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Commonly Used Startup Options

This table lists commonly used startup options for the matlab command. For a complete list of options, refer to the input arguments for matlab (Windows), matlab (macOS), or matlab (Linux).





-c license

License to use, specified as the full path to a license file, a list of license file paths, or the port@host address of a license server. Separate multiple paths with a semicolon (Windows®) or colon (Linux®, macOS).

Licenses specified in the -c option override all other licenses, including ones set in environment variables or stored in other folders. For more details, see MATLAB License Search Path.


-h or -help

Display startup options (without starting MATLAB®).


-logfile "logfilename"

Automatically write output from MATLAB to the specified log file.

Windows platforms


Start MATLAB with the desktop minimized. Any desktop tools or documents that were undocked when MATLAB was last closed are not minimized at startup.

macOS and Linux platforms


Start MATLAB without loading the JVM® software. This minimizes memory usage and improves initial startup speed, but restricts functionality. With nojvm, you cannot use the desktop, figures, or any tools that require Java® software.

For example, you cannot set preferences if you start MATLAB with the -nojvm option. However, you can start MATLAB once without the -nojvm option, set the preference, and quit MATLAB. MATLAB remembers that preference when you start it again, even if you use the -nojvm option.



Start MATLAB without displaying its splash screen.


-batch "statement"

Run the specified statement non-interactively.


-r "statement"

Run the specified statement interactively.



Limit MATLAB to a single computational thread. This option is for numerical computations only.

On Windows systems, this option uses the multithreading capabilities of the computer on which it is running by default.

For a complete list of options, refer to the input arguments for matlab (Windows), matlab (macOS), or matlab (Linux).

See Also

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