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Class: matlab.System

System output and state update equations


[output,output2,...] = stepImpl(obj,input1,input2,...)


[output,output2,...] = stepImpl(obj,input1,input2,...) specifies the algorithm to execute when you run the System object™. Running the object calculates the outputs and updates the object’s state values using the inputs, properties, and state update equations. You can also run an object using function-like syntax instead of the step method. For example, if you define an FFT object using txfourier = dsp.FFT, you can run it simply by using txfourier().

For more information about the concepts of System object, see What Are System Objects?.

Run-Time Details

stepImpl is called via step when you run the System object. Users can also run the System object via the System object name, which calls step. For details, see Detailed Call Sequence.

Method Authoring Tips

  • You must set Access = protected for this method.

  • The number of input arguments and output arguments must be greater than or equal to the numbers returned by the getNumInputsImpl and getNumOutputsImpl methods, respectively.

  • Do not call release within the stepImpl method.

Input Arguments

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System object handle used to access properties, states, and methods specific to the object. If your stepImpl method does not use the object, you can replace this input with ~.

List the inputs to the System object. For examples of different input variations, see Change the Number of Inputs.

Output Arguments

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Output returned from the System object. For examples of different output variations, see Change the Number of Inputs.


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Use the stepImpl method to increment two numbers.

methods (Access = protected)
   function [y1,y2] = stepImpl(obj,x1,x2)
      y1 = x1 + 1;
      y2 = x2 + 1;

Version History

Introduced in R2011b

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