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File (H5F)

HDF5 file access


Use the MATLAB® HDF5 file interface, H5F, to create, open, and close HDF5 files, and access information about them.



Close HDF5 file

H5F.close(fileID) terminates access to the HDF5 file identified by fileID and flushes all data to storage.


Create HDF5 file

fileID = H5F.create(filename) creates the file specified by specified by filename or by a uniform resource locator (URL) with the default library properties if the file does not already exist.

fileID = H5F.create(filename,flags,fcplID,faplID) creates the file specified by filename or by a URL with additional parameters.



Flush all data buffers to disk

H5F.flush(objID,scope) causes all buffers associated with a file to be immediately flushed to disk without removing the data from the cache.



File access property list

faplID = H5F.get_access_plist(fileID) returns the file access property list identifier of the file specified by fileID.


File creation property list

fcplID = H5F.get_create_plist(fileID) returns a file creation property list identifier identifying the creation properties used to create the file specified by fileID.


Size of HDF5 file

size = H5F.get_filesize(fileID) returns the size of the HDF5 file specified by fileID.


Amount of free space in file

freespace = H5F.get_freespace(fileID) returns the amount of space that is unused by any object in the file specified by fileID.


Global information about file

info = H5F.get_info(objID) returns global information for the file associated with the object identifier objID. For details about the fields of the info structure, please refer to the HDF5 documentation.


Intended access mode of the HDF5 file

intent = H5F.get_intent(fileID) returns the intended access mode flag passed in with when the file was opened.



Metadata cache configuration

config = H5F.get_mdc_config(fileID) returns the current metadata cache configuration for the target file.


Metadata cache hit-rate

hitRate = H5F.get_mdc_hit_rate(fileID) queries the metadata cache of the target file to obtain its hit-rate since the last time hit-rate statistics were reset. If the cache has not been accessed since the last time the hit-rate statistics were reset, the hit-rate is defined to be 0.0.

The hit-rate is calculated as the number of cache hits divided by the sum of cache hits and cache misses.


Metadata cache size data

[maxsize,minsize,currentSize,entries] = H5F.get_mdc_size(fileID) queries the metadata cache of the target file to obtain current metadata cache size information.



List of read retries for metadata entries

retryInfo = H5F.get_metadata_read_retry_info(fileID) returns a cell array of numeric vectors containing information regarding the number of read retries for metadata entries with checksum for the file fileID.


Name of HDF5 file

name = H5F.get_name(objID) returns the name of the file to which the object specified by objID belongs. The object can be a group, dataset, attribute, or named data type.


Number of open objects in HDF5 file

objcount = H5F.get_obj_count(fileID,types) returns the number of open object identifiers in fileID that are of type types.



List of open HDF5 file objects

[numobjIDs,objIDList] = H5F.get_obj_ids(fileID,types,maxObjs) returns a list of all open object identifiers in fileID that are of type specified by types.



Determine if file is HDF5

output = H5F.is_hdf5(filename) returns a positive value if the file specified by filename is in the HDF5 format, and 0 if it is not. A negative return value indicates a failure (including the case where filename does not exist).



Mount HDF5 file onto specified location

H5F.mount(locID,name,childID,plistID) mounts the file specified by childID onto the group specified by locID and name using the mount properties specified by plistID.


Open HDF5 file

fileID = opens the file specified by filename or a uniform resource locator (URL) for read-only access.

fileID =,flags,faplID) opens the file specified by filename or a uniform resource locator (URL), and using the file access mode specified by flags and the file access property list identifier faplID.



Reopen HDF5 file

newfileID = H5F.reopen(fileID) returns a new file identifier for the open HDF5 file specified by fileID.


Configure HDF5 file metadata cache

H5F.set_mdc_config(fileID,config) attempts to configure the metadata cache of the file according to the configuration structure, config. Before using this function, you should retrieve the current configuration using H5F.get_mdc_config.


Enable Single-Writer/Multiple-Reader writing mode

H5F.start_swmr_write(fileID) activates the Single-Writer/Multiple-Reader (SWMR) writing mode for the file specified by fileID.



Unmount file or group from mount point

H5F.unmount(locID,name) disassociates the file or group specified by locID from the mount point specified by name. locID can be a file or group identifier.


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fid = H5F.create("myfile.h5");
fid ="example.h5");

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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