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ESP32 Board Setup Tips

ESP32 Hardware Detection

During the Hardware Setup workflow on Windows®, if the ESP32 board is not detected or if a warning sign appears against the CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller device in Device Manager, try these steps:

  1. Download the CP210x Universal Windows Driver from Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers.

  2. Extract the contents of the zipped folder that you downloaded.

  3. Go to Device Manager, double click the CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller device, and click Update Driver.

  4. Browse for the folder in which you extracted the CP210x driver, and complete the update of the driver.

  5. Launch the arduinosetup interface again, reconnect the ESP32 board to USB port, and proceed with the setup.

ESP32 Hardware Configuration

If you are facing issues while configuring your ESP32 board connection using arduinosetup interface, try the following steps:

  • Ensure that your computer is connected to the internet to download the necessary third-party files required for the ESP32 setup.

  • Ensure that you have write permissions to the Arduino® CLI root folder. Use the following command to find the CLI root folder.


If you are still experiencing Arduino hardware connection issues, contact MathWorks Technical Support.

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