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Convert beat frequency to range


r = beat2range(fb,slope) converts the beat frequency of a dechirped linear FMCW signal to its corresponding range. slope is the slope of the FMCW sweep.


r = beat2range(fb,slope,c) specifies the signal propagation speed.


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An FMCW waveform sweeps a band of 30 MHz (BW) in 2 ms (T). The dechirped target return has a beat frequency (freqb) of 1 kHz. Compute the target range in meters.

BW = 30e6;
T = 2e-3;
slope = BW/T;
freqb = 1e3;
r = beat2range(freqb,slope)
r = 

Input Arguments

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Beat frequency of dechirped signal, specified as an M-by-1 vector or M-by-2 matrix in hertz. If the FMCW signal performs an upsweep or downsweep, fb is a vector of beat frequencies.

If the FMCW signal has a triangular sweep, fb is an M-by-2 matrix in which each row represents a pair of beat frequencies. Each row has the form [UpSweepBeatFrequency,DownSweepBeatFrequency].

Data Types: single | double

Slope of FMCW sweep, specified as a nonzero scalar in hertz per second. If the FMCW signal has a triangular sweep, slope is the sweep slope of the up-sweep half. In this case, slope must be positive and the down-sweep half is assumed to have a slope of -slope.

Data Types: single | double

Signal propagation speed, specified as a positive scalar in meters per second.

Data Types: single | double

Output Arguments

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Range, returned as an M-by-1 column vector in meters. Each row of r is the range corresponding to the beat frequency in a row of fb.

Data Types: single | double

More About

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Beat Frequency

For an up-sweep or down-sweep FMCW signal, the beat frequency is FtFr. In this expression, Ft is the transmitted signal’s carrier frequency, and Fr is the received signal’s carrier frequency.

For an FMCW signal with triangular sweep, the upsweep and downsweep have separate beat frequencies.


If fb is a vector, the function computes c*fb/(2*slope).

If fb is an M-by-2 matrix with a row [UpSweepBeatFrequency,DownSweepBeatFrequency], the corresponding row in r is c*((UpSweepBeatFrequency - DownSweepBeatFrequency)/2)/(2*slope).

This function supports single and double precision for input data and arguments.


[1] Pace, Phillip. Detecting and Classifying Low Probability of Intercept Radar. Artech House, Boston, 2009.

[2] Skolnik, M.I. Introduction to Radar Systems. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2012b

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