Create Bug Tracking Tool Tickets from the Polyspace Access Web Interface
If you use a bug tracking tool (BTT) such as Jira Software or Redmine as part of your software development process, you can configure Polyspace® Access to create BTT tickets for Polyspace findings and add those tickets to the relevant project in your BTT software. See Configure Issue Tracker.
Create a Ticket
To create a BTT ticket, select one or more findings in the Results
List and, from the Results Details pane, click in Polyspace Access or Create ticket in the Polyspace desktop interface. To select multiple findings, press CTRL and click the findings.
You cannot create a ticket using a Polyspace Test™ result that is fully covered or has an inherited status. Results with an inherited status have the Inherited label in the Result Details pane. For more information on statuses in Polyspace Access™, see Address Results in Polyspace Access Through Bug Fixes or Justifications.
In the desktop interface, you can create a BTT ticket only for results that you open from Polyspace Access.
If you use Jira, you may be prompted to enter your credentials. These credentials might be different from your Polyspace Access credentials.
After you create a BTT ticket, click the link in the Results Details pane to open the ticket in the BTT interface and track the progress in resolving the issue. For each finding that you selected when you created the ticket, the Description field of the ticket includes a URL to the Polyspace Access Results List filtered down to that finding.
Manage Existing Tickets
Once you create a BTT ticket, you can attach the ticket to additional findings or detach the ticket from findings associated with the ticket. To attach a ticket to additional findings:
Select findings in the Results List and then click
in the Result Details.
When prompted, enter the ticket ID in the dialogue window.
Click the copy icon in the Result Details pane of a finding already associated with the ticket to copy the ticket ID. The copy icon is not available when you select multiple findings with different ticket IDs. The ticket ID is also available in the Ticket Key column of the Results List.
Click the copy icon in the dialogue window to copy the findings URL, then click Save.
Click the ticket URL in the Result Details to open the ticket in the BTT interface and paste the findings URL you copied into the ticket description field.
You cannot attach more than one ticket to a finding. If a finding is already associated with a ticket, attaching a new ticket overwrites the existing ticket ID. This operation does not overwrite the ticket in your BTT. You can see all findings associated with a ticket ID by using the Show only text filter in the toolstrip.
You cannot attach a Polyspace Test result to a ticket when the result is fully covered or has an inherited status. Results with an inherited status have the Inherited label in the Result Details pane.
To detach a ticket from a finding, select the finding in the Results
List, then click in the Result Details. The
link to the ticket is removed from the Result Details pane.
This operation does not remove the ticket in your BTT.
You cannot manage existing BTT tickets in the Polyspace desktop interface.