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Scope Snapshot

Insert images of scopes and XY graphs


This component inserts images of scopes and XY graphs. Examples of blocks for which this component inserts snapshots include:

  • Scope (and Floating Scope) blocks and the XY Graph block (Simulink®)

  • Spectrum Analyzer and Time Scope blocks (DSP System Toolbox™)

  • Video Viewer (Computer Vision Toolbox™)

  • Blocks in the Simulink Control Design™ Linear Analysis Plots library (for example, the Bode Plot block)

If the model has not been simulated, scopes are empty. For more information, see the Model Simulation component reference page.

The parent component of the Scope Snapshot determines its behavior.

  • Model Loop or no Simulink looping component: Includes all XY graphs and scopes in the current model.

  • System Loop: Includes all XY graphs and scopes in the current system.

  • Block Loop: Includes the current block when it is an XY graph or scope.

  • Signal Loop: Includes all XY graphs and scopes connected to the current signal.

    If the Scope Snapshot does not have any of the Simulink looping components as its parent, it includes all XY graphs and scopes in all open models.

Scope Options

  • Report on closed scopes: Takes a snapshot of all scopes in context. This option forces closed scopes to open when the report is generating.

  • Autoscale time axis: Scales the Simulink scope time axis to include the entire log.

Print Options

  • Image file format: Specifies the image file format (for example, JPEG, TIFF, etc.). The default option Automatic HG Format automatically chooses the format best suited for the specified report output format. Otherwise, choose an image format that your output viewer can read. Other options include:

    • Automatic HG Format (uses the Simulink file format selected in the Preferences dialog box)

    • Black and white encapsulated PostScript

    • Black and white encapsulated PostScript (TIFF)

    • Black and white encapsulated PostScript2

    • Black and white encapsulated PostScript2 (TIFF)

    • Black and white PostScript

    • Black and white PostScript2

    • Color encapsulated PostScript

    • Color encapsulated PostScript (TIFF)

    • Color encapsulated PostScript2

    • Color encapsulated PostScript2 (TIFF)

    • Color PostScript

    • Color PostScript2

    • JPEG high quality image

    • JPEG medium quality image

    • JPEG low quality image

    • PNG 24-bit image

    • TIFF - compressed

    • TIFF - uncompressed

    • Windows metafile

  • Paper orientation:

    • Landscape

    • Portrait

    • Rotated

    • Use figure orientation: Uses the orientation for the figure, which you set with the orient command.

    • Full page image (PDF only): In PDF reports, scales images to fit the full page, minimizes page margins, and maximizes the size of the image by using either a portrait or landscape orientation.

    For more information about paper orientation, see the orient command in the MATLAB® documentation.

  • Image size: Specifies the size of the Handle Graphics® figure snapshot in the form [w h] (width, height). In the units text box, select one of the following options:

    • Inches

    • Centimeters

    • Points

    • Normalized

  • Invert hardcopy: Inverts colors for printing, that is changes dark colors to light colors and light colors to dark colors, by setting the InvertHardcopy property. To change the colors in your image, choose one of the following options:

    • Automatic: Automatically changes a dark axes colors to light axes colors. If the axes color is a light color, this option does not invert the color.

    • Invert: Changes dark axes colors to light axes colors, and light axes colors to dark axes colors.

    • Don't invert: Does not change the colors in the image that appears on the screen for printing.

    • Use figure's InvertHardcopy setting: Uses the InvertHardcopy property set in the image.

    • Make figure background transparent: Makes the image background transparent.

Display Options

  • Scaling: Controls size of the image, as displayed in a browser. Making an image larger using this option does not affect the storage size of the image, but the quality of the displayed image may decrease as you increase or decrease the size of the displayed image.

    Generally, to achieve the best and most predictable display results, use the default setting of Use image size.

    • Use image size: Causes the image to appear the same size in the report as on screen (default).

    • Fixed size: Specifies the number and type of units.

    • Zoom: Specifies the percentage, maximum size, and units of measure.

  • Size: Specifies the size of the image in the format [width height]. This field is active only if you choose Fixed size in the Scaling list.

  • Max size: Specifies the maximum size of the image in the format [width height]. This field is active only if you choose Zoom from the Scaling selection list.

  • Units: Specifies the units for the size of the image. This field is active only if you choose Zoom or Fixed size in the Image size selection list.

  • Alignment: Only reports in PDF or RTF format support this property.

    • Auto

    • Right

    • Left

    • Center

  • Title: Specifies a title for the snapshot figure.

    • Block name: Uses the block name as the title.

    • Full Simulink path name: Uses the Simulink path as the title.

    • Custom: Specifies a custom title.

  • Caption: Select or enter a short text description for the snapshot figure.

    • No caption

    • Automatic (use block description). Uses the Simulink block description as the caption.

    • Custom. Specifies a short text description for the snapshot figure.

Insert Anything into Report?

Yes. Image.



Version History

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