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Receiver operating characteristic curves by SNR


[Pd,Pfa] = rocsnr(SNRdB) returns the single-pulse detection probabilities, Pd, and false-alarm probabilities, Pfa, for the SNRs in the vector SNRdB. By default, for each SNR, the detection probabilities are computed for 101 false-alarm probabilities between 1e–10 and 1. The false-alarm probabilities are logarithmically equally spaced. The ROC curve is constructed assuming a coherent receiver with a nonfluctuating target.

[Pd,Pfa] = rocsnr(SNRdB,Name=Value) returns detection probabilities and false-alarm probabilities with additional options specified by one or more name-value arguments.


rocsnr(___) plots the ROC curves.


collapse all

Plot ROC curves for different SNRs for a single pulse.

SNRdB = [3 6 9 12];

[Pd,Pfa] = rocsnr(SNRdB,SignalType="NonfluctuatingCoherent");

grid on
legend("SNR "+SNRdB+" dB",Location="northwest")
title("Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curves")

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curves, xlabel P indexOf fa baseline, ylabel P indexOf d baseline P_d contains 4 objects of type line. These objects represent SNR 3 dB, SNR 6 dB, SNR 9 dB, SNR 12 dB.

To achieve a probability of false alarm of 1e-6, the SNR threshold for Neyman-Pearson detection of a single pulse in real-valued Gaussian noise is approximately 13.5 dB. Plot an ROC curve at that SNR.

snrthreshold = npwgnthresh(1e-6,1,'real');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Real Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curves, xlabel P indexOf fa baseline, ylabel P indexOf d baseline P_d contains 2 objects of type line, text.

Examine detector performance for different received signal types at a fixed SNR.

SNR = 13.54;
[Pd_real,Pfa_real] = rocsnr(SNR,'SignalType','real',...
[Pd_coh,Pfa_coh] = rocsnr(SNR,...
[Pd_noncoh,Pfa_noncoh] = rocsnr(SNR,'SignalType',...
hold on
grid on
xlabel('False-Alarm Probability')
ylabel('Probability of Detection')
title('ROC Curve Comparison for Nonfluctuating RCS Target')
hold off

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title ROC Curve Comparison for Nonfluctuating RCS Target, xlabel False-Alarm Probability, ylabel Probability of Detection contains 3 objects of type line. These objects represent Real, Coherent, Noncoherent.

The ROC curves clearly demonstrate the superior probability of detection performance for coherent and noncoherent detectors over the real-valued case.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Signal-to-noise ratios in decibels, specified as a row or column vector.

Example: [3 6 9 12]

Data Types: double

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: MinPfa=1e-8,NumPoints=64,NumPulses=10

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'MinPfa',1e-8,'NumPoints',64,'NumPulses',10

Maximum false-alarm probability to include in the ROC calculation, specified as a positive scalar.

Data Types: double

Minimum false-alarm probability to include in the ROC calculation, specified as a positive scalar.

Data Types: double

Number of pulses to integrate when calculating the ROC curves, specified as a positive integer. A value of 1 indicates no pulse integration.

Data Types: double

Number of SNR values to use when calculating the ROC curves, specified as a positive integer. The actual values are equally spaced between MinSNR and MaxSNR.

Data Types: double

This property specifies the type of received signal or, equivalently, the probability density functions (PDF) used to compute the ROC. Valid values are: "Real", "NonfluctuatingCoherent", "NonfluctuatingNoncoherent", "Swerling1", "Swerling2", "Swerling3", and "Swerling4". Values are not case sensitive.

The "NonfluctuatingCoherent" signal type assumes that the noise in the received signal is a complex-valued, Gaussian random variable. This variable has independent zero-mean real and imaginary parts each with variance σ2/2 under the null hypothesis. In the case of a single pulse in a coherent receiver with complex white Gaussian noise, the probability of detection, PD, for a given false-alarm probability, PFA is:


where erfc and erfc-1 are the complementary error function and that function’s inverse, and χ is the SNR not expressed in decibels.

For details about the other supported signal types, see [1].

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

collapse all

Detection probabilities corresponding to the false-alarm probabilities, returned as a vector. For each SNR in SNRdB, Pd contains one column of detection probabilities.

False-alarm probabilities, returned as a column vector. By default, the false-alarm probabilities are 101 logarithmically equally spaced values between 1e–10 and 1. To change the range of probabilities, use the optional MinPfa or MaxPfa input argument. To change the number of probabilities, use the optional NumPoints input argument.


[1] Richards, M. A. Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005, pp 298–336.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2011a

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