Add Course to Blackboard Learn
Add Course to Blackboard Learn Original
Perform the following steps to add a course from MATLAB® and Simulink® Online™ Courses:
In Blackboard® Learn, find the LMS course where you want to add an online course from MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses as an assignment.
Within the LMS course, go to Content > Build Content.
Look for "MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses" in the list of available content types.
Select the MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses integration.
Under Information > Name, enter a name for the assignment.
Under Grading, set Enable Evaluation to Yes.
Enter a value for Points Possible. This value must be greater than zero for this assignment.
Set Visible to Students to Yes.
You must change the visibility to make the content visible to students. if you are not ready to release the assignment, you can change this field to Yes at a later time.
Enter a valid Due Date.
Fill out any other information on this page at your discretion.
Click Submit.
Click on the assignment title to edit it. Blackboard Learn launches the MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses interface. Click Add Course. You can then select a course from MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses to add to your Blackboard assignment.
If you are unable to find the MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses integration or need help for any part of this process, contact the LMS administrator or the IT department directly at your institution.
For technical support, contact MathWorks Technical Support.
Add Course to Blackboard Learn Ultra
Sign in to Blackboard (Ultra) and click on the LMS course you want to add content to.
Follow these steps:
Click the plus icon that appears before or after an existing content item. Where you click determines where the new content goes.
Select Content Market.
In the alphabetical list, find MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses.
If the LMS administrator named the LTI integration something else, you'll need to get that name and find it in this list.
Click the plus icon in the bottom right hand corner, below the logo and text.
DO NOT click the logo or text.
You are returned to the LMS course content page with an instance of new content where you clicked the plus icon. The title is the name of the integration (MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses).
Click the ellipses for more actions and select Edit.
Click the ellipses next to the title name to change the content title.
Change Hidden from students to Visible to students.
You must change the visibility, with or without conditions, to make the content visible to students.
Check Create gradebook entry for this item.
Fill out the Due date, Grade using, and Maximum points for this content.
Select a category appropriate for this content. You can create a category to store all of your MATLAB-based assignments, for example, "MATLAB Assignments".
Provide a description for the content and click Save.
The updated title and description show in the list of course content.
Click on the content title to edit the assignment. Blackboard Learn launches the MATLAB Grader™ interface. You can then select a course from MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses to add to your Blackboard assignment.
If you are unable to find the MATLAB and Simulink Online Courses integration or need help for any part of this process, contact the LMS administrator or the IT department directly at your institution.
For technical support, contact MathWorks Technical Support.