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Create RF connector

Since R2023b


Use the RFConnector object to create an RF connector.



connector = RFConnector creates an RF connector.


connector = RFConnector(Name=Value) sets Properties using one or more name-value arguments. For example, RFConnector(InnerRadius=0.016e-3) creates a connector with an inner radius of 16 mm. Properties not specified retain their default values.


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Name of the RF connector, specified as a character vector or a string scalar.

Example: connector = RFConnector(Name = 'Connector1')

Data Types: char | string

Inner radius of the connector in meters, specified as a positive scalar.

Example: connector = RFConnector(InnerRadius = 0.9e-3)

Data Types: double

Outer radius of the connector in meters, specified as a positive scalar.

Example: connector = RFConnector(OuterRadius = 1.9e-3)

Data Types: double

Metal flange, specified as either: antenna.Rectangle object or antenna.Circle object. The default value is antenna.Rectangle whose width and length is 1.5 times the outer diameter. Located at the feed interface edge of the PCB, the flange ensures an electrical connection between the coaxial cable shield and the ground layer of the PCB. The flange will be perpendicular to the conducting layers of the PCB.

Example: connector=RFConnector(Flange=antenna.Circle)

Relative permittivity of the waveguide region, specified as a scalar.

Example: connector = RFConnector(EpsilonR = 1.534106)

Data Types: double

Shape of the contact footprint between the RF connector pin and the signal trace, specified as "Taper" or "Rectangular".

Example: connector = RFConnector(PinFootprint = "Rectangular")

Length of the RF connector pin in meters, specified as a positive scalar.

Example: connector = RFConnector(PinLength=4e-3)

This property is read-only.

Characteristic impedance of the RF connector in ohms, specified as a positive scalar.

Object Functions

designDesign RF connector


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Create a default RF connector.

connector = RFConnector
connector = 
  RFConnector with properties:

            Name: 'Connector'
     InnerRadius: 5.0000e-04
     OuterRadius: 0.0015
          Flange: [1x1 antenna.Rectangle]
        EpsilonR: 1.7341
    PinFootprint: 'Taper'
       PinLength: 0.0030
       Impedance: 50.0000

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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