Compare Logistic Model for Lifetime PD to Champion Model
This example shows how to compare a new Logistic
model for lifetime PD against a "champion" model.
Load Data
Load the portfolio data, which includes loan and macro information.
load RetailCreditPanelData.mat
data = join(data,dataMacro);
ID ScoreGroup YOB Default Year GDP Market __ __________ ___ _______ ____ _____ ______ 1 Low Risk 1 0 1997 2.72 7.61 1 Low Risk 2 0 1998 3.57 26.24 1 Low Risk 3 0 1999 2.86 18.1 1 Low Risk 4 0 2000 2.43 3.19 1 Low Risk 5 0 2001 1.26 -10.51 1 Low Risk 6 0 2002 -0.59 -22.95 1 Low Risk 7 0 2003 0.63 2.78 1 Low Risk 8 0 2004 1.85 9.48
nIDs = max(data.ID); uniqueIDs = unique(data.ID); rng('default'); % for reproducibility c = cvpartition(nIDs,'HoldOut',0.4); TrainIDInd = training(c); TestIDInd = test(c); TrainDataInd = ismember(data.ID,uniqueIDs(TrainIDInd)); TestDataInd = ismember(data.ID,uniqueIDs(TestIDInd));
Fit Logistic Model
For this example, fit a new Logistic
model using only score group information but no age information. First, you can validate this model in a standalone fashion. For more information, see Basic Lifetime PD Model Validation.
Age information is important in this data set. The new model does not perform as well as the champion model (which includes age, score group, and macro vars).
Fit a new Logistic
model using fitLifetimePDModel
ModelType = "logistic"; pdModel = fitLifetimePDModel(data(TrainDataInd,:),ModelType,... 'ModelID','LogisticNoAge',... 'IDVar','ID',... 'LoanVars','ScoreGroup',... 'MacroVars',{'GDP','Market'},... 'ResponseVar','Default'); disp(pdModel)
Logistic with properties: ModelID: "LogisticNoAge" Description: "" UnderlyingModel: [1x1 classreg.regr.CompactGeneralizedLinearModel] IDVar: "ID" AgeVar: "" LoanVars: "ScoreGroup" MacroVars: ["GDP" "Market"] ResponseVar: "Default" WeightsVar: "" TimeInterval: []
Compare Performance of the Logistic Model to Champion Model
To compare the new Logistic
model to a champion model, you need access to the predictions of the champion model. The champion model might even have different predictors, so the mapping between the data being used and the exact inputs of the champion model might require an intermediate preprocessing step. This example assumes that you have a black-box tool to get the predictions from the champion model.
Compare the model performance for both models using modelDiscrimination
DataSetChoice ="Testing"; if DataSetChoice=="Training" Ind = TrainDataInd; else Ind = TestDataInd; end ChampionPD = getChampionModelPDs(data(Ind,:)); [DiscMeasure,DiscData] = modelDiscrimination(pdModel,data(Ind,:),'ShowDetails',true,'DataID',DataSetChoice,... 'ReferencePD',ChampionPD,'ReferenceID',"Champion"); disp(DiscMeasure)
AUROC Segment SegmentCount WeightedCount _______ __________ ____________ _____________ LogisticNoAge, Testing 0.66503 "all_data" 2.5863e+05 2.5863e+05 Champion, Testing 0.70018 "all_data" 2.5863e+05 2.5863e+05
ModelID X Y T _______________ ________ ________ ________ "LogisticNoAge" 0 0 0.02287 "LogisticNoAge" 0.04673 0.090978 0.02287 "LogisticNoAge" 0.064656 0.14922 0.022711 "LogisticNoAge" 0.10982 0.22764 0.020553 "LogisticNoAge" 0.14421 0.311 0.018483 "LogisticNoAge" 0.19237 0.41454 0.01722 "LogisticNoAge" 0.23558 0.43738 0.014125 "LogisticNoAge" 0.27979 0.52037 0.012812
ModelID X Y T __________ _______ _______ __________ "Champion" 0.88743 0.98021 0.0032242 "Champion" 0.90293 0.98477 0.0025583 "Champion" 0.91884 0.98896 0.0023801 "Champion" 0.93303 0.99239 0.0018756 "Champion" 0.94995 0.99391 0.0017711 "Champion" 0.96705 0.99695 0.0016436 "Champion" 0.98295 0.99886 0.0012847 "Champion" 1 1 0.00086887
Use modelDiscriminationPlot
to plot the ROC.
modelDiscriminationPlot(pdModel,data(Ind,:),'DataID',DataSetChoice,... 'ReferencePD',ChampionPD,'ReferenceID',"Champion");
[DiscMeasure,DiscData] = modelDiscrimination(pdModel,data(Ind,:),'ShowDetails',true,'SegmentBy','YOB','DataID',DataSetChoice,... 'ReferencePD',ChampionPD,'ReferenceID',"Champion"); disp(DiscMeasure)
AUROC Segment SegmentCount WeightedCount _______ _______ ____________ _____________ LogisticNoAge, YOB=1, Testing 0.64879 1 38728 38728 Champion, YOB=1, Testing 0.64972 1 38728 38728 LogisticNoAge, YOB=2, Testing 0.65699 2 37812 37812 Champion, YOB=2, Testing 0.66496 2 37812 37812 LogisticNoAge, YOB=3, Testing 0.63508 3 36973 36973 Champion, YOB=3, Testing 0.64774 3 36973 36973 LogisticNoAge, YOB=4, Testing 0.62656 4 36418 36418 Champion, YOB=4, Testing 0.66204 4 36418 36418 LogisticNoAge, YOB=5, Testing 0.6205 5 35818 35818 Champion, YOB=5, Testing 0.65439 5 35818 35818 LogisticNoAge, YOB=6, Testing 0.61739 6 35384 35384 Champion, YOB=6, Testing 0.63156 6 35384 35384 LogisticNoAge, YOB=7, Testing 0.64016 7 24730 24730 Champion, YOB=7, Testing 0.63117 7 24730 24730 LogisticNoAge, YOB=8, Testing 0.63339 8 12764 12764 Champion, YOB=8, Testing 0.63339 8 12764 12764
ModelID YOB X Y T _______________ ___ _______ _______ _________ "LogisticNoAge" 1 0 0 0.022711 "LogisticNoAge" 1 0.12062 0.22401 0.022711 "LogisticNoAge" 1 0.23459 0.41435 0.018483 "LogisticNoAge" 1 0.33329 0.59151 0.01722 "LogisticNoAge" 1 0.45578 0.69107 0.01151 "LogisticNoAge" 1 0.5683 0.77452 0.009347 "LogisticNoAge" 1 0.67031 0.84919 0.0087028 "LogisticNoAge" 1 0.78943 0.9063 0.0064814
ModelID YOB X Y T _______________ ___ _______ ______ __________ "LogisticNoAge" 8 0 0 0.014125 "LogisticNoAge" 8 0.31762 0.5625 0.014125 "LogisticNoAge" 8 0.65751 0.8125 0.0071273 "LogisticNoAge" 8 1 1 0.0040058 "Champion" 8 0 0 0.0040291 "Champion" 8 0.31762 0.5625 0.0040291 "Champion" 8 0.65751 0.8125 0.0017711 "Champion" 8 1 1 0.00086887
Compare Calibration Against Champion Model
Compare the calibration of the two models with modelCalibration
GroupingVar ="YOB"; [CalMeasure,CalData] = modelCalibration(pdModel,data(Ind,:),GroupingVar,'DataID',DataSetChoice,... 'ReferencePD',ChampionPD,'ReferenceID',"Champion"); disp(CalMeasure)
RMSE __________ LogisticNoAge, grouped by YOB, Testing 0.0031021 Champion, grouped by YOB, Testing 0.00046476
ModelID YOB PD GroupCount WeightedCount __________ ___ _________ __________ _____________ "Observed" 1 0.017636 38728 38728 "Observed" 2 0.013303 37812 37812 "Observed" 3 0.010846 36973 36973 "Observed" 4 0.010709 36418 36418 "Observed" 5 0.0093528 35818 35818 "Observed" 6 0.0060197 35384 35384 "Observed" 7 0.0034776 24730 24730 "Observed" 8 0.0012535 12764 12764
ModelID YOB PD GroupCount WeightedCount __________ ___ _________ __________ _____________ "Champion" 1 0.017244 38728 38728 "Champion" 2 0.012999 37812 37812 "Champion" 3 0.011428 36973 36973 "Champion" 4 0.010693 36418 36418 "Champion" 5 0.0085574 35818 35818 "Champion" 6 0.005937 35384 35384 "Champion" 7 0.0035193 24730 24730 "Champion" 8 0.0021802 12764 12764
Use modelCalibrationPlot
to visualize the model calibration.
modelCalibrationPlot(pdModel,data(Ind,:),GroupingVar,'DataID',DataSetChoice,... 'ReferencePD',ChampionPD,'ReferenceID',"Champion");
[CalMeasure,CalData] = modelCalibration(pdModel,data(Ind,:),["YOB","ScoreGroup"],'DataID',DataSetChoice,... 'ReferencePD',ChampionPD,'ReferenceID',"Champion"); disp(CalMeasure)
RMSE _________ LogisticNoAge, grouped by YOB, ScoreGroup, Testing 0.0036974 Champion, grouped by YOB, ScoreGroup, Testing 0.0010716
ModelID YOB ScoreGroup PD GroupCount WeightedCount __________ ___ ___________ _________ __________ _____________ "Observed" 1 High Risk 0.030877 13084 13084 "Observed" 1 Medium Risk 0.013541 12998 12998 "Observed" 1 Low Risk 0.0081449 12646 12646 "Observed" 2 High Risk 0.022838 12567 12567 "Observed" 2 Medium Risk 0.012376 12767 12767 "Observed" 2 Low Risk 0.0046482 12478 12478 "Observed" 3 High Risk 0.017651 12067 12067 "Observed" 3 Medium Risk 0.0092652 12520 12520
ans=24×7 table
YOB ScoreGroup GroupCount WeightedCount Champion LogisticNoAge Observed
___ ___________ __________ _____________ _________ _____________ _________
1 High Risk 13084 13084 0.028165 0.019641 0.030877
1 Medium Risk 12998 12998 0.014833 0.0099388 0.013541
1 Low Risk 12646 12646 0.008422 0.0055911 0.0081449
2 High Risk 12567 12567 0.02167 0.019337 0.022838
2 Medium Risk 12767 12767 0.011123 0.0098141 0.012376
2 Low Risk 12478 12478 0.0061856 0.0055194 0.0046482
3 High Risk 12067 12067 0.019285 0.020139 0.017651
3 Medium Risk 12520 12520 0.0098085 0.010179 0.0092652
3 Low Risk 12386 12386 0.0054096 0.0057356 0.005813
4 High Risk 11798 11798 0.018136 0.019175 0.018562
4 Medium Risk 12325 12325 0.0091921 0.0096563 0.0094929
4 Low Risk 12295 12295 0.0050562 0.0054292 0.004392
5 High Risk 11481 11481 0.014818 0.014806 0.016288
5 Medium Risk 12120 12120 0.0072853 0.007454 0.0080033
5 Low Risk 12217 12217 0.0039358 0.0041822 0.0041745
6 High Risk 11250 11250 0.01049 0.012153 0.0096889
Compare Two Models Under Development
You can also compare two new models under development.
pdModelTTC = fitLifetimePDModel(data(TrainDataInd,:),"probit",... 'ModelID','ProbitTTC',... 'AgeVar','YOB',... 'IDVar','ID',... 'LoanVars','ScoreGroup',... 'ResponseVar','Default',... 'Description',"TTC model, no macro variables, probit."); disp(pdModelTTC)
Probit with properties: ModelID: "ProbitTTC" Description: "TTC model, no macro variables, probit." UnderlyingModel: [1x1 classreg.regr.CompactGeneralizedLinearModel] IDVar: "ID" AgeVar: "YOB" LoanVars: "ScoreGroup" MacroVars: "" ResponseVar: "Default" WeightsVar: "" TimeInterval: 1
ans = Compact generalized linear regression model: probit(Default) ~ 1 + ScoreGroup + YOB Distribution = Binomial Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue _________ _________ _______ ___________ (Intercept) -1.8275 0.013636 -134.02 0 ScoreGroup_Medium Risk -0.26441 0.014158 -18.676 7.7165e-78 ScoreGroup_Low Risk -0.46734 0.016327 -28.624 3.371e-180 YOB -0.081761 0.0031333 -26.094 4.2244e-150 388097 observations, 388093 error degrees of freedom Dispersion: 1 Chi^2-statistic vs. constant model: 1.7e+03, p-value = 0
Compare the calibrations.
[CalMeasureTTC,CalDataTTC] = modelCalibration(pdModelTTC,data(Ind,:),["YOB","ScoreGroup"],'DataID',DataSetChoice,... 'ReferencePD',predict(pdModel,data(Ind,:)),'ReferenceID',pdModel.ModelID); disp(CalMeasureTTC)
RMSE _________ ProbitTTC, grouped by YOB, ScoreGroup, Testing 0.0016726 LogisticNoAge, grouped by YOB, ScoreGroup, Testing 0.0036974
ans=24×7 table
YOB ScoreGroup GroupCount WeightedCount LogisticNoAge Observed ProbitTTC
___ ___________ __________ _____________ _____________ _________ _________
1 High Risk 13084 13084 0.019641 0.030877 0.028114
1 Medium Risk 12998 12998 0.0099388 0.013541 0.014865
1 Low Risk 12646 12646 0.0055911 0.0081449 0.0087364
2 High Risk 12567 12567 0.019337 0.022838 0.023239
2 Medium Risk 12767 12767 0.0098141 0.012376 0.012053
2 Low Risk 12478 12478 0.0055194 0.0046482 0.0069786
3 High Risk 12067 12067 0.020139 0.017651 0.019096
3 Medium Risk 12520 12520 0.010179 0.0092652 0.0097145
3 Low Risk 12386 12386 0.0057356 0.005813 0.0055406
4 High Risk 11798 11798 0.019175 0.018562 0.015599
4 Medium Risk 12325 12325 0.0096563 0.0094929 0.0077825
4 Low Risk 12295 12295 0.0054292 0.004392 0.0043722
5 High Risk 11481 11481 0.014806 0.016288 0.012666
5 Medium Risk 12120 12120 0.007454 0.0080033 0.0061971
5 Low Risk 12217 12217 0.0041822 0.0041745 0.0034292
6 High Risk 11250 11250 0.012153 0.0096889 0.010223
Black-Box Champion Prediction Function
function PD = getChampionModelPDs(data) m = load('LifetimeChampionModel.mat'); PD = predict(m.pdModel,data); end
See Also
| predict
| predictLifetime
| modelDiscrimination
| modelCalibration
| modelCalibrationPlot
| Logistic
| Probit
| Cox