rcs = clutterSurfaceRangeDopplerRCS(nrcs,rbins,freq,dopres,alt,speed,dive)
returns the radar cross-section rcs of a surface illuminated by a
monostatic radar.
rcs = clutterSurfaceRangeDopplerRCS(___,PropagationSpeed=c)
also specifies the signal propagation speed c.
rcs = clutterSurfaceRangeDopplerRCS(___,NumDopplerBins=ndop)
also specifies the number of Doppler bins, ndop. Using this parameter
enables Doppler wrapping and makes the clutter output DC-centered.
rcs = clutterSurfaceRangeDopplerRCS(___,NumIntegrationPoints=nri)
also specifies the number of points per range bin nri used for
numerical integration of the reflectivity.
[rcs,dopbins] = clutterSurfaceRangeDopplerRCS(___)
also returns the Doppler-shift bin values dopbins. Units are in
Calculate clutter RCS in a set of range-Doppler cells. The range swath begins at 3000 m and extends to 5000 m with a 50 m range bin width. The radar center frequency is 30 GHz and with a Doppler resolution of 100 Hz. The radar travels at an altitude of 1000 m and with a speed of 100 m/s with a dive angle.
Use a constant-gamma flatland reflectivity model to get the normalized radar cross-section at each range bin. Then compute the grazing angle using the grazingang function. Compute the normalized surface reflectivity.
Normalized radar cross section of the surface, specified as a
length-N nonnegative vector. Each entry in
nrcs corresponds to a range specified in
rbins. Units are dimensionless but often expressed as
Data Types: double
rbins — Range bin center values length-N nonnegative vector (default)
Range bin centers, specified as a real-valued length-N vector.
Elements of rbins must appear in increasing order and must have at
least two elements. The total range swath starts below the first element of
rbins and extends beyond the last element of
rbins by half the range bin width. The starting and ending ranges
are extrapolated from the first and last bins. Range bins need not be uniformly spaced.
No range wrapping due to ambiguous range is performed. Units are in meters.
Example: [20 25 30 35]
Data Types: double
freq — Radar frequency positive scalar
Radar frequency, specified as a positive scalar. Units are in Hz.
Data Types: double
dopres — Doppler resolution positive scalar
Doppler resolution, specified as a positive scalar. By default, no wrapping is
performed in Doppler space. Doppler bins will cover the full Doppler spectrum of clutter
at the specified resolution. Units are in Hz.
Example: 50
Data Types: double
alt — Radar altitude scalar
Radar altitude, specified as a non-negative scalar. Units are in meters.
Data Types: double
speed — Radar speed positive scalar
Radar speed, specified as a non-negative scalar. Units are in meters/sec.
Example: 50
Data Types: double
dive — Radar dive angle scalar
Radar dive angle, specified as a scalar between –90° and 90°. The dive angle is the
angle that the radar velocity vector makes with the horizontal plane. A positive dive
angle indicates that the velocity vector is pointing down. Units are in degrees.
Data Types: double
ndop — Number of Doppler bins nonnegative integer
Number of dc-centered Doppler bins, specified as a positive integer. Specifying this
parameter enables Doppler wrapping. Use this argument with the
NumDopplerBins name-value pair.
Example: NumDopplerBins=128
Data Types: double
c — Signal propagation speed physconst('LightSpeed') (default) | positive scalar
Signal propagation speed, specified as a positive scalar. Use this argument with the
PropagationSpeed name-value pair. The default propagation speed
is the value obtained from physconst('LightSpeed'). Units are in
Example: PropagationSpeed=3e8
Data Types: double
nri — Number of integration points per range bin 40 (default) | positive integer
Number of integration points per range bin, specified as a positive integer. Use
this argument with the NumIntegrationPoints name-value
Radar cross section, returned as an complex-valued
N-by-M matrix where RCS(i,j) gives the RCS of
surface clutter in the range-Doppler cell at the ith range
and jth Doppler bin. Units are in m².
dopbins — Doppler bins length-M vector
Doppler bins, returned as length-M vector. By default, the
Doppler bins extend over the entire Doppler spectrum of clutter at the resolution
specified by dopres.
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