFolder,'WashingtonMonument.kml');

Open the KML file.


Add filename to kmlFilenames.

kmlFilenames{end+1} = filename;

Example 7: Write Address Data to KML File

This example writes unstructured address data to a KML file.

Create a cell array containing names of several places of interest in the Boston area.

names = {'Boston', ...
    'Massachusetts Institute of Technology', ...
    'Harvard University', ...
    'Fenway Park', ...
    'North End'};

Create a cell array containing addresses for the places of interest in the Boston area.

addresses = { ...
    'Boston, MA', ...
    '77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139', ...
    'Massachusetts Hall, Cambridge MA 02138', ...
    '4 Yawkey Way, Boston, MA', ...
    '134 Salem St, Boston, MA'};

Use a Google Maps icon for each of the placemarks.

icon = '';

Use kmlwrite to write the cell array of addresses to the KML file.

filename = fullfile(kmlFolder, 'Places_of_Interest.kml');

Open the KML file.


Add filename to kmlFilenames.

kmlFilenames{end+1} = filename;

Example 8: Write Single Line to KML File

This example writes a single line connecting the top of Mount Washington to the Mount Washington Hotel in Carroll, New Hampshire, to a KML file.

Assign coordinate values for the region of interest.

lat_Mount_Washington = 44.270489039;
lon_Mount_Washington = -71.303246453;

lat_Mount_Washington_Hotel = 44.258056;
lon_Mount_Washington_Hotel = -71.440278;

lat = [lat_Mount_Washington lat_Mount_Washington_Hotel];
lon = [lon_Mount_Washington lon_Mount_Washington_Hotel];

Set the altitude to 6 feet, for the approximate height of a person.

alt = 6 * unitsratio('meters', 'feet');

Add a camera viewpoint from the Mount Washington Hotel.

clat = lat(2);
clon = lon(2);
camera = geopoint(clat,clon,'Altitude',2,'Tilt',90,'Roll',0,'Heading',90);

Use kmlwriteline to write the arrays to a KML file.

filename = fullfile(kmlFolder, 'Mount_Washington.kml');
name = 'Mount Washington';
kmlwriteline(filename,lat,lon,alt,'Name',name,'Color','k','Width',3, ...

Open the KML file.


Add filename to kmlFilenames.

kmlFilenames{end+1} = filename;

Example 9: Write GPS Track Log to KML File

This example writes a GPS track log to a KML file.

Read the track points log from the GPX file. The data in the log was obtained from a GPS wristwatch held while gliding over Mount Mansfield in Vermont, USA, on August 28, 2010.

track = readgeotable('sample_mixed.gpx','Layer','track_points');

Write the log to a KML file by using the kmlwriteline function. The elevation values obtained by the GPS are relative to sea level.

filename = fullfile(kmlFolder,'GPS_Track_Log.kml');
lat = track.Shape.Latitude;
lon = track.Shape.Longitude;
alt = track.Elevation;
name = 'GPS Track Log';
kmlwriteline(filename,lat,lon,alt,'Name',name,'Color','k','Width',2, ...

Open the KML file.


Add filename to kmlFilenames.

kmlFilenames{end+1} = filename;

Example 10: Write Circles to KML File

This example writes circles as lines around London City Airport to a KML file. The example includes a LookAt virtual camera.

Assign latitude and longitude values for the center of the feature.

lat0 = 51.50487;
lon0 = .05235;

Assign azimuth to [] to compute a complete small circle. Use the WGS84 ellipsoid.

azimuth = [];
spheroid = wgs84Ellipsoid;

Compute small circles of 3000, 2000, and 1000 meter radius. Assign a color value of 'blue', 'green', and 'red' for each circle. Assign an elevation value of 100 meters (above ground) for each circle. Use a line geoshape vector to contain the data.

radius = 3000:-1000:1000;
colors = {'blue','green','red'};
elevation = 100;
circles = geoshape(0,0,'Name','','Color','','Elevation',elevation);
for k = 1:length(radius)
    [lat, lon] = scircle1(lat0,lon0,radius(k),azimuth,spheroid);
    circles(k).Latitude = lat;
    circles(k).Longitude = lon;
    circles(k).Name = [num2str(radius(k)) ' Meters'];
    circles(k).Color = colors{k};
    circles(k).Elevation = elevation;

Use a geopoint vector to define a LookAt virtual camera with a viewpoint from the east of the airport and aligned with the runway.

lat = 51.503169;
lon =  0.105478;
range = 3500;
heading = 270;
tilt =  60;
lookAt = geopoint(lat,lon,'Range',range,'Heading',heading,'Tilt',tilt);

Use kmlwrite to write the geoshape vector containing the circles and associated data to a KML file.

filename = fullfile(kmlFolder,'Small_Circles.kml');
kmlwrite(filename,circles,'AltitudeMode','relativeToGround','Width',2, ...

Open the KML file. Using Google Earth, the LookAt view point is set when clicking on either one of the 1000 Meters, 2000 Meters, or 3000 Meters strings in the Places list.


Add filename to kmlFilenames.

kmlFilenames{end+1} = filename;

Example 11: Write Circular Polygons to KML File

This example writes circular polygons around London City Airport to a KML file. It includes a LookAt virtual camera and uses the same data calculated in step 9.

Change the Geometry property value of the geoshape vector to 'polygon'. The polygons are drawn in the same order as the geoshape vector and are indexed from largest to smallest radii, thus each polygon will be visible in the browser.

circles.Geometry = 'polygon';

Change the elevation of each polygon.

circles.Elevation = 1000:1000:3000;

Use a geopoint vector to define a LookAt virtual camera with a viewpoint from the east of the airport, aligned with the runway, and with a view of all three polygons.

lat = 51.501587;
lon = 0.066147;
range = 13110;
heading = 270;
tilt = 60;
lookAt = geopoint(lat,lon,'Range',range,'Heading',heading,'Tilt',tilt);

Use kmlwrite to write the polygon geoshape vector containing the circular polygons and associated data to a KML file. Extrude the polygons to the ground. Set the polygon edge color to black and assign a face alpha value to provide visibility inside the polygon.

filename = fullfile(kmlFolder,'Small_Circle_Polygons.kml');
name = circles.Name;
color = circles.Color;
kmlwrite(filename,circles,'AltitudeMode','relativeToGround','Extrude',true, ...

Open the KML file. Using Google Earth, the LookAt view point is set when clicking on either one of the 1000 Meters, 2000 Meters, or 3000 Meters strings in the Places list.


Add filename to kmlFilenames.

kmlFilenames{end+1} = filename;

Example 12: Write Polygon Data from Shapefile to KML file

This example writes polygon data from the shapefile called usastatelo.shp to a KML file. The polygon faces are set with a color appropriate for political regions. The polygon faces are set with an alpha value to provide visibility inside the polygon.

states = readgeotable('usastatelo.shp');
colors = polcmap(height(states));
name = states.Name;
filename = fullfile(kmlFolder,'usastatelo.kml');
kmlwrite(filename,states,'Name',name,'FaceColor',colors,'FaceAlpha',0.6, ...

Open the KML file.


Add filename to kmlFilenames.

kmlFilenames{end+1} = filename;

Example 13: Write Polygon Contours to KML File

This example contours a grid in a local coordinate system, returns the contours in a geographic system, and writes the polygon contours to a KML file.

Create a grid in a local system.

X = -150000:10000:150000;
Y =  0:10000:300000;
[xmesh, ymesh] = meshgrid(X/50000, (Y - 150000)/50000);
Z = 8 + peaks(xmesh, ymesh);

Define a local geodetic origin near Frankfurt, Germany and an ellipsoidal height.

lat0 = 50.108;
lon0 = 8.6732;
h0 = 100;

Define contour levels.

levels = 0:2:18;

Contour the grid and return the output in a polygon geoshape vector.

[~, contourPolygons] = geocontourxy(X,Y,Z,lat0,lon0,h0,'LevelList',levels);

Output the contours to a KML file. Set the faces with an alpha value. Set CutPolygons to false since the altitude values are not uniform. Clamp the polygons to the ground.

colors = parula(length(contourPolygons));
filename = fullfile(kmlFolder,'Contour_Polygons.kml');
kmlwrite(filename,contourPolygons,'FaceColor',colors,'FaceAlpha',.6, ...

Open the KML file.


Add filename to kmlFilenames.

kmlFilenames{end+1} = filename;

Example 14: Write Polygon with Inner Ring to KML File

This example constructs a polygon with an inner ring around the Eiffel Tower and writes the polygon to a KML file. The polygon's altitude is set to 500 meters above ground.

lat0 = 48.858288;
lon0 = 2.294548;
outerRadius = .02;
innerRadius = .01;
[lat1,lon1] = scircle1(lat0,lon0,outerRadius);
[lat2,lon2] = scircle1(lat0,lon0,innerRadius);
[lon2,lat2] = poly2ccw(lon2,lat2);
lat = [lat1; NaN; lat2];
lon = [lon1; NaN; lon2];
alt = 500;
filename = fullfile(kmlFolder,'EiffelTower.kml');

Export the polygon to a KML file. Set the edge color to black, the face color to cyan, and the face alpha value.

kmlwritepolygon(filename,lat,lon,alt,'EdgeColor','k','FaceColor','c', ...

Open the KML file.


Add filename to kmlFilenames.

kmlFilenames{end+1} = filename;

Delete Generated KML Files

Optionally, delete the new KML files from your KML output folder.

if ~useApplication
    for k = 1:length(kmlFilenames)

See Also

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