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Create Groups of Similar Tasks

Since R2024b

You can group tasks that perform similar actions into a single unit of work in the build tool. For instance, you can create a group of all the tasks in your project that build binary MEX files and then list, plot, or run the grouped tasks. Grouping similar tasks makes it easier to define and run a build. For example, if you add a dependency to a task group, all the tasks in the group observe that dependency. Therefore, you do not need to repeat the same dependency for each task in the build file. Similarly, if you run a task group, the build tool runs all the tasks in the group. Therefore, you do not need to pass all the task names to the command that runs your build.

This example shows how to create a group of tasks that build MEX files in a build file and then run the group and test the resulting MEX files. To run the example, you must have a supported C compiler installed on your system and follow the steps in Source and Test Code to set up your current folder. The build file that you create in this example assumes that your current folder has a source folder that contains the arrayProduct.c and yprime.c source files as well as a tests folder that contains the MEXFileTest.m test file.

Create Build File

In your current folder, create a build file named buildfile.m that contains a single function. Use the function to create a plan with tasks created from the classes in the matlab.buildtool.tasks namespace. For the complete code in the build file, see Summary of Build File.

Define buildfile Function

In the build file, define a function named buildfile that returns a plan with tasks created using built-in task classes. Before adding the tasks, import the required classes and create a plan with no tasks.

function plan = buildfile
import matlab.buildtool.tasks.*

% Create a plan with no tasks
plan = buildplan;

Add "clean" Task

In the buildfile function, add a task named "clean" to the plan that deletes outputs and traces of the other tasks in the build file. To create the task, use the matlab.buildtool.tasks.CleanTask class.

% Add a task to delete outputs and traces
plan("clean") = CleanTask;

Add "mex" Task Group

The source folder in this example contains the arrayProduct.c and yprime.c source files. To compile each C source file into a binary MEX file, use a matlab.buildtool.tasks.MexTask instance. Because MexTask instances perform similar actions, organize them into a task group.

You can create a task group by adding a task whose name contains a colon to the plan. Start the task name with the task group name followed by a colon. For instance, add the "mex" task group that contains two tasks named "mex:arrayProduct" and "mex:yprime" to the plan. Each of these tasks compiles a source file into a MEX file and saves the result to a folder named output in your current folder.

% Add a task group to build MEX files
plan("mex:arrayProduct") = MexTask(fullfile("source","arrayProduct.c"),"output");
plan("mex:yprime") = MexTask(fullfile("source","yprime.c"),"output");

A task group is an object of the matlab.buildtool.TaskGroup class, which subclasses the matlab.buildtool.Task class and inherits its properties, such as Description and Dependencies. For example, set the Description property of the "mex" task group.

plan("mex").Description = "Build MEX files";

Add "test" Task

Using the matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask class, add a task named "test" to the plan that runs the tests in the MEXFileTest test class and fails the build if any of the tests fail. Because the tests must exercise the MEX files, make the "test" task dependent on the "mex" task group.

% Add a task to run tests
plan("test") = TestTask(fullfile("tests","MEXFileTest.m"));

% Make the "test" task dependent on the "mex" task group
plan("test").Dependencies = "mex";

Summary of Build File

This code shows the complete contents of the file buildfile.m in your current folder.

function plan = buildfile
import matlab.buildtool.tasks.*

% Create a plan with no tasks
plan = buildplan;

% Add a task to delete outputs and traces
plan("clean") = CleanTask;

% Add a task group to build MEX files
plan("mex:arrayProduct") = MexTask(fullfile("source","arrayProduct.c"),"output");
plan("mex:yprime") = MexTask(fullfile("source","yprime.c"),"output");

plan("mex").Description = "Build MEX files";

% Add a task to run tests
plan("test") = TestTask(fullfile("tests","MEXFileTest.m"));

% Make the "test" task dependent on the "mex" task group
plan("test").Dependencies = "mex";

Visualize Task Group

Create a dependency graph of the build plan using the plot method. By default, the method represents the "mex" task group as a single node in the graph. To display the tasks in the "mex" task group, call the method using ShowAllTasks=true as an input. Because the "test" task depends on the "mex" task group, the edges in the graph indicate that the "mex:arrayProduct" and "mex:yprime" tasks must run before the "test" task runs.

plan = buildfile;

Dependency graph that shows the "test" task and its dependency on the "mex" task group. The "mex" task group includes two tasks. The "clean" task appears without dependencies.

Run Task Group

You can run all the tasks in a task group or a specified task in a task group by using the buildtool command or the run method. If you specify a task group (for example, buildtool mygroup), then the build tool runs all the tasks in the task group. If you specify a task in a task group (for example, buildtool mygroup:taskN), then the build tool runs only the specified task.

List the tasks in the build file including the tasks in any task groups.

buildtool -tasks all
clean            - Delete task outputs and traces
mex              - Build MEX files
mex:arrayProduct - Build arrayProduct MEX file
mex:yprime       - Build yprime MEX file
test             - Run tests

Run the "mex" task group. The "mex:arrayProduct" and "mex:yprime" tasks in the task group build binary MEX files and save them to the output folder. The build run progress includes information specific to your compiler.

buildtool mex
** Starting mex:arrayProduct
mex source\arrayProduct.c -output output\arrayProduct.mexw64 
Building with 'MinGW64 Compiler (C)'.
MEX completed successfully.
** Finished mex:arrayProduct

** Starting mex:yprime
mex source\yprime.c -output output\yprime.mexw64 
Building with 'MinGW64 Compiler (C)'.
MEX completed successfully.
** Finished mex:yprime

** Done mex

Run the "test" task. Even though the "test" task depends on the "mex" task group, the build tool skips the tasks in the task group because neither their inputs nor outputs have changed. In this example, both the tests in the tests folder pass and the "test" task runs successfully.

buildtool test
** Skipped mex:arrayProduct (up-to-date)

** Skipped mex:yprime (up-to-date)

** Done mex

** Starting test

Test Summary:
    Total Tests: 2
         Passed: 2
         Failed: 0
     Incomplete: 0
       Duration: 0.50099 seconds testing time.
** Finished test

Run the "clean" task to delete outputs and traces of the other tasks in the plan. When you delete the outputs or the trace of a task, the build tool no longer considers the task as up to date.

buildtool clean
** Starting clean
Deleted 'C:\work\output\arrayProduct.mexw64' successfully
Deleted 'C:\work\output\yprime.mexw64' successfully
** Finished clean

Run the "mex:arrayProduct" task in isolation to build a fresh MEX file.

buildtool mex:arrayProduct
** Starting mex:arrayProduct
mex source\arrayProduct.c -output output\arrayProduct.mexw64 
Building with 'MinGW64 Compiler (C)'.
MEX completed successfully.
** Finished mex:arrayProduct

Now, run the "test" task again. The build tool runs only the "mex:yprime" task in the task group. It skips the "mex:arrayProduct" task because the task is up to date.

buildtool test
** Skipped mex:arrayProduct (up-to-date)

** Starting mex:yprime
mex source\yprime.c -output output\yprime.mexw64 
Building with 'MinGW64 Compiler (C)'.
MEX completed successfully.
** Finished mex:yprime

** Done mex

** Starting test

Test Summary:
    Total Tests: 2
         Passed: 2
         Failed: 0
     Incomplete: 0
       Duration: 0.50383 seconds testing time.
** Finished test

Source and Test Code

This section shows how to set up your current folder for running this example.

Copy Source Files

In your current folder, create the source folder if it does not exist. Then, copy two C source files named arrayProduct.c and yprime.c to the source folder. For more information about the source files used in this example, see Tables of MEX Function Source Code Examples.

mkdir source
copyfile(fullfile(matlabroot,"extern","examples","mex", ...
copyfile(fullfile(matlabroot,"extern","examples","mex", ...

Create Tests

In your current folder, create the tests folder if it does not exist.

mkdir tests

In a file named MEXFileTest.m in the tests folder, create the MEXFileTest test class to test the MEX files corresponding to the C source files.

classdef MEXFileTest < matlab.unittest.TestCase
    methods (Test)
        function test1(testCase)
            import matlab.unittest.fixtures.PathFixture
            actual = arrayProduct(5,[1 2]);
            expected = [5 10];

        function test2(testCase)
            import matlab.unittest.fixtures.PathFixture
            actual = yprime(1,1:4);
            expected = [2.0000 8.9685 4.0000 -1.0947];

See Also




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