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Loop unrolling threshold

Specify minimum array size width for generating for loops

Model Configuration Pane: Code Generation / Optimization


The Loop unrolling threshold specifies the minimum array size width for which a for loop is generated.


If you want to use this parameter for specifying the minimum array size width for parallel for-loops, Embedded Coder® is required.


5 (default)

Specify the array size at which the code generator begins to use a for loop instead of separate assignment statements to assign values.

When there are perfectly nested loops, the code generator uses a for loop if the product of the loop counts for loops in the perfect loop nest is greater than or equal to the threshold.

Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo impact
TraceabilityNo impact
Safety precautionNo impact

Programmatic Use

Parameter: RollThreshold
Type: character vector
Value: valid value
Default: '5'

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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