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Transform geographic to intrinsic coordinates


[xIntrinsic,yIntrinsic] = geographicToIntrinsic(R,lat,lon) returns the intrinsic coordinates corresponding to geographic coordinates lat and lon in geographic raster R.



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Find the intrinsic coordinates of a cell within a raster by specifying a raster reference object and geographic coordinates.

First, load a geographic cells reference object for the Korean peninsula. To do this, load the korea5cR variable from the korea5c MAT-file. Then, specify the geographic coordinates of Seoul.

load korea5c korea5cR
lat = 37.57;
lon = 126.98;

Find the intrinsic coordinates.

[xIntrinsic,yIntrinsic] = geographicToIntrinsic(korea5cR,lat,lon)
xIntrinsic = 
yIntrinsic = 

The result means that the geographic coordinates are in the cell in column 144 and row 91 of the raster.

You can reverse the operation by using the intrinsicToGeographic function.

[lat,lon] = intrinsicToGeographic(korea5cR,xIntrinsic,yIntrinsic)
lat = 
lon = 

Input Arguments

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Geographic raster, specified as a GeographicCellsReference or GeographicPostingsReference object.

Latitude coordinates, specified as a numeric array. Valid values of lat are in the range [-90, 90] degrees or are NaN. lat coordinates can be outside the bounds of the raster R.

Data Types: single | double

Longitude coordinates, specified as a numeric array. lon is the same size as lat. lon coordinates can be outside the bounds of the raster R.

Data Types: single | double

Output Arguments

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x-coordinates in intrinsic coordinate system, returned as a numeric array. xIntrinsic is the same size as lat.

When lon(k) is outside the bounds of raster R, xIntrinsic(k) is extrapolated in the intrinsic coordinate system.

Data Types: double

y-coordinates in intrinsic coordinate system, returned as a numeric array. yIntrinsic is the same size as lat.

When lat(k) is valid and outside the bounds of raster R, yIntrinsic(k) is extrapolated in the intrinsic coordinate system.

Data Types: double

Version History

Introduced in R2013b

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