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State transition function for constant-velocity motion model

Since R2021a


predictedState = constvel(state) returns the predicted state, predictedState, obtained from the current state, state, based on the constant-velocity motion model. The default time step is 1 second.


predictedState = constvel(state,dt) specifies the time step, dt.


predictedState = constvel(state,w,dt) also specifies state noise, w.


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Update the state of two-dimensional constant-velocity motion for a time interval of one second.

state = [1;1;2;1];
state = constvel(state)
state = 4×1


Update the state of two-dimensional constant-velocity motion for a time interval of 1.5 seconds.

state = [1;1;2;1];
state = constvel(state,1.5)
state = 4×1


Input Arguments

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Current state for constant-velocity motion, specified as a real-valued 2D-by-N matrix. D is the number of spatial degrees of freedom of motion and N is the number states. The state is expected to be Cartesian state. For each spatial degree of motion, the state vector, as a column of the state matrix, takes the form shown in this table.

Spatial DimensionsState Vector Structure

For example, x represents the x-coordinate and vx represents the velocity in the x-direction. If the motion model is 1-D, values along the y and z axes are assumed to be zero. If the motion model is 2-D, values along the z axis are assumed to be zero. Position coordinates are in meters and velocity coordinates are in meters/sec.

Example: [5;.1;0;-.2;-3;.05]

Data Types: single | double

Time step interval, specified as a positive scalar. Time units are in seconds.

Example: 0.5

Data Types: single | double

State noise, specified as a scalar or real-valued D-by-N matrix. D is the number of spatial degrees of freedom of motion and N is the number of state vectors. For example, D = 2 for the 2-D motion. If specified as a scalar, the scalar value is expanded to a D-by-N matrix.

Data Types: single | double

Output Arguments

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Predicted state, returned as a real-valued vector or real-valued matrix with same number of elements and dimensions as the input state vector.


For a two-dimensional constant-velocity process, the state transition matrix after a time step, T, is block diagonal as shown here.


The block for each spatial dimension is:


For each additional spatial dimension, add an identical block.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

See Also

