Scattering MIMO Channel
Scattering MIMO propagation channel
Phased Array System Toolbox /
Environment and Target
The Scattering MIMO Channel models a 3-D multipath propagation channel in which radiated signals from a transmitting array are reflected from multiple scatters back towards a receiving array. In this channel, propagation paths are direct paths (line-of-sight) from point to point. The block models range-dependent time delay, gain, Doppler shift, phase change, and atmospheric loss due to gases, rain, fog, and clouds. You can optionally propagate a signal via a direct path from transmitter to receiver.
The attenuation models for atmospheric gases and rain are valid for electromagnetic signals in the frequency range 1–1000 GHz but the attenuation model for fog and clouds is valid for only 10–1000 GHz. Outside these frequency ranges, the object uses the nearest valid value.
X — Transmitted narrowband signal
M-by-Nt complex-valued
The transmitted narrowband signal, specified as an M-by-Nt complex-valued matrix. The quantity M is the number of samples in the signal, and Nt is the number of transmitting array elements. Each column represents the signal transmitted by the corresponding array element.
Example: [1,1;j,1;0.5,0]
The size of the first dimension of the input matrix can vary to simulate a changing signal length. A size change can occur, for example, in the case of a pulse waveform with variable pulse repetition frequency.
To enable this port, set the Polarization configuration
parameter to None
Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes
XH — Transmitted narrowband H-polarization signal
M-by-Nt complex-valued matrix
Transmitted narrowband H-polarization signal, specified as an M-by-Nt complex-valued matrix. The quantity M is the number of samples in the signal, and Nt is the number of transmitting array elements. Each column represents the signal transmitted by the corresponding array element.
The size of the first dimension of the input matrix can vary to simulate a changing signal length. A size change can occur, for example, in the case of a pulse waveform with variable pulse repetition frequency.
Example: [1,1;j,1;0.5,0]
To enable this port, set the Polarization configuration
parameter to Dual
Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes
XV — Transmitted narrowband V-polarization signal
M-by-Nt complex-valued matrix
Transmitted narrowband V-polarization signal, specified as an M-by-Nt complex-valued matrix. The quantity M is the number of samples in the signal, and Nt is the number of transmitting array elements. Each column represents the signal transmitted by the corresponding array element.
The size of the first dimension of the input matrix can vary to simulate a changing signal length. A size change can occur, for example, in the case of a pulse waveform with variable pulse repetition frequency.
To enable this port, set the Polarization configuration
parameter to Dual
Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes
TxPos — Position of transmitting antenna array
3-by-1 real-valued column vector
Position of transmitting antenna array, specified as a 3-by-1
real-valued column vector taking the form [x;y;z]
The vector elements correspond to the x, y,
and z positions of the array. Units are in meters.
To enable this port, set the Source of transmit array
motion parameter to Input port
Data Types: double
TxVel — Velocity of transmitting antenna array
3-by-1 real-valued column vector
Velocity of transmitting antenna array, specified as a 3-by-1
real-valued column vector taking the form [vx;vy;vz]
The vector elements correspond to the x, y,
and z velocities of the array. Units are in meters
per second.
To enable this port, set the Source of transmit array
motion parameter to Input port
Data Types: double
TxAxes — Axes orientation of transmitting antenna array
3-by-3 real orthonormal matrix
Axes orientation of transmitting antenna array, specified as a 3-by-3 real orthonormal matrix. The matrix defines the orientation of the array local coordinate system with respect to the global coordinates. Matrix columns correspond to the directions of the x, y, and z axes of the local coordinate system. Units are dimensionless.
To enable this port, set the Source of transmit array
motion parameter to Input port
Data Types: double
RxPos — Position of receiving antenna array
3-by-1 real-valued column vector
Position of receiving antenna array, specified as a 3-by-1 real-valued
column vector taking the form [x;y;z]
. The vector
elements correspond to the x, y,
and z positions of the array. Units are in meters.
To enable this port, set the Source of receive array
motion parameter to Input port
Data Types: double
RxVel — Velocity of receiving antenna array
3-by-1 real-valued column vector
Velocity of receiving antenna array, specified as a 3-by-1 real-valued
column vector taking the form [vx;vy;vz]
. The vector
elements correspond to the x, y,
and z velocities of the array. Units are in meters
per second.
To enable this port, set the Source of receive array
motion parameter to Input port
Data Types: double
RxAxes — Axes orientation of receiving antenna array
3-by-3 real orthonormal matrix
Axes orientation of receiving antenna array, specified as a 3-by-3 real orthonormal matrix. The matrix defines the orientation of the array local coordinate system with respect to the global coordinates. Matrix columns correspond to the directions of the x, y, and z axes of the local coordinate system. Units are dimensionless.
To enable this port, set the Source of receive array
motion parameter to Input port
Data Types: double
ScatPos — Positions of scatterers
3-by-Ns real-valued matrix
Position of scatterers, specified as a 3-by-Ns real-valued
matrix. Each column of the matrix takes the form [x;y;z]
containing the x, y, and z positions
of a scatterer. Units are in meters.
To enable this port, set the Scatterer specification parameter
to Input port
Data Types: double
ScatVel — Velocities of scatterers
3-by-Ns real-valued matrix
Velocities of scatterers, specified as a 3-by-Ns real-valued
matrix. Each matrix column has the form [vx;vy;vz]
containing the x, y, and z velocities
of a scatterer. Units are in meters per second.
To enable this port, set the Scatterer specification parameter
to Input port
Data Types: double
ScatCoef — Scattering coefficients
1-by-Ns complex-valued row vector
Scattering coefficients, specified as a 1-by-Ns complex-valued row vector. Each vector element specifies the scattering coefficient of the corresponding scatterer. Units are dimensionless.
To enable this port, set the Scatterer specification parameter
to Input port
Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes
Y — Received narrowband signal
M-by-Nr complex-valued
Received narrowband signal, returned as an M-by-Nr complex-valued matrix. The quantity M is the number of samples in the signal, and Nr is the number of receiving array elements. Each column represents the signal received by the corresponding array element.
To enable this port, set the Polarization configuration
parameter to None
Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes
YH — Received narrowband H-polarization signal
complex-valued M-by-Nr matrix
Received narrowband H-polarization signal, returned as a complex-valued M-by-Nr matrix. M is the number of samples in the signal, and Nr is the number of receiving array elements. Each column represents the signal received by the corresponding array element.
To enable this port, set the Polarization configuration
parameter to Dual
Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes
YV — Received narrowband V-polarization signal
complex-valued M-by-Nr matrix
Received narrowband V-polarization signal, returned as a complex-valued M-by-Nr matrix. M is the number of samples in the signal, and Nr is the number of receiving array elements. Each column represents the signal received by the corresponding array element.
To enable this port, set the Polarization configuration
parameter to Dual
Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes
CS — Channel response
Nt-by-Nr-by-Ns complex-valued MATLAB® array
Channel response, returned as an Nt-by-Nr-by-Ns complex-valued MATLAB array. Nt is the number of transmitting array elements. Nr is the number of receiving array elements. Ns is the number of scatterers. Each page of the array corresponds to the channel response matrix for a specific scatterer.
To enable this port, select the Output channel response check box.
Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes
Tau — Path delays
1-by-Ns real-valued vector
Path delays, returned as a 1-by-Ns real-valued vector. Ns is the number of scatterers. Each element corresponds to the path time delay from the transmitting array phase center to the scatterer and then to the receiving array phase center.
To enable this port, select the Output channel response checkbox.
Data Types: double
Propagation speed (m/s) — Signal propagation speed
(default) | positive scalar
Signal propagation speed, specified as a real-valued positive scalar. The default
value of the speed of light is the value returned by
Data Types: double
Signal carrier frequency (Hz) — Signal carrier frequency
(default) | positive scalar
Signal carrier frequency, specified as a positive scalar. Units are in Hz.
Data Types: double
Polarization configuration — Polarization configuration
(default) | Combined
| Dual
Polarization configuration, specified as None
, or Dual
. When you set
this parameter to None
, the output field is considered a
scalar field. When you set this parameter to None
, the
radiated fields are polarized and are interpreted as a single signal in the sensor's
inherent polarization. When you set this parameter to Dual
the H and V polarization components of the
radiated field are independent signals.
Data Types: char
Specify atmospheric parameters — Enable atmospheric attenuation model
off (default) | on
Select this parameter to enable to add signal attenuation caused by atmospheric gases, rain, fog, or clouds. When you select this parameter, the Temperature (degrees Celsius), Dry air pressure (Pa), Water vapour density (g/m^3), Liquid water density (g/m^3), and Rain rate (mm/hr) parameters appear in the dialog box.
Data Types: Boolean
Temperature (degrees Celsius) — Ambient temperature
(default) | real-valued scalar
Ambient temperature, specified as a real-valued scalar. Units are in degrees Celsius.
To enable this parameter, select the Specify atmospheric parameters checkbox.
Data Types: double
Dry air pressure (Pa) — Atmospheric dry air pressure
(default) | positive real-valued scalar
Atmospheric dry air pressure, specified as a positive real-valued scalar. Units are in pascals (Pa). The default value of this parameter corresponds to one standard atmosphere.
To enable this parameter, select the Specify atmospheric parameters checkbox.
Data Types: double
Water vapour density (g/m^3) — Atmospheric water vapor density
(default) | positive real-valued scalar
Atmospheric water vapor density, specified as a positive real-valued scalar. Units are in g/m3.
To enable this parameter, select the Specify atmospheric parameters checkbox.
Data Types: datetime
Liquid water density (g/m^3) — Liquid water density
(default) | nonnegative real-valued scalar
Liquid water density of fog or clouds, specified as a nonnegative real-valued scalar. Units are in g/m3. Typical values for liquid water density are 0.05 for medium fog and 0.5 for thick fog.
To enable this parameter, select the Specify atmospheric parameters checkbox.
Data Types: double
Rain rate (mm/hr) — Rainfall rate
(default) | non-negative real-valued scalar
Rainfall rate, specified as a nonnegative real-valued scalar. Units are in mm/hr.
To enable this parameter, select the Specify atmospheric parameters checkbox.
Data Types: double
Inherit sample rate — Inherit sample rate from upstream blocks
on (default) | off
Select this parameter to inherit the sample rate from upstream blocks. Otherwise, specify the sample rate using the Sample rate (Hz) parameter.
Data Types: Boolean
Sample rate (Hz) — Sampling rate of signal
(default) | positive real-valued scalar
Specify the signal sampling rate as a positive scalar. Units are in Hz.
To enable this parameter, clear the Inherit sample rate check box.
Data Types: double
Simulate direct path propagation — Enable propagation along direct path
off (default) | on
Select this check box to enable signal propagation along the line-of-sight direct path from the transmitting array to the receiving array with no scattering.
Data Types: Boolean
Maximum delay (s) — Maximum signal delay
(default) | positive scalar
The maximum signal delay, specified as a positive scalar. Delays greater than this value are ignored.
Data Types: double
Output channel response — Enable output of channel response
off (default) | on
Select this checkbox to output the channel response and time
delay via the output ports CS
and Tau
Data Types: Boolean
Simulate using — Block simulation method
Interpreted Execution
(default) | Code Generation
Block simulation, specified as Interpreted Execution
Code Generation
. If you want your block to use the
MATLAB interpreter, choose Interpreted Execution
. If
you want your block to run as compiled code, choose Code
. Compiled code requires time to compile but usually runs
Interpreted execution is useful when you are developing and tuning a model. The block
runs the underlying System object™ in MATLAB. You can change and execute your model quickly. When you are satisfied
with your results, you can then run the block using Code
. Long simulations run faster with generated code than in
interpreted execution. You can run repeated executions without recompiling, but if you
change any block parameters, then the block automatically recompiles before
This table shows how the Simulate using parameter affects the overall simulation behavior.
When the Simulink® model is in Accelerator
mode, the block mode specified
using Simulate using overrides the simulation mode.
Acceleration Modes
Block Simulation | Simulation Behavior | ||
Normal | Accelerator | Rapid Accelerator | |
Interpreted Execution | The block executes using the MATLAB interpreter. | The block executes using the MATLAB interpreter. | Creates a standalone executable from the model. |
Code Generation | The block is compiled. | All blocks in the model are compiled. |
For more information, see Choosing a Simulation Mode (Simulink).
Programmatic Use
Parameter:SimulateUsing |
Type:enum |
Execution , Code Generation |
Execution |
Specify sensor array as — Method to specify array
Array (no subarrays)
(default) | MATLAB expression
Method to specify array, specified as Array (no subarrays)
or MATLAB expression
Array (no subarrays)
— use the block parameters to specify the array.MATLAB expression
— create the array using a MATLAB expression.
Expression — MATLAB expression used to create an array
Phased Array System Toolbox™ array System object
MATLAB expression used to create an array, specified as a valid Phased Array System Toolbox array System object.
Example: phased.URA('Size',[5,3])
To enable this parameter, set Specify sensor array as to
MATLAB expression
Element type — Array element types
Isotropic Antenna
(default) | Cosine Antenna
| Custom Antenna
| Omni Microphone
| Custom Microphone
Antenna or microphone type, specified as one of the following:
Isotropic Antenna
Cosine Antenna
Custom Antenna
Omni Microphone
Custom Microphone
Operating frequency range (Hz) — Operating frequency range of the antenna or microphone element
(default) | real-valued 1-by-2 row vector
Specify the operating frequency range of the antenna or microphone element as a 1-by-2
row vector in the form [LowerBound,UpperBound]
. The element has no
response outside this frequency range. Frequency units are in Hz.
To enable this parameter, set Element type to
Isotropic Antenna
, Cosine Antenna
, or
Omni Microphone
Operating frequency vector (Hz) — Operating frequency range of custom antenna or microphone elements
(default) | real-valued row vector
Specify the frequencies at which to set antenna and microphone frequency responses as a 1-by-L row vector of increasing real values. The antenna or microphone element has no response outside the frequency range specified by the minimum and maximum elements of this vector. Frequency units are in Hz.
To enable this parameter, set Element type to Custom
or Custom Microphone
. Use
Frequency responses (dB) to set the responses at these
Baffle the back of the element — Set back response of an Isotropic Antenna
element or an Omni Microphone
element to zero
off (default) | on
Select this check box to baffle the back response of the element. When back baffled, the responses at all azimuth angles beyond ±90° from broadside are set to zero. The broadside direction is defined as 0° azimuth angle and 0° elevation angle.
To enable this check box, set
Element type to
Isotropic Antenna
Omni Microphone
Exponent of cosine pattern — Exponents of azimuth and elevation cosine patterns
[1.5 1.5]
(default) | nonnegative scalar | real-valued 1-by-2 matrix of nonnegative values
Specify the exponents of the cosine pattern as a nonnegative scalar or a real-valued 1-by-2 matrix of nonnegative values. When Exponent of cosine pattern is a 1-by-2 vector, the first element is the exponent in the azimuth direction and the second element is the exponent in the elevation direction. When you set this parameter to a scalar, both the azimuth direction and elevation direction cosine patterns are raised to the same power.
To enable this parameter, set Element
type to Cosine
Frequency responses (dB) — Antenna and microphone frequency response
(default) | real-valued row vector
Frequency response of a custom antenna or custom microphone for the frequencies defined by the Operating frequency vector (Hz) parameter. The dimensions of Frequency responses (dB) must match the dimensions of the vector specified by the Operating frequency vector (Hz) parameter.
To enable this parameter, set
Element type to
Custom Antenna
Input Pattern Coordinate System — Coordinate system of custom antenna pattern
(default) | phi-theta
Coordinate system of custom antenna pattern, specified
or phi-theta
. When you
specify az-el
, use the Azimuth angles
(deg) and Elevations angles (deg) parameters to
specify the coordinates of the pattern points. When you specify
, use the Phi angles (deg)
and Theta angles (deg) parameters to specify the coordinates of the
pattern points.
To enable this parameter, set Element type to
Custom Antenna
Azimuth angles (deg) — Azimuth angles of antenna radiation pattern
(default) | real-valued row vector
Specify the azimuth angles at which to calculate the antenna radiation pattern as a 1-by-P row vector. P must be greater than 2. Azimuth angles must lie between –180° and 180°, inclusive, and be in strictly increasing order.
To enable this parameter, set the Element type
parameter to Custom Antenna
and the
Input Pattern Coordinate System
parameter to az-el
Elevation angles (deg) — Elevation angles of antenna radiation pattern
(default) | real-valued row vector
Specify the elevation angles at which to compute the radiation pattern as a 1-by-Q vector. Q must be greater than 2. Angle units are in degrees. Elevation angles must lie between –90° and 90°, inclusive, and be in strictly increasing order.
To enable this parameter, set the Element type
parameter to Custom Antenna
and the
Input Pattern Coordinate System
parameter to az-el
Phi Angles (deg) — Phi angle coordinates of custom antenna radiation pattern
| real-valued 1-by-P row vector
Phi angles of points at which to specify the antenna radiation pattern, specify as a real-valued 1-by-P row vector. P must be greater than 2. Angle units are in degrees. Phi angles must lie between 0° and 360° and be in strictly increasing order.
To enable this parameter, set the Element type parameter to
Custom Antenna
and the Input Pattern Coordinate
System parameter to phi-theta
Theta Angles (deg) — Theta angle coordinates of custom antenna radiation pattern
| real-valued 1-by-Q row vector
Theta angles of points at which to specify the antenna radiation pattern, specify as a real-valued 1-by-Q row vector. Q must be greater than 2. Angle units are in degrees. Theta angles must lie between 0° and 360° and be in strictly increasing order.
To enable this parameter, set the Element type parameter to
Custom Antenna
and the Input Pattern Coordinate
System parameter to phi-theta
Magnitude pattern (dB) — Magnitude of combined antenna radiation pattern
(default) | real-valued Q-by-P matrix | real-valued Q-by-P-by-L array
Magnitude of the combined antenna radiation pattern, specified as a Q-by-P matrix or a Q-by-P-by-L array.
When the Input Pattern Coordinate System parameter is set to
, Q equals the length of the vector specified by the Elevation angles (deg) parameter and P equals the length of the vector specified by the Azimuth angles (deg) parameter.When the Input Pattern Coordinate System parameter is set to
, Q equals the length of the vector specified by the Theta Angles (deg) parameter and P equals the length of the vector specified by the Phi Angles (deg) parameter.
The quantity L equals the length of the Operating frequency vector (Hz).
If this parameter is a Q-by-P matrix, the same pattern is applied to all frequencies specified in the Operating frequency vector (Hz) parameter.
If the value is a Q-by-P-by-L array, each Q-by-P page of the array specifies a pattern for the corresponding frequency specified in the Operating frequency vector (Hz) parameter.
To enable this parameter, set Element type to
Custom Antenna
Phase pattern (deg) — Custom antenna radiation phase pattern
(default) | real-valued Q-by-P matrix | real-valued Q-by-P-by-L array
Phase of the combined antenna radiation pattern, specified as a Q-by-P matrix or a Q-by-P-by-L array.
When the Input Pattern Coordinate System parameter is set to
, Q equals the length of the vector specified by the Elevation angles (deg) parameter and P equals the length of the vector specified by the Azimuth angles (deg) parameter.When the Input Pattern Coordinate System parameter is set to
, Q equals the length of the vector specified by the Theta Angles (deg) parameter and P equals the length of the vector specified by the Phi Angles (deg) parameter.
The quantity L equals the length of the Operating frequency vector (Hz).
If this parameter is a Q-by-P matrix, the same pattern is applied to all frequencies specified in the Operating frequency vector (Hz) parameter.
If the value is a Q-by-P-by-L array, each Q-by-P page of the array specifies a pattern for the corresponding frequency specified in the Operating frequency vector (
To enable this parameter, set Element type to
Custom Antenna
MatchArrayNormal — Rotate antenna element to array normal
(default) | off
Select this check box to rotate the antenna element pattern to align with the array normal. When not selected, the element pattern is not rotated.
When the antenna is used in an antenna array and the Input Pattern Coordinate System parameter is az-el
, selecting this check box rotates the pattern so that the x-axis of the element coordinate system points along the array normal. Not selecting uses the element pattern without the rotation.
When the antenna is used in an antenna array and Input Pattern Coordinate System is set to phi-theta
, selecting this check box rotates the pattern so that the z-axis of the element coordinate system points along the array normal.
Use the parameter in conjunction with the Array normal parameter of the URA
and UCA
To enable this parameter, set Element type to Custom Antenna
Polar pattern frequencies (Hz) — Polar pattern microphone response frequencies
1e3 (default) | real scalar | real-valued 1-by-L row vector
Polar pattern microphone response frequencies, specified as a real scalar, or a real-valued, 1-by-L vector. The response frequencies lie within the frequency range specified by the Operating frequency vector (Hz) vector.
To enable this parameter, set Element type set to
Custom Microphone
Polar pattern angles (deg) — Polar pattern response angles
(default) | real-valued -by-P row vector
Specify the polar pattern response angles, as a 1-by-P vector. The angles are measured from the central pickup axis of the microphone and must be between –180° and 180°, inclusive.
To enable this parameter, set Element type to
Custom Microphone
Polar pattern (dB) — Custom microphone polar response
(default) | real-valued L-by-P matrix
Specify the magnitude of the custom microphone element polar patterns as an L-by-P matrix. L is the number of frequencies specified in Polar pattern frequencies (Hz). P is the number of angles specified in Polar pattern angles (deg). Each row of the matrix represents the magnitude of the polar pattern measured at the corresponding frequency specified in Polar pattern frequencies (Hz) and all angles specified in Polar pattern angles (deg). The pattern is measured in the azimuth plane. In the azimuth plane, the elevation angle is 0° and the central pickup axis is 0° degrees azimuth and 0° degrees elevation. The polar pattern is symmetric around the central axis. You can construct the microphone response pattern in 3-D space from the polar pattern.
To enable this parameter, set Element type to
Custom Microphone
Geometry — Array geometry
(default) | URA
| Conformal Array
Array geometry, specified as one of
— Uniform linear arrayURA
— Uniform rectangular arrayUCA
— Uniform circular arrayConformal Array
— arbitrary element positions
Number of elements — Number of array elements
for ULA arrays and 5
for UCA arrays (default) | integer greater than or equal to 2
The number of array elements for ULA or UCA arrays, specified as an integer greater than or equal to 2.
To enable this parameter, set Geometry to
or UCA
Element spacing (m) — Spacing between array elements
for ULA arrays and [0.5,0.5]
for URA arrays (default) | positive scalar for ULA or URA arrays | 2-element vector of positive values for URA arrays
Spacing between adjacent array elements:
ULA — specify the spacing between two adjacent elements in the array as a positive scalar.
URA — specify the spacing as a positive scalar or a 1-by-2 vector of positive values. If Element spacing (m) is a scalar, the row and column spacings are equal. If Element spacing (m) is a vector, the vector has the form
To enable this parameter, set Geometry to
or URA
Array axis — Linear axis direction of ULA
(default) | x
| z
Linear axis direction of ULA, specified as y
, or z
. All ULA array
elements are uniformly spaced along this axis in the local array coordinate
To enable this parameter, set Geometry to
.This parameter is also enabled when the block only supports ULA arrays.
Array size — Dimensions of URA array
(default) | positive integer | 1-by-2 vector of positive integers
Dimensions of a URA array, specified as a positive integer or 1-by-2 vector of positive integers.
If Array size is a 1-by-2 vector, the vector has the form
.If Array size is an integer, the array has the same number of elements in each row and column.
For a URA, array elements are indexed from top to bottom along the
leftmost array column, and continued to the next columns from left to right. In this
figure, the Array size value of [3,2]
creates an
array having three rows and two columns.
To enable this parameter, set Geometry to
Element lattice — Lattice of URA element positions
(default) | Triangular
Lattice of URA element positions, specified as Rectangular
or Triangular
— Aligns all the elements in row and column directions.Triangular
— Shifts the even-row elements of a rectangular lattice toward the positive row-axis direction. The displacement is one-half the element spacing along the row dimension.
To enable this parameter, set Geometry to
Array normal — Array normal direction
for URA arrays or z
for UCA
arrays (default) | y
Array normal direction, specified as
, or
Elements of planar arrays lie in a plane orthogonal to the selected array normal direction. Element boresight directions point along the array normal direction.
Array Normal Parameter Value | Element Positions and Boresight Directions |
x | Array elements lie in the yz-plane. All element boresight vectors point along the x-axis. |
y | Array elements lie in the zx-plane. All element boresight vectors point along the y-axis. |
z | Array elements lie in the xy-plane. All element boresight vectors point along the z-axis. |
To enable this parameter, set
Geometry to
Radius of UCA (m) — UCA array radius
0.5 (default) | positive scalar
Radius of UCA array, specified as a positive scalar.
To enable this parameter, set Geometry to
Element positions (m) — Positions of conformal array elements
(default) | 3-by-Nmatrix of real values
Positions of the elements in a conformal array, specified as a
3-by-N matrix of real values, where N is the
number of elements in the conformal array. Each column of this matrix represents the
position [x;y;z]
of an array element in the array local coordinate
system. The origin of the local coordinate system is (0,0,0). Units
are in meters.
To enable this parameter set Geometry to Conformal
Data Types: double
Element normals (deg) — Direction of conformal array element normal vectors
| 2-by-1 column vector | 2-by-N matrix
Direction of element normal vectors in a conformal array, specified as a 2-by-1 column
vector or a 2-by-N matrix. N indicates the number
of elements in the array. If the parameter value is a matrix, each column specifies the
normal direction of the corresponding element in the form
with respect to the local coordinate system.
The local coordinate system aligns the positive x-axis with the
direction normal to the conformal array. If the parameter value is a 2-by-1 column
vector, the same pointing direction is used for all array elements.
You can use the Element positions (m) and Element normals (deg) parameters to represent any arrangement in which pairs of elements differ by certain transformations. The transformations can combine translation, azimuth rotation, and elevation rotation. However, you cannot use transformations that require rotation about the normal direction.
To enable this parameter, set Geometry to Conformal
Data Types: double
Taper — Array element tapers
1 (default) | complex scalar | complex-valued row vector
Specify element tapering as a complex-valued scalar or a complex-valued 1-by-N row vector. In this vector, N represents the number of elements in the array.
Also known as element weights, tapers multiply the array element responses. Tapers modify both amplitude and phase of the response to reduce side lobes or steer the main response axis.
If Taper is a scalar, the same weight is applied to each element. If Taper is a vector, a weight from the vector is applied to the corresponding sensor element. The number of weights must match the number of elements of the array.
Data Types: double
Source of transmit array motion — Specify the source of the transmitting array motion parameters
(default) | Input port
Source of transmitting array motion parameters, specified as Property
or Input
When you select
, specify the array location and orientation using the Position of the transmit array (m) and Orientation of the transmit array parameters. The array is stationary.When you select
Input port
, specify the array location, velocity, and orientation using theTxPos
, andTxAxes
input ports of the block.
Data Types: char
Position of the transmit array (m) — Position of transmitting array
(default) | real-valued 3-by-1 vector
The position of the transmitting array phase center, specified
as a real-valued, 3-by-1 vector in Cartesian form [x;y;z]
respect to the global coordinate system. Units are in meters.
To enable this parameter, set the Source of transmit
array motion parameter to Property
Data Types: double
Orientation of the transmit array — Set the orientation of transmitting array axes
(default) | real-valued 3-by-3 orthonormal matrix
The orientation of transmitting array, specified as a real-valued, 3-by-3 orthonormal matrix. The matrix specifies the directions of the three axes that define the local coordinate system of the array with respect to the global coordinate system. The columns of the array correspond to the x, y, and z axes, respectively.
To enable this parameter, set the Source of transmit
array motion parameter to Property
Data Types: double
Source of receive array motion — Specify the source of the receiving array motion parameters
(default) | Input port
Source of receiving array motion parameters, specified as Property
or Input
When you select
, specify the array location and orientation using the Position of the receive array (m) and Orientation of the receive array parameters. The array is stationary.When you select
Input port
, specify the array location, velocity, and orientation using theRxPos
, andRxAxes
input ports of the block.
Data Types: char
Position of the receive array (m) — Position of receiving array
[physconst('LightSpeed' )/1e5; 0;0]
(default) | real-valued 3-by-1 vector
The position of the receiving array phase center, specified
as a real-valued, 3-by-1 vector in Cartesian form [x;y;z]
respect to the global coordinate system. Units are in meters.
To enable this parameter, set the Source of receive
array motion parameter to Property
Data Types: double
Orientation of the receive array — Set the orientation of receiving array axes
(default) | real-valued 3-by-3 orthonormal matrix
The orientation of receiving array, specified as a real-valued, 3-by-3 orthonormal matrix. The matrix specifies the directions of the three axes that define the local coordinate system of the array with respect to the global coordinate system. The columns of the array correspond to the x, y, and z axes, respectively.
To enable this parameter, set the Source of receive
array motion parameter to Property
Data Types: double
Scatterer specification — Specify source of scatterer parameters
(default) | Property
| Input port
The source of scatterer parameters, specified as Auto
, Property
or Input port
When you set this parameter to
, all scatterer positions and coefficients are randomly generated. Scatterer velocities are zero. The generated positions are contained within the region set by the Boundary of scatterer positions parameter. Set the number of scatterers using the Number of scatterers parameter.When you set this property to
, set the scatterer positions using the Positions of scatterers (m) parameter. Set the scattering coefficients using the Scattering coefficients parameter. Scatterer velocities are zero.When you set this parameter to
Input port
, you specify the scatterer positions, velocities, and scattering coefficients using theScatPos
, andScatCoef
block input ports.
Data Types: char
Number of scatterers — Number of scatterers
(default) | nonnegative integer
The number of scatterers, specified as a nonnegative integer.
To enable this property, set the Scatterer specification parameter
to Auto
Data Types: double
Boundary of scatterer positions — Constrain scatterer positions within a boundary
(default) | 1-by-2 real-valued vector | 3-by-2 real-valued matrix
The boundary scatterer positions, specified as a 1-by-2 real-valued
row vector or a 3-by-2 real-valued matrix. If the boundary is a 1-by-2
row vector, the vector contains the minimum and maximum, [minbdry
, for all three dimensions. If the boundary is a
3-by-2 matrix, the matrix specifies boundaries in all three dimensions
in the form [x_minbdry x_maxbdry;y_minbdry y_maxbdry; z_minbdry
To enable this property, set the Scatterer specification parameter
to Auto
Data Types: double
Positions of scatterers (m) — Positions of scatterers
[physconst('LightSpeed' )*5e-6;0;0]
(default) | real-valued 3-by-Ns matrix
The positions of the scatterers, specified as real-valued 3-by-Ns matrix. Ns is
the number of scatterers. Each column represents a different scatterer
and has the Cartesian form [x;y;z]
with respect
to the global coordinate system. Units are in meters.
To enable this property, set the Scatterer specification parameter
to Property
Data Types: double
ScattererCoefficient — Scattering coefficients
(default) | complex-valued 1-by-Ns matrix
Scattering coefficients, specified as a complex-valued 1-by-Ns vector. Ns is the number of scatterers. Units are dimensionless.
To enable this property, set the Scatterer specification parameter
to Property
Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes
Version History
Introduced in R2017a
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