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Plot range-angle response


plotResponse(response,X) plots the range response of a dechirped input signal, X, from the phased.RangeAngleResponse object, response. This syntax applies when you set the RangeMethod property to 'FFT' and the DechirpInput property to false.

plotResponse(response,X,XREF) plots the range response X, after performing a dechirp operation using the reference signal, XREF. This syntax applies when you set the RangeMethod property to 'FFT' and the DechirpInput property to true.

plotResponse(response,X,COEFF) plots the range response of X after match filtering using the match filter coefficients, coeff. This syntax applies when you set the RangeMethod property to 'Matched filter'.

plotResponse(___,'Unit',unit) plots the response in the units specified by units.



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Calculate the range-angle response from a pulsed radar transmitting a rectangular waveform using the matched filter approach. The signal includes three target returns. Two are approximately 2000 m away and the third is approximately 3500 m away. In addition, two targets are stationary relative to the radar while the third is moving away from the radar at approximately 100 m/s. The signals arrive at an 8-element uniform linear array.

First, load the example data.

fs = rectdata.fs;
propspeed = rectdata.propspeed;
fc = rectdata.fc;
rxdata = rectdata.rxdata;
mfcoeffs = rectdata.mfcoeffs;
%noisepower = rectdata.noisepower;
antennaarray = rectdata.antennaarray;

Second, create the range-angle response object for matched filter processing.

rngangresp = phased.RangeAngleResponse(...

Obtain the range-angle map.

[resp,rng_grid,ang_grid] = rngangresp(rxdata,mfcoeffs);

Plot the response.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Range-Angle Response Pattern, xlabel Angle (degrees), ylabel Range (meters) contains an object of type image.

Input Arguments

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Range-angle response object, specified as a phased.RangeAngleResponse System object.

Input data, specified as a complex-valued K-by-N matrix. The contents of the data cube depend on the type of range-angle processing specified by the different syntaxes. K always specifies the number of fast-time samples and N is always the number of channels, either array elements or beams.

  • K is the number of fast-time or range samples.

  • N is the number of independent spatial channels such as sensors or directions.

The size of the first dimension of the input matrix can vary to simulate a changing signal length. A size change can occur, for example, in the case of a pulse waveform with variable pulse repetition frequency.

Reference signal used for dechirping, specified as a complex-valued K-by-1 column vector. The number of rows must equal the length of the fast-time dimension of X.


To enable this input argument, set the value of RangeMethod to 'FFT' and DechirpInput to true.

Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes

Matched filter coefficients, specified as a complex-valued P-by-1 column vector. P must be less than or equal to K. K is the number of fast-time or range sample.


To enable this input argument, set the value of RangeMethod to 'Matched filter'.

Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes

Plot units, specified as 'db', 'mag', or 'pow'. who

  • 'db' – plot the response power in dB.

  • 'mag' – plot the magnitude of the response.

  • 'pow' – plot the response power.

Example: 'mag'

Data Types: char | string

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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