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Specify Default MATLAB Runtime for New Server Instances

Each server instance that you create with MATLAB® Production Server™ has its own configuration file that defines various server management criteria. Use the mps-setup command to set the default MATLAB Runtime for all on-premises server instances that you create. The mps-setup command line wizard searches your machine for installed MATLAB Runtime instances and sets the default path to the MATLAB Runtime for all server instances.

If you do not have MATLAB Runtime installed on your machine, you must install it first. For more information, see Supported MATLAB Runtime Versions for MATLAB Production Server.

To set the default MATLAB Runtime:

  1. Open a system command prompt with administrator privileges.

  2. From the command prompt, navigate to the MATLAB Production Server script folder and run mps-setup.

    Alternatively, add the script folder to your system PATH environment variable to run mps-setup from any folder on your system. The script folder is located at $MPS_INSTALL\script, where $MPS_INSTALL is the location in which MATLAB Production Server is installed. For example, on Windows®, the default location for the script folder is C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Production Server\ver\script\mps-setup, where ver is the version of MATLAB Production Server.

  3. Follow the instructions in the command line wizard.

    The wizard searches your system for installed MATLAB Runtime instances and displays them.

  4. Enter y to confirm or n to specify a default MATLAB Runtime for all server instances.

    If mps-setup cannot locate an installed MATLAB Runtime on your system, the wizard prompts you to enter a path name to a valid instance.

Run mps-setup in Non-Interactive Mode for Silent Install

You can also run mps-setup without interactive command input for silent installations. To do so, specify the path name of the MATLAB Runtime as a command line argument.

For example, on Windows, run the following at the system command prompt.

C:\>mps-setup "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Runtime\mcrver"
mcrver is the version of the MATLAB Runtime to use.

Update MATLAB Runtime After Server Setup

If the server is already set up and you need to change or add a MATLAB Runtime version to the server, in the config/main_config file of your server instance root, update the mcr-root property.

See Also

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