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MATLAB Production Server add-ons available on active server instance


    addons = prodserver.addon.availableAddOns(host,port) returns the add-ons available on an active MATLAB® Production Server™ server instance.

    This function requires MATLAB Client for MATLAB Production Server.


    addons = prodserver.addon.availableAddOns(host,port,'TransportLayerSecurity',tf) additionally lets you specify the URI scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) of the sever.



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    Find the names of add-ons that are available on an active server instance.

    First, host a deployable archive fractal on a MATLAB Production Server instance. You must include a MATLAB function signature file when you create the archive. You must enable the discovery service on the server instance that hosts the archive. For information on how to create and deploy the archive, see Create Deployable Archive for MATLAB Production Server and Deploy Archive to MATLAB Production Server.

    Start the server instance running at localhost and port 57142.

    Find which add-ons are available on the server.

    addons = prodserver.addon.availableAddOns('localhost',57142)
    addons =
      1×8 table
            Name          Release     Version    Installed                  Identifier                  Scheme        Host        Port 
        _____________    _________    _______    _________    ______________________________________    _______    ___________    _____
          "fractal"      "R2020b"     "1.0.0"      true       "76643195-2ba3-4574-8fd0-084cc51251aa"     "http"    "localhost"    57142

    The output indicates that the fractal add-on is available and is also installed on the client machine.

    Find the names of add-ons that are available on an active server instance that uses HTTPS.

    First, enable HTTPS on a MATLAB Production Server instance. For more information, see Enable HTTPS.

    Host a deployable archive fractal on the server instance. You must include a MATLAB function signature file when you create the archive. You must enable the discovery service on the server instance that hosts the archive. For information on how to create and deploy the archive, see Create Deployable Archive for MATLAB Production Server and Deploy Archive to MATLAB Production Server.

    Start the server instance running at localhost and port 57143.

    Find which add-ons are available on the server.

    addons = prodserver.addon.availableAddOns('localhost',57143,'TransportLayerSecurity',true)
    addons =
      1×8 table
            Name          Release     Version    Installed                  Identifier                  Scheme        Host        Port 
        _____________    _________    _______    _________    ______________________________________    _______    ___________    _____
          "fractal"      "R2020b"     "1.0.0"      true       "76643195-2ba3-4574-8fd0-084cc51251aa"     "https"    "localhost"    57143

    The output indicates that the fractal add-on is available and is also installed on the client machine.

    Input Arguments

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    Host name of the server hosting a deployable archive from which an add-on is installed, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

    Example: ''

    Data Types: char | string

    Port number of the server hosting a deployable archive from which an add-on is installed, specified as a positive scalar.

    Example: 9920

    Data Types: uint8 | uint16

    Flag that sets the URI scheme that the add-on uses when communicating with a server, specified as a logical scalar. If you do not set tf or if you set tf to false, the function uses http. If you set tf to true, the function uses https.

    Example: true

    Data Types: logical

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    List of available MATLAB Production Server add-ons on a server instance, specified as a table. If multiple add-ons are available, each add-on is listed in a separate row. Each row has the following columns:

    • Name — Name of the available add-on.

    • Release — Version of MATLAB used to create the add-on.

    • Version — Author-specified version of the add-on.

    • Installed — Boolean indicating whether the add-on is installed on the client machine. If true, the add-on is installed. If false, the add-on is not installed.

    • Identifier — String uniquely identifying the add-on. For more information, see prodserver.addon.install.

    • Host — Host name of the server that makes the add-on available.

    • Port — Port number of the server that makes the add-on available.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2019b

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