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Create electrical-length-based transmission line

Since R2021b


    Use the txlineElectricalLength object to create an electrical-length-based transmission line. The txlineElectricalLength object is used in the Richards-Kuroda workflow.



    eltxline = txlineElectricalLength creates a default electrical-length-based transmission line object.

    eltxline = txlineElectricalLength(Name=Value) sets Properties of the electrical-length-based transmission line using one or more name-value arguments. For example, txlineElectricalLength(Z0=75) creates an electrical-length-based transmission line with an impedance of 75 ohms.



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    Name of the electrical-length-based transmission line, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

    Example: Name='ELbased'

    Characteristic impedance of the electrical-length-based transmission line, specified as a positive scalar in ohms.

    Example: Z0=75

    Electrical length of the electrical-length-based transmission line, specified as a positive scalar in radians.

    Example: LinneLength=pi/4

    Reference frequency at which electrical-length-based transmission line exhibits its electrical length, specified as a positive scalar in radians.

    Example: ReferenceFrequency=2e9

    Stub termination, specified as either 'NotApplicable', 'Open', or 'Short'.

    Example: Termination='Short'

    Data Types: char

    Type of stub, specified as either 'NotAStub', 'Series', or 'Shunt'.

    Example: StubMode='Series'

    Data Types: char

    This property is read-only.

    Number of input and output ports of the electrical-length-based transmission line, returned as positive scalar.

    This property is read-only.

    Terminals of the electrical-length-based transmission line, returned as a cell array.

    Object Functions

    sparametersCalculate S-parameters for RF data, network, circuit, and matching network objects
    groupdelayGroup delay of S-parameter object or RF filter object or RF Toolbox circuit object
    noisefigureCalculate noise figure of transmission lines, series RLC, and shunt RLC circuits
    realizeRealize circuit containing electrical-length-based transmission lines using microstrip transmission lines


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    Create an ideal transmission line with an electrical length of pi/8 radians at the reference frequency of 100 MHz.

     el = txlineElectricalLength(LineLength=pi/8,ReferenceFrequency=100e6);

    Calculate the noise figure at 10 MHz.

    nf = noisefigure(el,10e6)
    nf = 

    Calculate the group delay at 10 MHz.

    gd = groupdelay(el,10e6)
    gd = 

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021b

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