creates a blind zone map BZM
= blindzonemap(R
for a pulse-Doppler radar transmitting at
a pulse repetition frequency of PRF
. The blind zone map is constructed
for ranges in R
and velocities in V
. The minimum
detectable range of the radar is rmin
and the minimum detectable
velocity is vmin
. The function assumes that ranges between 0 and
are blind to the radar at all velocities.
plots a blind zone map.
Create Blind Zone Map for Clutter
A 10 GHz X-band radar transmits pulses at two PRFs: 10151 Hz and 14163 Hz. The minimum detectable range of the system is 1000 m. The width of the main beam clutter rejection notch is 50 m/s. The sidelobe clutter extends from 34.5 km to 36.5 km when transmitting at the first PRF and from 36.3 km to 39.8 when transmitting the second PRF. Compute the blind zone map for velocities from 0 to 600 m/s and ranges between 0 and 100 km.
Set the carrier frequency to 10 GHz.
fc = 10e9;
Set the PRFs.
PRF = [10151 14163];
Set the minimum range to 1 km.
rmin = 1000;
Set the span of range values.
R = linspace(0,100e3,1000);
Ranges that are blind due to sidelobe clutter are added through the range mask input argument.
rangeMask = false(numel(R),numel(PRF));
Sidelobe clutter at PRF=10151 Hz.
rangeMask(R>34500 & R<36500,1) = true;
Sidelobe clutter at PRF=14163 Hz.
rangeMask(R>36300 & R<39800,2) = true;
Set half width of the main beam clutter rejection notch.
vmin = 25;
Set the span of velocity values.
V = linspace(0,600,1000);
Plot the blind zone map.
Display Blind Zone Map with 1-of-2 Detection Criterion
A 10 GHz X-band medium PRF radar transmits at two pulse repetition intervals: 0.1 ms and 0.12 ms. The pulse width is. The system also has a notch to reject slow moving targets with velocities up to 20 meters/sec. Plot a blind zone map assuming that the 1-of-2 PRF detection criterion is used.
Choose the carrier frequency as 10 GHz.
fc = 10e9;
Set the pulse width to.
tau = 10e-6;
Set the minimum detectable range from the pulse width.
rmin = time2range(tau);
Set the minimum detectable velocity to 20 meters/sec.
vmin = 20;
Choose two pulse repetition intervals.
PRF = 1./[1e-4 1.2e-4];
Set the range values.
R = linspace(0,85e3,1000);
Set the velocity values.
V = linspace(0,600,1000);
Display the blind zone map.
Input Arguments
— Map ranges
length-J vector of positive values
Radar ranges, specified as a length-J vector of positive values. The function computes the blind zone map at these ranges. Units are in meters.
Example: [4000,4500,6000]
Data Types: double
— Velocities
length-K real-valued vector
Radar velocities, specified as a length-K real-valued vector. The function computes the blind velocity map at these velocities. Units are in meters/sec.
Example: [4000,4500,6000]
Data Types: double
— Pulse repetition frequencies
length-N vector of positive values
Pulse repetition frequencies, specified as a length-N vector of positive values. Units are in Hz.
Example: [10000,15000]
Data Types: double
— Radar waveform carrier frequency
positive scalar (default) | length-N vector of positive values
Radar waveform carrier frequency, specified as a positive scalar or
length-N vector of positive values. If the radar transmits pulses
at one carrier frequency, the input fc
is a scalar. If the radar
employs frequency diversity using a different carrier frequency for each
value, fc
is a
length-N vector. Units are in Hz.
Example: 3e9
Data Types: double
— Minimum detection range
positive scalar | length-N vector of positive values
Minimum detection range, specified as positive scalar or a
length-N vector of positive value. Ranges between 0 and
are considered blind to the radar.
If the radar transmits pulses of a fixed duration,
is a scalar and the size of the blind zone is the same for allPRF
values.If the radar transmits pulses with a constant duty cycle,
is a length-N vector and the size of the blind zone changes for eachPRF
. Such a blind zone also occurs at every integer multiple of the radar unambiguous range Ruamb = c/(2*PRF) where c is the radar signal propagation speed. Units are in meters.
Example: 40000
Data Types: double
— Minimum detectable velocity
scalar (default) | length-N real-valued vector
Minimum detectable velocity, specified as a scalar or length-N
real-valued vector. A blind zone due to a non-zero minimum detectable velocity extends
from -vmin
to +vmin
for all
If the radar has the same minimum detectable velocity for all
is a scalar and the size of the blind zone is constant for allPRF
values.If the minimum detectable velocity varies with
is a length-N vector and the size of the blind zone is different for eachPRF
Due to ambiguities in velocity, blind zones also appear around integer
multiples of the blind speed VB and extend
from VB*i - Vmin to
VB*i + Vmin, where
VB = PRF*c/(2*fc), c is
the signal propagation speed, and i is an integer. The input
can represent the half-width of a rejection notch that is
used to reject main lobe clutter and slow moving targets. Units are in
Example: 15.0
Data Types: double
— Number of pulse repetition frequencies
1 (default) | positive integer
Number of pulse repetition frequencies required for
M-of-N detection, specified as a positive
integer. A range-velocity cell visible in less than M
PRFs is
considered to be blind to the radar. M
must be a positive integer
less than or equal to N
which is the number of entries in PRF. If
is specified, the output BZM
is a logical
array. If (j,k)
th range-velocity cell is
visible in at least M
is a logical zero
), otherwise BZM
is a logical one (true
Data Types: double
— Range obstructions
| Q-by-2 matrix of positive
Range obstructions, specified as a Q-by-2 matrix of positive
values. Each row of the matrix specifies a range obstruction in the form
where rstartq
is the start
range and rstopq
is the stop range of an obstruction, where
≥ rstartq
. The specified obstructions
repeat in range with an interval equal to the unambiguous range for each
. Range obstructions can occur, for example, due to clutter,
multipath interference, or jammer interference. []
indicates no
obstructions. Units are in meters.
Example: [30000;31000]
Data Types: double
— Velocity obstructions
| Q-by-2 real-valued matrix
Velocity obstructions, specified as a Q-by-2 real-valued matrix.
Each row specifies a velocity obstruction in the form
where vstartq
is the start
velocity of the obstruction and vstopq
is the stop velocity of the
obstruction, such that vstopq
≥ vstartq
. Targets
moving with obstructed velocities or velocities ambiguous to the obstructed velocities
are not visible to the radar. Such obstructions can occur due to clutter. Entries in
that correspond to the obstructed velocities are set to a
logical one (true). The obstructions repeat in velocity with an interval equal to the
blind speed for each PRF
value. []
indicates no
obstructions. Units are in meters/second.
Data Types: double
— Range mask
J-by-N matrix of logical zeros. (default) | J-by-N logical matrix
Range mask, specified as a J-by-N logical
matrix. The rows of rm
correspond to the ranges in
and the columns correspond to the pulse repetition frequencies
in PRF
. rm
is a
logical zero (false) if the jth
range cell
is visible to the radar at the nth
. rm
is a logical
one (true) if the jth
cell is blind to the
radar at the nth
. rm
can be used to specify ranges that are
blind due to sidelobe clutter.
Data Types: double
Output Arguments
— Blind zone map
J-by-K real-valued matrix | J-by-K logical-valued matrix
Blind zone map, returned as a J-by-K real
matrix. The (j,k)th
entry in
represents a range-velocity cell with the range equal to the
entry in R
and the velocity equal to the kth
entry in
is the number of PRFs for which this range-velocity cell is blind to the radar (0 ≦ BZM(j,k) ≦ N). For example, ifBZM
is zero, the(j,k)th
range-velocity cell is visible in all PRFs. IfBZM
is 1, this range-velocity cell is visible in all but 1 PRFs. IfBZM
is equal to N, this cell is blind in all PRFs.BZM
specifies the number of PRFsM
required for M-of-N PRF detection. IfM
is specified, the outputBZM
is a logical array. A range-velocity cell visible in less thanM
PRFs is considered to be blind to the radar.M
must be a positive integer less than or equal to N. the number of entries inPRF
. If the(j,k)th
range-velocity cell is visible in at leastM
is a logical zero(false)
, otherwiseBZM
is a logical one(true)
Data Types: logical
Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.
Version History
Introduced in R2023a
See Also
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