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Hide RF Blockset model window created using rfsystem

Since R2021a


    hide_system(rfs) hides the RF Blockset™ model window created using rfsystem System object™ rfs.



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    Create a fifth-order bandpass RF filter and an amplifier with the gain of 3 dB.

    f1 = rffilter('ResponseType','Bandpass','FilterOrder',5,'PassbandFrequency',[4.85 5.15]*1e9);
    a1 = amplifier('Gain',3,'NF',1.53,'OIP3',35);

    Create an rfbudget object using the elements at an input frequency of 5 GHz, an available input power of -30 dBm, and a bandwidth of 200 MHz.

    rfb = rfbudget([f1 a1],5e9,-30,200e6);

    Create an RF system using the rfbudget object.

    rfs = rfsystem(rfb,'ModelName','myRFmodel');

    Release system resources and turn off fast restart.


    Open an RF Blockset model of the designed RF system using the open_system object function.


    Hide the RF Blockset model.


    Input Arguments

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    RF system, specified as an rfsystem object

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021a

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