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Marshal MATLAB Structures (structs) in C#

Structures (or structs) are MATLAB® arrays with elements accessed by textual field designators.

Structs consist of data containers, called fields. Each field stores an array of some MATLAB data type. Every field has a unique name.

Creating a MATLAB Structure

MATLAB structures are ordered lists of name-value pairs. You represent them in C# by defining a .NET struct or class, as long as it has public fields or properties corresponding to the MATLAB structure. A field or property in a .NET struct or class can have a value convertible to and from any MATLAB data type, including a cell array or another structure. The examples in this article use both .NET structs and classes.

In MATLAB, create a structure that contains name, score, and grade to store information for a student. = 'Ed Plum';
S.score = 83;
S.grade = 'B+' 
This code creates a scalar structure (S) with three fields.
S = 
    name: 'Ed Plum'
    score: 83
    grade: 'B+'
You can create a multidimensional structure array by inserting additional elements in the structure S. The following code creates a structure array of dimensions (1,3).
S(2).name = 'Tony Miller';
S(2).score = 91;
S(2).grade = 'A-';
S(3).name = 'Mark Jones';
S(3).score = 85;
S(3).grade = 'A-';

Using .NET Structs and Classes

You create .NET structs and classes to marshal data to and from MATLAB structures.

The .NET struct Student is an example of a .NET struct that is marshaling .NET types as inputs to MATLAB function, such as sortstudents, using public fields and properties. Note the publicly declared field name, and the properties grade and score.

In addition to using a .NET struct, Please note the following:

  • Student can also be defined as a class.

  • Even though in this example a combination of public fields and properties is used, you can also use only fields or properties.

 .NET Struct Student

The C# class SimpleStruct uses public readable properties as input to MATLAB, and uses a public constructor when marshaling as output from MATLAB.

When this class is passed as input to a MATLAB function, it results in a MATLAB struct with fields Field1 and Field2, which are defined as public readable properties. When a MATLAB struct with field names Field1 and Field2 is passed from MATLAB, it is used as the target .NET type (string and double, respectively) because it has a constructor with input parameters Field1 and Field2.

 C# Class SimpleStruct

MATLAB function sortstudents takes in an array of student structures and sorts the input array in ascending order by student score. Each element in the struct array represents different information about a student.

The C# interface StudentSorter and method sortstudents is provided to show equivalent functionality in C#.

Your .NET structs and classes must adhere to specific requirements, based on both the level of scoping (fields and properties as opposed to constructor, for example) and whether you are marshaling .NET types to or from a MATLAB structure. See Using .NET Structs and Classes for details.

 MATLAB Function sortstudents

The .NET interface StudentSorter, with the method sortstudents, uses the previously defined .NET Student struct for inputs and outputs. When marshaling structs for input and output in .NET, the Student struct or class must be included in the MWStructureList attribute. For more information about this custom attribute, see the .NET API documentation located in $MPS_INSTALL/client.

 C# Interface StudentSorter

 C# Class ClientExample

When you run the application, the following output is generated:

Unsorted list of students :
Tony Miller : A : 90
Ed Plum : B+ : 80
Mark Jones : A- : 85

Sorted list of students :
Ed Plum : B+ : 80
Mark Jones : A- : 85
Tony Miller : A : 90
Press any key to continue . . .

Using Attributes

In addition to using the techniques described in Using .NET Structs and Classes, attributes also provide versatile ways to marshal .NET types to and from MATLAB structures.

The MATLAB Production Server™-defined attribute MWStructureList can be scoped at field, property, method, or interface level.

In the following example, a MATLAB function takes a cell array (vector) as input containing various MATLAB struct data types and returns a cell array (vector) as output containing modified versions of the input structs.

 MATLAB Function outcell

Define the cell array using two .NET struct types:

 .NET struct Types Struct1 and Struct2

Without using the MWStructureList attribute, the C# method signature in the interface StructExample, is as follows:

public interface StructExample
    public object[] modifyinput(object[] cellArrayWithStructs);

Note that this signature, as written, provides no information about the structure types that cellArrayWithStructs include at run time. By using the MWStructureList attribute, however, you define those types directly in the method signature:

public interface StructExample
    [MWStructureList(typeof(Struct1), typeof(Struct2))]
    public object[] modifyinput(object[] cellArrayWithStructs);

The MWStructureList attribute can be scoped at:

Method Attributes

In this example, the attribute MWStructureList is used as a method attribute for marshaling both the input and output types.

public interface StructExample
    [MWStructureList(typeof(Struct1), typeof(Struct2))]
    public object[] modifyinput(object[] cellArrayWithStructs);

In this example, struct types Struct1 and Struct2 are not exposed to method modifyinputNew because modifyinputNew is a separate method signature

public interface StructExample
    [MWStructureList(typeof(Struct1), typeof(Struct2))]
    public object[] modifyinput(object[] cellArrayWithStructs);
    public object[] modifyinputNew(object[] cellArrayWithStructs);

Interface Attributes

When used at an interface level, an attribute is shared by all the methods of the interface.

In the following example, both modifyinput and modifyinputNew methods share the interface attribute MWStructureList because the attribute is defined prior to the interface declaration.

[MWStructureList(typeof(Struct1), typeof(Struct2))] 
public interface StructExample
    public object[] modifyinput(object[] cellArrayWithStructs);
    public object[] modifyinputNew(object[] cellArrayWithStructs);

Fields and Property Attributes

Write the interface using public fields or public properties.

You can represent this type of .NET struct in three ways using fields and properties:

  • At the field:

    Using public field and the MWStructureList attribute:

    public struct StructWithinStruct
        [MWStructureList(typeof(Struct1), typeof(Struct2))]
        public object[] cellArrayWithStructs;
  • At the property, for both get and set methods:

    Using public properties and the MWStructureList attribute:

    public struct StructWithinStruct
        private object[] arr;
        [MWStructureList(typeof(Struct1), typeof(Struct2))]
        public object[] cellArrayWithStructs
                return arr;
                arr = value;
  • At the property, for both or either get or set methods, depending on whether this struct will be used as an input to MATLAB or an output from MATLAB:

    public struct StructWithinStruct
        private object[] arr;     
        public object[] cellArrayWithStructs
            [MWStructureList(typeof(Struct1), typeof(Struct2))]
                return arr;
            [MWStructureList(typeof(Struct1), typeof(Struct2))]
                arr = value;


    The last two examples, which show attributes used at the property, produce the same result.

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