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Create matching network for 1-port network and generate circuit object


Use the matchingnetwork object to create a matching network circuit for a 1-port network which match the impedance of given source to the impedance of given load at a specified center frequency. The matchingnetwork object stores the generated network as a circuit object in the Circuit property. The function exportCircuits could be also used to export the selected circuit(s) generated.

You can use Matching Network Designer app to design, visualize, and compare matching networks for one-port load. For more information, see Matching Network Designer.



matchnet = matchingnetwork creates a matching network object with default property values.


matchnet = matchingnetwork(Name,Value) sets properties using one or more name-value pairs. For example, matchnet = matchingnetwork('SourceImpedance','60') creates a matching network with a source impedance of 60 ohms.



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Source impedance as seen at the terminals looking from the network into the source, specified as one of the following:

  • Constant complex scalar in ohms

  • sparameters object

  • yparameters object

  • zparameters object

  • File name of a Touchstone file

  • One-port circuit object

  • Antenna Toolbox™ antenna object

  • Function handle to a function that computes an impedance list from a frequency list

Example: 'SourceImpedance',60

Example: matchnet.SourceImpedance = 60

Example: 'SourceImpedance','default.s1p'

Data Types: double | char | string | function_handle

Load impedance as seen at the terminals looking from the matching network into the load, specified as one of the following:

  • Constant complex scalar in ohms

  • sparameters object

  • yparameters object

  • zparameters object

  • File name of a Touchstone file

  • One-port circuit object

  • Antenna Toolbox antenna object

  • Function handle to a function that computes an impedance list from a frequency list

Example: 'LoadImpedance',60

Example: matchnet.LoadImpedance = 60

Data Types: double | char | string | function_handle

Frequency to calculate the impedance match between the source and the load, specified as a real positive scalar in hertz

Example: 'CenterFrequency',1e9

Example: matchnet.CenterFrequency = 1e9

Data Types: double

Desired bandwidth (transducer gain >= minus 3 dB over this bandwidth centered on CenterFrequency), specified as a real positive scalar in hertz.

Example: 'BandWidth',100e6

Example: matchnet.BandWidth = 100e6

Data Types: double

Desired loaded quality factor, specified as a real positive scalar. Setting LoadedQ updates the bandwidth. If you specify CenterFrequency, LoadedQ is recalculated from CenterFrequency and BandWidth.

Example: 'LoadedQ',2

Example: matchnet.LoadedQ = 2

Data Types: double


The addition of a third element introduces an added degree of freedom allowing you to control the LoadedQ property. Hence, the Bandwidth and the LoadedQ are hidden when there are two components. For more information please see, [1].

Number of components or type of topology for the matching network design, specified as 2 or 3 for the number of components and 'Pi', 'Tee', or, 'L' for the type of topology.

Example: 'Components','Pi'

Example: matchnet.Components = 'Pi'

Data Types: double | char | string

An array of circuit objects containing possible matching network designs for the given set of parameters.


This is a read-only property.

Object Functions

addEvaluationParameterAdds performance goal for sort, pass, or fail matching network design
circuitDescriptionsTables describing each created matching network's topology and performance
getEvaluationParametersTable of evaluation parameters currently used to rank and pass or fail matching network designs
clearEvaluationParameterDelete one or more performance goals
exportCircuitsSelect and export generated matching networks as circuit objects from an existing matching network object
rfplotPlot input reflection coefficient and transducer gain of matching network
smithplotPlot impedance transformation for selected matching network on Smith Chart
sparametersCalculate S-parameters for RF data, network, circuit, and matching network objects


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Create a default matching network using the object, matchingnetwork.

matchnet = matchingnetwork
matchnet = 
  matchingnetwork with properties:

       SourceImpedance: 50 Ohms
         LoadImpedance: 50 Ohms
       CenterFrequency: 1 GHz
            Components: 2
               Circuit: [1x2 circuit]

Create a matching network with source impedance, 100 ohms, load impedance, 75 ohms, center frequency, 2 GHz, desired loaded quality factor, 5, and the number of components, 3.

mnobj = matchingnetwork('SourceImpedance',100,'LoadImpedance',...
mnobj = 
  matchingnetwork with properties:

       SourceImpedance: 100 Ohms
         LoadImpedance: 75 Ohms
       CenterFrequency: 2 GHz
             Bandwidth: 400 MHz
            Components: 3
               LoadedQ: 5
               Circuit: [1x8 circuit]

Display the list of matching network circuits generated and their corresponding performance

[circuit_list, performance] = circuitDescriptions(mnobj)
circuit_list=8×7 table
                 circuitName    component1Type    component1Value    component2Type    component2Value    component3Type    component3Value
                 ___________    ______________    _______________    ______________    _______________    ______________    _______________

    Circuit 1     "auto_2"        "Shunt C"         3.9789e-12         "Series L"        2.1389e-10         "Shunt L"         1.3876e-09   
    Circuit 2     "auto_7"        "Series C"        1.8501e-13         "Shunt C"         2.8519e-14         "Series L"        2.9842e-08   
    Circuit 3     "auto_3"        "Shunt L"         1.5915e-09         "Series C"        2.9607e-11         "Shunt C"         4.5637e-12   
    Circuit 4     "auto_6"        "Series L"        3.4228e-08         "Shunt L"         2.2205e-07         "Series C"        2.1221e-13   
    Circuit 5     "auto_1"        "Shunt C"         3.9789e-12         "Series L"        2.8468e-09         "Shunt C"         4.5637e-12   
    Circuit 6     "auto_5"        "Series L"        3.4228e-08         "Shunt C"         3.7957e-13         "Series L"        2.9842e-08   
    Circuit 7     "auto_4"        "Shunt L"         1.5915e-09         "Series C"        2.2245e-12         "Shunt L"         1.3876e-09   
    Circuit 8     "auto_8"        "Series C"        1.8501e-13         "Shunt L"         1.6684e-08         "Series C"        2.1221e-13   

performance=8×4 table
                 circuitName    evaluationPassed    testsFailed     performanceScore
                 ___________    ________________    ____________    ________________

    Circuit 1     "auto_2"         {["Yes"]}        {0×0 double}      {[ 1.9447]}   
    Circuit 2     "auto_7"         {["Yes"]}        {0×0 double}      {[ 1.9447]}   
    Circuit 3     "auto_3"         {["Yes"]}        {0×0 double}      {[ 1.9443]}   
    Circuit 4     "auto_6"         {["Yes"]}        {0×0 double}      {[ 1.9443]}   
    Circuit 5     "auto_1"         {["No" ]}        {[       1]}      {[-0.1254]}   
    Circuit 6     "auto_5"         {["No" ]}        {[       1]}      {[-0.1254]}   
    Circuit 7     "auto_4"         {["No" ]}        {[       1]}      {[-0.6947]}   
    Circuit 8     "auto_8"         {["No" ]}        {[       1]}      {[-0.6947]}   

Plot the frequency response of the best circuit (Circuit #1) between 0.5 GHz and 2.5 GHz.

frequencies     = linspace(0.5e9,2.4e9);
CircuitIndex    = 1; % Best circuit is sorted to the top

Plot impedance transformation for the best matching network generated (Circuit#1). For more information, see smithplot.


To export a selected matching network circuit, for example, Circuit #5:

CircuitIndex    = 5;
mn_circuit      = mnobj.Circuit(CircuitIndex)
mn_circuit = 
  circuit: Circuit element

    ElementNames: {'C'  'L'  'C_1'}
        Elements: [1×3 rf.internal.circuit.RLC]
           Nodes: [1 2 3]
            Name: 'unnamed'
        NumPorts: 2
       Terminals: {'p1+'  'p2+'  'p1-'  'p2-'}

Alternatively, use exportCircuits(m,CircuitIndex).

Show the default evaluation parameters used by the matching network.

ep = getEvaluationParameters(mnobj)
ep=1×6 table
    Parameter    Comparison     Goal         Band        Weight       Source    
    _________    __________    ______    ____________    ______    _____________

     {'Gt'}        {'>'}       {[-3]}    {1×2 double}    {[1]}     {'Automatic'}

Add a new evaluation parameter and plot the frequency response of Circuit #1.

mnobj = mnobj.addEvaluationParameter('gammain','>',-2,[0.5e9 1.5e9],1)
mnobj = 
  matchingnetwork with properties:

       SourceImpedance: 100 Ohms
         LoadImpedance: 75 Ohms
       CenterFrequency: 2 GHz
             Bandwidth: 400 MHz
            Components: 3
               LoadedQ: 5
               Circuit: [1x8 circuit]

Create a dipole antenna and create the S-parameters of the antenna. This example requires Antenna Toolbox.

d       = dipole('Length', 0.103, 'Width',0.0022);
freq    = linspace(0.5e9,2.5e9,1001);
sd      = sparameters(d, freq);

Alternatively, load S-Parameters from the MAT file

% load('sparams_dipole.mat')

Create a matching network from the S-parameters.

n = matchingnetwork('LoadImpedance',sd,'Components',3,...

Get the evaluation parameters of the network.

t = getEvaluationParameters(n)
t=1×6 table
    Parameter    Comparison     Goal               Band               Weight       Source    
    _________    __________    ______    _________________________    ______    _____________

     {'Gt'}        {'>'}       {[-3]}    {[1.8571e+09 2.1429e+09]}    {[1]}     {'Automatic'}

Plot the reflection coefficient and transducer gain of the matching network circuit 1 , at a frequency range of 1 GHz to 2.5 GHz.

rfplot(n, (1e9:0.001e9:2.5e9),1);

Figure Circuit 1 contains an axes object. The axes object with title Performance for Circuit 1 ('auto_2') (Passed), xlabel Frequency (GHz), ylabel Magnitude (dB) contains 3 objects of type line, rectangle. These objects represent Circuit 1: |gammain|, dB, Circuit 1: |Gt|, dB.

Add a new evaluation parameter to compare the transducer gain to have a cut-off of less than -10 dB. Use a frequency range of 0.5 GHz to 1.5 GHz. Plot the comparisons.

n = addEvaluationParameter(n, 'Gt', '<', -10, [0.5e9 1.5e9], 1);
t = getEvaluationParameters(n)
t=2×6 table
    Parameter    Comparison     Goal                Band               Weight          Source      
    _________    __________    _______    _________________________    ______    __________________

     {'Gt'}        {'>'}       {[ -3]}    {[1.8571e+09 2.1429e+09]}    {[1]}     {'Automatic'     }
     {'Gt'}        {'<'}       {[-10]}    {[ 500000000 1.5000e+09]}    {[1]}     {'User-specified'}

rfplot(n, (1e9:0.001e9:2.5e9),1);

Figure Circuit 1 contains an axes object. The axes object with title Performance for Circuit 1 ('auto_8') (Passed), xlabel Frequency (GHz), ylabel Magnitude (dB) contains 4 objects of type line, rectangle. These objects represent Circuit 1: |gammain|, dB, Circuit 1: |Gt|, dB.

Clear evaluation parameters.

n = clearEvaluationParameter(n,1);
t = getEvaluationParameters(n)
t=1×6 table
    Parameter    Comparison     Goal                Band              Weight          Source      
    _________    __________    _______    ________________________    ______    __________________

     {'Gt'}        {'<'}       {[-10]}    {[500000000 1.5000e+09]}    {[1]}     {'User-specified'}

This example shows how to calculate the S-Parameters for a newly created matching network for the auto-generated circuit #2 with a reference impedance of 100 Ohm.

n       = matchingnetwork('LoadImpedance',100,'Components',3);
freq    = linspace(n.CenterFrequency-n.Bandwidth/2,n.CenterFrequency+n.Bandwidth/2);
RefZ0   = 100;
ckt_no  = 2;
s       = sparameters(n,freq,RefZ0,ckt_no)
s = 
  sparameters with properties:

      Impedance: 100
       NumPorts: 2
     Parameters: [2x2x100 double]
    Frequencies: [100x1 double]


[1] Ludwig, Reinhold, and Gene Bogdanov. RF Circuit Design: Theory and Applications. Prentice-Hall, 2009.

[2] Bowick, Chris, et al. RF Circuit Design. 2nd ed, 2008.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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