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Radar Design Part I: From Power Budget Analysis to Dynamic Scenario Simulation

Since R2024b

This example shows how to export a power-level Radar Designer session to an equivalent measurement-level model and simulate the radar and target in dynamic scenarios. In Radar Design Part II: From Radar Data to IQ Signal Synthesis, an equivalent waveform-level radar transceiver is created from the measurement-level model that simulates IQ signals. The ability to export measurement-level radar data from the Radar Designer app allows you to efficiently test your radar hardware and software designs at the power-level (link budgets), measurement-level (detections), and waveform-level (IQ samples) and to see their performance on tasks like detection and tracking. This facilitates quicker design cycles and informed decision making.

Export a Data Generator from the Radar Designer

Launch the Radar Designer with preconfigured parameters for a fluctuating target moving radially away from the radar. (This can be done by putting the following command into the code window).


This example uses the default airport radar with the following changes:

  • Peak Power of 500 kW (Radar Panel)

  • Pulse Width of 2 microseconds (Radar Panel)

  • Antenna Tilt Angle of 3 degrees (Radar Panel)

  • No CFAR detection (set to "Unspecified" in the app) because we use a simpler thresholding algorithm in Radar Design Part II: From Radar Data to IQ Signal Synthesis of this example instead (Radar Panel)

  • Target RCS of 5 dBsm (Target Panel)

  • Swerling I fluctuating target model (Target Panel)

  • Target Elevation Angle of 3 degrees to match the antenna tilt angle (Target Panel)

Adjust parameters in the radar and target panels on the left side of the app to create a radar that meets a given set of design requirements. Visualize key performance indicators in the metrics table at the bottom as well as in plots like SNR vs Range and Pd vs Range over the entire set of relevant ranges. More information on how to configure a radar in the app can be found in this Radar Link Budget Analysis.

Next, export the Radar Designer configuration to a MATLAB script to create an equivalent measurement-level model of the radar and target. The script creates a radarDataGenerator System object™ (variable radarSensorModel) as well as a radarScenario (variable scene) with a point target moving radially away from the radar at the elevation angle specified in the app. Navigate to the Export tab on the toolstrip and select Export Radar Data Generator MATLAB script. This allows you to test your designs in dynamic radar scenarios and have all of the necessary radar and target properties in your workspace for more advanced applications and testing.

The rest of this example relies on loading previously exported scripts.

Running the MATLAB Script (Includes a Fluctuating Target)

The exported MATLAB script exported from the Radar Designer session configured in the previous section, models a point target moving radially away from the radar at an elevation of 3 degrees using radarDataGenerator. This elevation angle was chosen to match the antenna tilt angle of the radar so that the target stays in the center of the main radar beam. Regardless if this is the case, radarDataGenerator assumes a rectangular beam by default unless the ScanMode property is set to 'Custom' and the BeamShape property is set to 'Gaussian'.

Running the exported script creates two figures. The first figure is an animated theaterPlot that shows the scenario geometry, radar field of view, and any detections. The second figure displays both a vertical cut of the scenario and an analysis of the simulation performance compared to the expected values from the Radar Designer app. In the second figure, there are three subplots.

  • The leftmost plot shows the SNRs of the detections along with the SNRs predicted by the Radar Designer. The table below summarizes these SNR curves and their differences. More information about the different SNRs and the processing gains and losses can also be found in Modeling Radar Detectability Factors. The curve labeled Radar SNR (simulated) should match closely with the curve labeled Radar SNR (expected) for a non-fluctuating target when all the radar properties defined in the Radar Designer are supported by radarDataGenerator. In this first example, the target is fluctuating, leading to a distribution of reflected SNRs that match a Swerling I target model. More information can be learned about the different types of fluctuating targets in this Introduction to Pulse Integration and Fluctuation Loss in Radar and this Swerling Target Models.

SNR Curve


Available SNR

Matches the plot seen in the Radar Designer app and represents the SNR at the receiver

Radar SNR (expected)

Available SNR plus any processing gains or losses

Radar SNR (simulated)

SNRs of the detections from the radarDataGenerator

  • In the top right plot, the absolute difference between the Radar SNR (simulated) curve and the Radar SNR (expected) curve is shown. This error is less than 1 dB if the target is non-fluctuating and all of the radar properties chosen in the app are supported by radarDataGenerator.

  • In the bottom right plot, the scenario geometry is displayed along with the detections and false alarms. False alarms are only present if enabled in the radarDataGenerator as explained later in this section.

rng('default') % Set the random number generator for reproducible results
run("Part_I_EXPORT_Swerling1.m") % Script exported from Radar Designer

Figure Animated Plot contains an axes object. The axes object with title Live Radar Simulation, xlabel X (km), ylabel Y (km) contains 6 objects of type line, patch. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Trajectory, Target, Radar, Target Detection, False Alarms, Sensor Coverage.

Figure SNR vs Range contains 3 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title SNR vs Range, xlabel Target Range (km), ylabel SNR (dB) contains 8 objects of type patch, line, constantline, scatter. These objects represent Pass, Fail, Available SNR (expected), Detectability (Available SNR), Max Range, Radar SNR (expected), Radar SNR (simulated), Max Unambiguous Range. Axes object 2 with title SNR Error, xlabel Target Range (km), ylabel SNR (dB) contains a line object which displays its values using only markers. Axes object 3 with title Scenario Geometry, xlabel X (km), ylabel Z (km) contains 3 objects of type scatter, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Target Detections, Target Platform Truth, Radar Platform Truth.

radarSensorClone = clone(radarSensorModel); % Save the original radar from the original app configuration
targetClone = target; % Save the fluctuating target for later analysis

Non-Fluctuating Target

The above example includes a fluctuating target. Choosing a non-fluctuating target is very easy. You can either go to the target panel in the app, change the Swerling Model to Swerling 0/5, and then re-export the script or you can simply scroll to where the Swerling case is set in the script and change it to 'Swerling0'. Note that changing a non-fluctuating target to a fluctuating target in the script can lead to errors because the fluctuation loss is not included in the detectabilityComponents() function unless a fluctuating target is exported from the app.

Locate the instantiation of the target structure and change

target.SwerlingCase = 'Swerling1';


target.SwerlingCase = 'Swerling0';


Figure Animated Plot contains an axes object. The axes object with title Live Radar Simulation, xlabel X (km), ylabel Y (km) contains 6 objects of type line, patch. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Trajectory, Target, Radar, Target Detection, False Alarms, Sensor Coverage.

Figure SNR vs Range contains 3 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title SNR vs Range, xlabel Target Range (km), ylabel SNR (dB) contains 8 objects of type patch, line, constantline, scatter. These objects represent Pass, Fail, Available SNR (expected), Detectability (Available SNR), Max Range, Radar SNR (expected), Radar SNR (simulated), Max Unambiguous Range. Axes object 2 with title SNR Error, xlabel Target Range (km), ylabel SNR (dB) contains a line object which displays its values using only markers. Axes object 3 with title Scenario Geometry, xlabel X (km), ylabel Z (km) contains 3 objects of type scatter, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Target Detections, Target Platform Truth, Radar Platform Truth.

As shown above, for the non-fluctuating target case, the absolute SNR error remains below 0.1 dB for all detections.

Add Position Estimation Noise

Noise in the position estimation of the detections can also be modeled by radarDataGenerator. This can be seen in the scenario geometry plot. Note that the detections are no longer at a constant elevation angle and noise is only applied to the position estimation of the detections and not to the SNR of the detections. For a non-fluctuating target (shown below), a plot of the SNR vs ground truth range yields a negligible error.

Locate the instantiation of the radarDataGenerator and change

'HasNoise', false, ... % Target position noise


'HasNoise', true, ... % Target position noise


Figure Animated Plot contains an axes object. The axes object with title Live Radar Simulation, xlabel X (km), ylabel Y (km) contains 6 objects of type line, patch. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Trajectory, Target, Radar, Target Detection, False Alarms, Sensor Coverage.

Figure SNR vs Range contains 3 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title SNR vs Range, xlabel Target Range (km), ylabel SNR (dB) contains 8 objects of type patch, line, constantline, scatter. These objects represent Pass, Fail, Available SNR (expected), Detectability (Available SNR), Max Range, Radar SNR (expected), Radar SNR (simulated), Max Unambiguous Range. Axes object 2 with title SNR Error, xlabel Target Range (km), ylabel SNR (dB) contains a line object which displays its values using only markers. Axes object 3 with title Scenario Geometry, xlabel X (km), ylabel Z (km) contains 3 objects of type scatter, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Target Detections, Target Platform Truth, Radar Platform Truth.

False Alarms

The false alarm rate can be set in the Radar Designer app. Turning this option on within the radarDataGenerator generates false alarms within the field of view of the radar. To see the impact of false alarms for the default value of 1e-6, make the following changes to the generated script and rerun.

Locate the instantiation of the radarDataGenerator and change

'HasFalseAlarms', false, ...

'FieldOfView', [180,180], ... % (deg) Change to the effective beamwidths to limit detections to the half-power beamwidths


'HasFalseAlarms', true, ...

'FieldOfView', [30,10], ... % (deg) Change to the effective beamwidths to limit detections to the half-power beamwidths


Figure Animated Plot contains an axes object. The axes object with title Live Radar Simulation, xlabel X (km), ylabel Y (km) contains 6 objects of type line, patch. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Trajectory, Target, Radar, Target Detection, False Alarms, Sensor Coverage.

Figure SNR vs Range contains 3 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title SNR vs Range, xlabel Target Range (km), ylabel SNR (dB) contains 8 objects of type patch, line, constantline, scatter. These objects represent Pass, Fail, Available SNR (expected), Detectability (Available SNR), Max Range, Radar SNR (expected), Radar SNR (simulated), Max Unambiguous Range. Axes object 2 with title SNR Error, xlabel Target Range (km), ylabel SNR (dB) contains a line object which displays its values using only markers. Axes object 3 with title Scenario Geometry, xlabel X (km), ylabel Z (km) contains 4 objects of type scatter, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent False Alarms, Target Detections, Target Platform Truth, Radar Platform Truth.

Test the Probability of Detection

Probability of detection is also calculated by Radar Designer and modeled by radarDataGenerator. To verify the probability of detection values, first, open the Radar Designer app again and navigate to the Pd vs Range panel in the toolstrip at the top. Then, pick a point on this curve and set the position of the point target to remain at that range from the radar. For this example, set the range to 191.6 km and use the Pd vs Range plot to find the corresponding probability of detection, which is approximately 80%. Next, model the probability of detection with the radarDataGenerator by taking a Monte-Carlo approach. Simulate the static target located at 191.6 km for 1000 iterations and divide the number of detections by the total number of transmissions.

rng('default') % Set the random number generator for reproducible results
target = targetClone; % Fluctuating target from the original export from the app
radarSensorModel = radarSensorClone; % Original radar configuration from the app
updateRate = .1; % (Hz)
scene = radarScenario('UpdateRate',updateRate);

% Place radar on a stationary platform
radarPos = [0,0,radar.Height]; % East-North-Up Cartesian Coordinates
radarOrientation = [0 0 0];  % (deg) Yaw, Pitch, Roll
radarPlat = platform(scene,'Position',radarPos,'Sensors',radarSensorModel,'Orientation',radarOrientation);

% Place a static target within the detectable range of the radar
targetPlat = platform(scene,'Position',191.6e3*[cosd(target.ElevationAngle) 0 sind(target.ElevationAngle)], ...
    'Signatures',{rcsSignature('Pattern',ones(2,2)*pow2db(target.RCS), ...

% Run Monte-Carlo Experiment to Test Detectability
T = 10000; % (s) Time of arrival of target at final position
simDet = zeros(ceil(T*updateRate+1),1);
while n <= numel(simDet)
    dets = detect(scene);
    if ~isempty(dets)
        simDet(n) = 1;
    n = n+1;
ans = 

Test the Measurement-Level Radar in a New Scenario

Now that the radarDataGenerator is configured, you can easily test your new design in different and more complicated scenarios. In this example, create four static targets at different locations.

% Create Theater Plot and Plotters
[scene,tp] = helperConstructScene(radarSensorModel, radar, true);

Simulate the Radar in a New Scenario

The simulation yields a detection for the three closest targets and produces a missed detection for the farthest target.

rng('default') % Set the random number generator for reproducible results
reset(radarSensorModel) % Allows you to rerun the radar

detBuffer = {};
while advance(scene)
    [dets, config] = detect(scene);

    detBuffer = [detBuffer;dets]; %#ok<AGROW>

    % Is full scan complete?
    if config.IsScanDone
        break % yes
statStaringDets = detBuffer; % Save results for final comparison
detPos = zeros(numel(detBuffer),3);
for m = 1:numel(detBuffer)
    detPos(m,:) = detBuffer{m}.Measurement(1:3).';
% Plot the detections on the theater plot
statDetPlotter = detectionPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Statistical Detection',...

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Live Radar Simulation, xlabel X (km), ylabel Y (km) contains 8 objects of type line, text, patch. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Target Ground Truth, Radar, Sensor Coverage, Statistical Detection.

Alter the Exported Radar to Create a Scanning Radar

Just like the scenario can be modified, the radar itself can easily be changed once the radar sensor is exported. This allows you to enable features that are not supported by the Radar Designer app or by the automated export process. In this example, we show how easy it is to make the radar into a scanning radar with a much more limited field of view for each scan.

rng('default') % Set the random number generator for reproducible results
release(radarSensorModel) % Allows us to modify the radar

rpm  = 6; % Revolutions per minute
scanrate = rpm*180/60;  % deg/s
updateRate = scanrate/radar.EffectiveAzRes; % Hz

radarSensorModel.ScanMode = "Electronic";
radarSensorModel.UpdateRate = updateRate;
radarSensorModel.FieldOfView = [radar.EffectiveAzRes,60]; % deg
radarSensorModel.ElectronicElevationLimits = [0 45];      % deg
radarSensorModel.ElectronicAzimuthLimits = [-90 90];      % deg

[scene,tp,FOVPlotter] = helperConstructScene(radarSensorModel, radar, true);

detBuffer = {};
% Run Simulation
while advance(scene)
    [dets, config] = detect(scene);

    detBuffer = [detBuffer;dets]; %#ok<AGROW>

    % Is full scan complete?
    if config.IsScanDone
        break % yes
statScanningDets = detBuffer; % Save results for final comparison
% Plot the detections on the theater plot
detPos = zeros(numel(detBuffer),3);
for m = 1:numel(detBuffer)
    detPos(m,:) = detBuffer{m}.Measurement(1:3).';
statDetPlotter = detectionPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Statistical Detection',...

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Live Radar Simulation, xlabel X (km), ylabel Y (km) contains 8 objects of type line, text, patch. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Target Ground Truth, Radar, Sensor Coverage, Statistical Detection.

Compare the Results of the Radar Designer and the radarDataGenerator

Here we compare the SNRs of the two radar simulators:

  1. Radar Designer App

  2. Measurement-Level Staring Radar

  3. Measurement-Level Scanning Radar

rgs = helperGetTargetRanges(scene); % (m) Ranges of targets

% Radar Designer App
radarSNRExpected = availableSNR + pow2db(radar.NumCoherentPulses) - radar.CustomLoss; % expected SNR (with processing gain) for non-fluctuating target
appSNR = interp1(target.ranges,radarSNRExpected,rgs);

% Staring Radar
statStaringSNRs = helperSortSNRs(statStaringDets);
statStaringSNRs = [statStaringSNRs; NaN];

% Scanning Radar
statScanningSNRs = helperSortSNRs(statScanningDets);
statScanningSNRs = [statScanningSNRs; NaN];

bar(["Target 1","Target 2","Target 3","Target 4\newline(Undetected)"],[appSNR statStaringSNRs statScanningSNRs]')
ylabel('SNR (dB)')
title('Comparing Target SNR For Each Simulation Type')
grid minor
legend('Predicted SNR', 'Simulated SNR (staring radar)','Simulated SNR (scanning radar)','SNR Detection Threshold')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Comparing Target SNR For Each Simulation Type, ylabel SNR (dB) contains 4 objects of type bar, constantline. These objects represent Predicted SNR, Simulated SNR (staring radar), Simulated SNR (scanning radar), SNR Detection Threshold.

% Save results for Part II results comparison 
data.results = [appSNR statStaringSNRs statScanningSNRs];
data.labels = ["Power-Level Prediction", "Measurement-Level Staring Radar","Measurement-Level Scanning Radar"];


The example demonstrates how to go from the Radar Designer app to a measurement-level model of a radar. Both the measurement-level SNR and probability of detection are consistent with the power-level predictions from the Radar Designer app. You saw just how easy it is to change both the radar sensor and the radar scenario by modifying the generated script or by running entirely new code after the workspace has been set.

Helper Functions

% Define targets in the scenario (same as in Part II of this example series)
function [tgt1, tgt2, tgt3, tgt4] = helperCreateTargets(scene)
    tgt1 = platform(scene, ...
        'ClassID',1, ... % set to 1 for targets
        'Position',[30e3 20e3 5e3], ...
        'Signatures',{rcsSignature(Pattern=5)}); % (dBsm)
    tgt2 = platform(scene, ...
        'ClassID',1, ...
        'Position',[95e3 -50e3 10e3], ...
        'Signatures',{rcsSignature(Pattern=5)}); % (dBsm)
    tgt3 = platform(scene, ...
        'ClassID',1, ...
        'Position',[125e3 30e3 12e3], ...
        'Signatures',{rcsSignature(Pattern=5)}); % (dBsm)
    tgt4 = platform(scene, ...
        'ClassID',1, ...
        'Position',[250e3 250e3 5e3], ...
        'Signatures',{rcsSignature(Pattern=5)}); % (dBsm)

% Construct radar scenario and dynamic plot
function [scene, tp, FOVPlotter] = helperConstructScene(radarSensorModel, radar, plotFlag)    
    scene = radarScenario('UpdateRate',0); % UpdateRate of 0 updates when new measurement is available
    % Define Targets
    [tgt1, tgt2, tgt3, tgt4] = helperCreateTargets(scene);
    % Define Radar Platform
    radarPos = [0,0,radar.Height]; % East-North-Up Cartesian Coordinates
    radarOrientation = [0 0 0];  % (deg) Yaw, Pitch, Roll
    % ClassID of the radar is 2 while the targets are set to 1
    radarPlat = platform(scene,'ClassID',2,'Position',radarPos,'Sensors',radarSensorModel,'Orientation',radarOrientation);
    tp = false;
    if plotFlag
        tp = theaterPlot('XLimits',[0 500e3],'YLimits',[-500e3 500e3],'ZLimits',[0,50e3],...
        title('Live Radar Simulation')
        view(157,41);grid on;
        % Plot Target Ground Truths
        gtplot = platformPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Target Ground Truth',...
        % Plot Radar
        radarplot = platformPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Radar',...
        plotPlatform(radarplot, radarPlat.Position,...
        % Plot Radar Field of View / Coverage
        FOVPlotter = coveragePlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Sensor Coverage');

% Find the target platforms' ranges relative to radar
function rgs = helperGetTargetRanges(scene)
    plats = scene.Platforms;
    radarPlatIdx = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) x.ClassID==2,plats,'UniformOutput',false));

    targetPosesVector = targetPoses(plats{radarPlatIdx}); % Relative to radar platform
    rgs = zeros(numel(plats)-1,1);

    for ii = 1:numel(targetPosesVector)
        rgs(ii) = norm(targetPosesVector(ii).Position);

% Sort SNRs according to target indexes
function SNRVector = helperSortSNRs(dets)
    targetIdx = cellfun(@(x) x.ObjectAttributes{1,1}.TargetIndex, dets, 'UniformOutput', 1);
    [~,sortIdx] = sort(targetIdx,'ascend');
    SNRVector = cellfun(@(x) x.ObjectAttributes{1,1}.SNR, dets, 'UniformOutput', 1);
    SNRVector = SNRVector(sortIdx);

See Also

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