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Class: matlab.unittest.TestCase
Namespace: matlab.unittest

Provide access to shared test fixtures


fixtures = getSharedTestFixtures(testCase) provides access to the shared test fixtures for the test case and returns them as an array of matlab.unittest.fixtures.Fixture objects. Shared test fixtures are specified using the SharedTestFixtures attribute of TestCase subclasses.


fixtures = getSharedTestFixtures(testCase,fixtureClassName) returns only the shared test fixtures whose class is named fixtureClassName.


Input Arguments

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Test case, specified as a matlab.unittest.TestCase object.

Fully qualified name of the class that defines the shared test fixture, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

Example: "matlab.unittest.fixtures.PathFixture"



To learn about attributes of methods, see Method Attributes.


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Access the shared fixtures in your tests by using the getSharedTestFixtures method.

This example assumes that your current folder contains a subfolder named helperFiles. Create the subfolder if it does not exist.

[~,~] = mkdir("helperFiles")

In a file in your current folder, create the SampleTest test class that uses two shared test fixtures. For illustration purposes, in this example, the Test methods access the fixtures to perform their qualifications.

classdef (SharedTestFixtures={ ...
        matlab.unittest.fixtures.PathFixture("helperFiles"), ...
        matlab.unittest.fixtures.TemporaryFolderFixture}) ...
        SampleTest < matlab.unittest.TestCase
    methods (Test)
        function testFixtureCount(testCase)
            % Test the number of shared test fixtures
            f = testCase.getSharedTestFixtures;

        function testPath(testCase)
            % Test the search path
            import matlab.unittest.constraints.ContainsSubstring
            f = testCase.getSharedTestFixtures( ...

        function testTempFolder(testCase)
            % Test writing to the temporary folder
            import matlab.unittest.constraints.IsFile
            f = testCase.getSharedTestFixtures( ...
            tempFolderName = f.Folder;
            filename = string(tempFolderName) + filesep + "myFile.dat";

Run the test class. The testing framework first sets up the fixtures, runs the tests, and then tears down the fixtures. In this example, all the tests pass.

results = runtests("SampleTest");
Setting up PathFixture
Done setting up PathFixture: Added 'C:\work\helperFiles' to the path.

Setting up TemporaryFolderFixture
Done setting up TemporaryFolderFixture: Created the temporary folder "C:\Temp\tpf8cf6d27_3c19_42ce_9c0f_d3a130a077f0".

Running SampleTest
Done SampleTest

Tearing down TemporaryFolderFixture
Done tearing down TemporaryFolderFixture: Deleted the temporary folder "C:\Temp\tpf8cf6d27_3c19_42ce_9c0f_d3a130a077f0" and all its contents.

Tearing down PathFixture
Done tearing down PathFixture: Restored the path to its original state.

Version History

Introduced in R2013b

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