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Manage Licenses for MATLAB Production Server

The Network License Manager manages MATLAB® Production Server™ licenses. For more information, see Install Products on Client Machines.

In addition to following instructions in the License Center to obtain and activate your license, you must configure MATLAB Production Server to use the license files.

Specify or Verify License Server Options in Server Configuration File

After you create a server from the command line using the mps-new command, you can specify or verify values for License Server properties in the main_config server configuration file. To update values for License Server properties, open server_name/config/main_config in a text editor.

  • license — Specifies license servers and license files. You can specify multiple license servers including port numbers (port_number@license_server_name), as well as license files, with one entry in main_config. List where you want the product to search, in order of precedence, using semi-colons (;) as separators on Windows or colons (:) as separators on Linux.

    For example, on a Linux system, you can specify the following value for the license property:

    --license 27000@hostA:/opt/license/license.dat:27001@hostB:./license.dat
    The system searches the property values in the following order:

    1. 27000@hostA: (hostA configured on port 27000)

    2. /opt/license/license.dat (local license data file)

    3. 27001@hostB: (hostB configured on port 27001)

    4. ./license.dat (local license data file)

  • license-grace-period — The maximum length of time that MATLAB Production Server responds to HTTP requests, after license server heartbeat has been lost. See the network license manager documentation for more on heartbeats and related license terminology.

  • license-poll-interval — The interval of time that must pass after license server heartbeat has been lost and MATLAB Production Server stops responding to HTTP requests, before the system polls the license server to verify and checkout a valid license. Polling occurs at the interval specified by license-poll-interval until the server is able to check out a license. See the network license manager documentation for more on heartbeats and related license terminology.

Verify Status of License Server Using mps-status

The mps-status command returns the status of the server instance and the associated license server. The command is available only in an on-premises installation of MATLAB Production Server.

For detailed descriptions of these status messages, see License Server Status Information.

Forcing a License Checkout Using mps-license-reset

Use the mps-license-reset command to force the server to checkout a license in an on-premises MATLAB Production Server installation. You can use this command at any time, if you do not want to wait for MATLAB Production Server to verify and checkout a license at an interval established by a server configuration option such as license-grace-period or license-poll-interval.

See Also


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